Ivory Coast - Acknowledgments
Ivory Coast
The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of T.D. Roberts,
Donald M. Bouton, Irving Kaplan, Barbara Lent, Charles Townsend, and
Neda A. Walpole, who coauthored the first edition of Ivory Coast: A
Country Study, the predecessor of the current volume. The authors
also wish to thank Roxanne Donahey, William Kallon, Vincent Kern, Gilda
Nimer, and Benjamin Nimer, who updated the original volume with a new
section entitled "Summary of Events: January 1963-December
1972." Their collective work provided the organizational outline
for the present volume as well as substantial portions of the text. The
authors are grateful to those individuals in various public and private
agencies who contributed photographs, research materials, and invaluable
time and expertise to the production of this book.
The authors also wish to thank those who contributed directly to the
preparation of the text. Thomas Collelo and Richard F. Nyrop reviewed
all drafts and provided guidance; Martha E. Hopkins and Marilyn Majeska
managed editing and production; Mimi Cantwell, Sharon Costello, Vincent
Ercolano, Ruth Nieland, and Sharon Schultz edited the chapters; Beverly
Wolpert performed the final prepublication review; and Shirley Kessel
prepared the index. Also involved in preparing the text were editorial
assistants Barbara Edgerton and Izella Watson. Malinda B. Neale of the
Library of Congress Composing Unit prepared the camera-ready copy, under
the supervision of Peggy Pixley.
David P. Cabitto reviewed draft maps from which he, Kimberly A. Lord,
and Harriett R. Blood prepared the final maps. Additional thanks are due
also to Kimberly A. Lord for designing the artwork for the cover and the
illustrations on the title page of each chapter and, with David P.
Cabitto and Sandra K. Ferrell, preparing charts and graphs. Arvies J.
Staton provided information on military ranks, uniforms, and insignia.
Finally, the authors thank Edmond K. Desbhy of the Embassy of C�te
d'Ivoire in Washington, D.C., for providing photographs used in the text
and sharing his expertise.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Preface
Ivory Coast
This study replaces the second edition of the original Ivory
Coast: A Country Study, which was reprinted in 1973 with an added
summary of events covering the January 1963 to December 1972 period.
Like the earlier study, this edition seeks to provide a concise and
objective account of the history and dominant social, political,
economic, and military aspects of contemporary C�te d'Ivoire. Sources
of information included scholarly monographs and journals, official
reports of governments and international organizations, periodicals, and
foreign and domestic newspapers. Measurements are given in the metric
Authors have spelled place-names in accordance with usage established
by the United States Board on Geographic Names. In transliterating
personal names, they have followed standard usage in official Ivoirian
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - History
Ivory Coast
OBSERVERS OF AFRICA have often characterized C�te d'Ivoire as
different from the rest of Africa. Borrowing the metaphor of F�lix
Houphou�t-Boigny, president of C�te d'Ivoire, they have described it
as an oasis of political stability and economic prosperity--in short,
the "Ivoirian miracle." Indeed, if judged on the basis of
political stability and economic performance during its first twenty
years of independence, C�te d'Ivoire does appear unique: it has had
only one president and no coups since gaining independence, and between
1960 and 1979 the gross national product (GNP) grew by almost 8 percent
per year, compared with minimal or negative growth rates elsewhere in
Africa. However, that growth produced large--some would have said
dysfunctional--disparities in wealth and income and skewed development.
Consequently, the country was ill prepared when, in the late 1970s,
world prices for coffee and cocoa, C�te d'Ivoire's principal export
commodities, dropped, while prices for its principal imports rose.
Meanwhile, foreign borrowing to finance massive investments in
infrastructure and public enterprises (that lost money) raised C�te
d'Ivoire's foreign debt beyond its ability to meet its obligations.
Budget reductions and a structural adjustment program forced the vast
majority of the population to lower its expectations, which in turn
contributed to, among other social ills, heightened frustrations and a
sharp increase in violent crime. By the end of the 1980s, C�te d'Ivoire
was confronting the same problems of political and economic development
as other African countries and having to respond with many of the same
difficult and often inadequate solutions.
In the early precolonial period, the dense forests covering the
southern half of the area that became C�te d'Ivoire created barriers to
large-scale sociopolitical organizations. In the savanna region to the
north, dissimilar populations had neither the incentive nor the strength
to overcome ethnic differences and forge a larger state. Prior to the
eighteenth century, polities consisted of villages or clusters of
villages whose contacts with the larger world were filtered through
long-distance traders.
European--in this case French--interest in the area remained
desultory until late in the nineteenth century. Following the
Franco-Prussian War in 1871, for example, the French ministry
responsible for colonies offered to exchange C�te d'Ivoire with the
British for the Gambia, which bisected the French colony of Senegal. The
British refused, and France officially abandoned the territory. By the
late 1880s, however, the scramble for colonies gripped both France and
Britain. In the western Sudan, French military officers and freebooters
extended French domains, often without the knowledge or consent of the
home government. Unsubstantiated rumors of gold and a lucrative trade in
the hinterland of C�te d'Ivoire once again stimulated French interest
in the colony. In 1886 France again exercised direct control over the
trading posts on the Ivoirian coast, and in 1887 and 1888 Captain Louis
Binger and Maurice Treich-Lapl�ne negotiated a series of agreements
with local chiefs in the north-central and northeastern regions of C�te
d'Ivoire to bolster French claims of effective occupation. Thus, by the
end of the decade, France exercised sovereignty over most of the coastal
region of C�te d'Ivoire and claimed influence over certain regions of
the interior. In 1893 C�te d'Ivoire became a colony, and Binger served
as its first governor.
Over the next twenty years, French administrators used the military
to subdue African populations that, with few exceptions, openly resisted
French intrusions. In the 1890s, Samori Tour�, seeking to construct a
kingdom across much of the Sahel, including northern C�te d'Ivoire,
withstood French (and British) forces until he was captured in 1898. At
about the same time in eastern C�te d'Ivoire, the Agni (Anyi) and Abron
peoples first resisted the French and, after military setbacks, either
sabotaged or circumvented the colonial administration. In the early
twentieth century, the Baoul� of central C�te d'Ivoire openly defied
colonial authorities until forcibly subdued in a bloody, so-called
pacification campaign undertaken in 1906 by Governor Gabriel Angoulvant.
The French administered C�te d'Ivoire in a more direct, systematic
style than did their British counterparts, who preferred indirect rule.
French authorities routinely dismissed locally selected chiefs,
replacing them with others having no legitimate claim to authority, and
regrouped or consolidated villages in an attempt to impose a uniform
administration throughout the country. As late as 1958, Paris still
appointed governors, who administered the colony using a system of
direct, centralized rule that left little room for Ivoirian
participation. Most of the inhabitants were considered subjects of
France with no political rights and a separate system of law. Thus, all
adult males were forced to work ten days for no pay each year, often on
plantations owned by the French, as part of a tax obligation to the
state, and rural males were routinely drafted to work, again for no pay,
on public works projects like roads and the railroad.
World War II profoundly affected all of French West Africa (Afrique
Occidentale Fran�aise--AOF). The rapid surrender of France and the
institution of highly discriminatory policies under the Vichy regime
alienated the African political elite, many of whom had served France in
World War I and expected greater respect. During the immediate postwar
years, an emergent, educated African elite demanded reforms in colonial
policy. In response, France joined with its colonies in 1946 to form a
community known as the French Union and granted to African members
rights of free speech, free association, and free assembly. France also
eliminated separate legal codes and the practice of unlimited forced
Despite these concessions, wealthy Ivoirian planters were still
incensed at having to work on the plantations of French settlers, who by
law received more for their crops than they themselves did. As a result,
the Ivoirian planters formed the African Agricultural Union (Syndicat
Agricole Africain--SAA) to fight for equal rights. In 1946 the SAA gave
rise to C�te d'Ivoire's sole political party, the Democratic Party of C�te
d'Ivoire (Parti D�mocratique de C�te d'Ivoire--PDCI) under the
leadership of F�lix Houphou�t-Boigny. During the postwar years, the
party, in cooperation with a regional coalition of anticolonialist
groups, militantly challenged French policies in C�te d'Ivoire.
Confrontation led to such violence and repression that by 1951 the party
was in near ruin. To stave off a collapse, Houphou�t-Boigny abandoned
his alliance with the French Communist Party and the radical politics of
earlier years in favor of practical cooperation with French authorities.
France then granted significant political and economic concessions to
the colony, which soon became the wealthiest in French West Africa.
In 1956 the French government authorized for all of its African
colonies a series of momentous and fundamental reforms, which in effect
substituted autonomy for integration with France as the cornerstone of
French colonial policy. Two years later, under the leadership of
President Charles de Gaulle, the constitution of the French Fifth
Republic provided for the free association of autonomous republics
within the French Community, in which France was the senior partner. C�te
d'Ivoire voted in favor of the constitution, which was thought to be a
more pragmatic course than complete independence. Nevertheless,
following the lead of Senegal and Mali, C�te d'Ivoire withdrew from the
French Community and in August 1960 declared its independence. Houphou�t-Boigny
became C�te d'Ivoire's first president, an office he still held in late
The original drafters of the Ivoirian Constitution of October 1960
intended to establish a democratic government with a presidential system
incorporating the principles of the separation of powers and an
independent judiciary. Within a short time, however, governance became
highly authoritarian. Party leadership equated a unified state with
unanimous support for the PDCI under the untested belief that
competition among parties would waste resources, lead to corruption, and
destroy unity. By circumscribing the prerogatives of the National
Assembly and tailoring election laws, Houphou�t-Boigny effectively
denied the assembly an independent voice; and by doling out patronage,
co-opting opponents, and pitting rivals against one another, he
tightened his grip on government.
Even those who objected to Houphou�t-Boigny's style admired the
results of his policies: twenty years of economic growth and political
stability. Nevertheless, invidious habits and attitudes that had
developed over the twenty years of economic growth posed a potential
threat to the political order. In few other countries was materialism as
open and avowed an ideology. By the 1980s, the elite, using its official
positions and connections to obtain wealth, had replaced the struggle
for independence with the pursuit of privilege, leading to manifest
extremes of wealth and poverty. This elite was infected with
consumerism, and it could not afford to lose or even share power. At the
same time, the sharp economic downturn of the 1980s and Houphou�t-Boigny's
advancing age caused fears that the ethnic rivalries he sought to dampen
might ignite under a less charismatic successor.
For C�te d'Ivoire, ethnicity was a particularly thorny problem. The
population included some sixty indigenous ethnic groups. The largest
group (that of Houphou�t-Boigny) was the Baoul�, which comprised 15
percent of the population and was centered in the forest region
southeast of Bouak�. The Baoul� were part of the larger Akan ethnic
cluster, which also included the Abron and the Agni groups. The chief
rivals of the Baoul� were the B�t�, who in the 1980s made up
approximately 6 percent of the population. During the twentieth century,
the B�t� achieved recognition for their success in cash cropping and
for their widespread acceptance of Christianity. Because the B�t�
nurtured strong beliefs in the superiority of their culture and had a
long history of resistance to foreign domination, they have often been
accused of fomenting antigovernment dissent. Other major ethnic groups
included the Dan, the Malink�, the Juula, the S�noufo, and the Agni.
The largest single foreign minority group was the Burkinab� (natives of
Burkina Faso, formerly known as Upper Volta), who were generally Mossi.
They were concentrated in rural areas, where they worked as farm
laborers. The Lebanese, officially estimated at 60,000 but possibly
numbering 180,000, dominated sectors of the wholesale and retail trade.
In 1988 there were approximately 30,000 French citizens in C�te
d'Ivoire, or about the same number as at independence.
Because no single ethnic group held a preponderance of power, none
could automatically impose its will. Ethnic politics, therefore, were
important in C�te d'Ivoire, notwithstanding presidential statements to
the contrary. And because of that cultural diversity, Houphou�t-Boigny,
making a virtue of necessity, perfected the politics of inclusion. All
major ethnic groups were represented in his cabinet and the major
policy-making bodies of the PDCI, making it easier to deflect
responsibility at a time when the rising expectations of Ivoirians were
being thwarted.
The Ivoirian economy in the late 1980s continued its downward spiral,
primarily because world prices for coffee and cocoa, the country's two
principal exports, remained low. At the same time, exports of timber,
the third largest source of foreign exchange, declined because of
continued overexploitation. Two offshore petroleum fields, which in the
early 1970s were projected to make C�te d'Ivoire self-sufficient in
fuel, failed to achieve projected outputs, let alone self-sufficiency.
Because of the relatively low world prices for petroleum and C�te
d'Ivoire's high production costs, all the wells in one field were
Beginning in the mid-1970s, the government undertook a major effort
to diversify the export economy by expanding production of palm oil,
natural rubber, coconut oil, cotton, sugar, and tropical fruits. Ten
years later, the government implemented a program to modernize its
import substitution industries, sell off unprofitable parastatals, and
further expand exports to include processed foods, textiles, wood, and
such nonagricultural products as building materials, chemicals, and
The results of all three plans were mixed. The market for palm and
coconut oils was eroded by substitutes with less saturated fat; sugar,
produced by a grossly inefficient parastatal, simply added to a world
surplus; and in other areas C�te d'Ivoire was competing with other
states of Africa and Asia producing many of the same tropical
agricultural goods. Exports produced under the industrial expansion
program were more expensive--at least initially--than similar goods
produced elsewhere and so required export subsidies. Subsidies, however,
required scarce funds. Meanwhile, Houphou�t- Boigny adamantly refused
to cut producer prices for coffee and cocoa; consequently, production
levels increased--some estimates for the 1988-89 cocoa harvest were as
high as 700,000 tons--,which further depressed commodity prices.
Finally, divestment from parastatals yielded lower returns than
anticipated. Moreover, the larger, more profitable companies were
purchased by foreign interests, further adding to capital flight.
The lack of investment capital was the undoing of the Ivoirian
miracle. To finance development, C�te d'Ivoire borrowed substantial
amounts abroad, especially during the mid-1970s when unusually high
coffee and cocoa prices led planners to overestimate the potential of
the economy. Thus, by 1976 high debt payments together with repatriated
profits and foreign worker remittances had produced a negative net
reserve position for the first time in the country's history. Debt
servicing costs continued to mount to the extent that in May 1987 the
government announced that it would suspend payments on its foreign debt.
To stave off a financial collapse, C�te d'Ivoire negotiated an
economic recovery and structural adjustment program with the Paris Club,
the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the London Club that provided
a respite from debt repayment. The subsequent retrenchments mandated by
the programs affected all income groups in the country, but they had the
greatest impact on the poor. These measures gave rise to such symptoms
of violent social dislocation as drug abuse and crime--which required
additional expenditures and new political options from the government.
The party-government of C�te d'Ivoire in the mid-1980s most closely
resembled an old-fashioned political machine. Although it called itself
a one-party democracy, C�te d'Ivoire was not a democracy in the Western
sense: the government controlled the press, limited civil liberties, and
allowed no institutionalized opposition to frame debate. As economic
austerity exacerbated political tensions, individuals and informal
groups called for greater political choice, which the government seemed
unprepared to grant.
Meanwhile, students protested against the role of foreigners in the
economy and the government, which they saw as controlled by a small
number of party leaders for the benefit of a privileged class of
bureaucrats and landowners. Corruption in the business community, long
considered an affliction of other African states, was becoming
embarrassingly obvious in C�te d'Ivoire. Reduced services, coupled with
wage freezes and higher costs, were alienating mid-level civil servants
and professionals. And increasingly brazen attacks against expatriates
by well-armed bandits were affecting tourism and foreign investment. A
growing number of Ivoirians was questioning whether these problems could
be solved by a government dominated by an octogenarian president with no
apparent successor.
In the late 1980s, the choice of a successor to Houphou�t- Boigny
remained a dominant issue in Ivoirian politics. Because the style, form,
tone, and policies of the government were the personal creation of the
president, the succession question had substantial implications. Two
plausible contenders in 1989 were Philippe Yac� and Henri Konan Bedi�,
representing, respectively, the first and second generations of Ivoirian
politics. Houphou�t-Boigny refused to designate an heir and left the
decision to the political process, believing that the Ivoirian polity
was mature enough to make a decision without recklessly endangering
national security or precipitating military intervention into civilian
With the exception of a small uprising (the true size of which has
never been documented) in 1970 near Gagnoa in the B�t� region, the
military has played no role in domestic peacekeeping. Moreover, Houphou�t-Boigny
co-opted the military with sufficiently attractive perquisites
(including high salaries and positions in the party) so that the senior
officer corps had little interest in political meddling. To further
promote satisfaction, the military was equipped with advanced equipment
purchased from France.
In its foreign affairs, C�te d'Ivoire either befriended or attempted
to isolate its immediate neighbors. Recognizing that the "oasis
never encroaches upon the desert," Houphou�t-Boigny sought
mutually beneficial ties with C�te d'Ivoire's neighbors despite
ideological differences. And for good measure, he insisted that France
maintain a battalion of marines near Abidjan to buttress his own
As C�te d'Ivoire faced the 1990s, the problems of finding a
successor to Houphou�t-Boigny, discontent on the campus of its only
university, an ossified party, and a beggar-thy-neighbor materialism
concerned Ivoirians. At the same time, a history of political stability
coupled with a tradition of civilian rule and an apparent willingness on
the part of the second and third generation of Ivoirian politicians to
liberalize the political process and accommodate divergent views
promised a less troubled future for the country.
In mid-1989, as the economy continued its decline, even leading
members of the establishment began voicing discontent, albeit in guarded
terms. In September 1989, Houphouet-Boigny invited political
leaders--critics and supporters--to Abidjan for what was called
"five days of dialogue." Uncharacteristically sharp and candid
criticisms of the party and government over the five days conveyed a
lack of confidence in the ruling elite, which was labeled narrow and
selfish, and called for a more responsive party in a multi-party system.
Less than a month later on October 16, 1989, Houphouet-Boigny reshuffled
his cabinet and, in response to World Bank recommendations, reduced it
from 29 to 21 members.
Four months later, students protested recently announced wage cuts,
tax increases, and the longstanding issue of single party rule with
large scale demonstrations that at times turned into violent
confrontations with police in the streets of Abidjan and, in one
instance, in Abidjan's Roman Catholic cathedral. In April and May 1990,
army and air force recruits protesting the cost- cutting decision to
limit their military service to a single tour of duty demonstrated in
bases across C�te d'Ivoire; a group of armed air force recruits even
took over the international airport outside Abidjan for twelve hours.
Police and firefighters also staged highly visible protests for higher
wages. By mid-May, Houphouet-Boigny had capitulated on the issues of
military duty and higher wages for police and firefighters, and he
scrapped plans to increase income taxes. Most significantly, he pledged
for the first time to legalize opposition parties and promised to name a
successor, although as of June 1990, he had not yet done either.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Little is known about the original inhabitants of C�te d'Ivoire.
Historians believe that they were all either displaced or absorbed by
the ancestors of the present inhabitants. The first recorded history is
found in the chronicles of North African traders, who, from early Roman
times, conducted a caravan trade across the Sahara in salt, slaves,
gold, and other items. The southern terminals of the trans-Saharan trade
routes were located on the edge of the desert, and from there
supplemental trade extended as far south as the edge of the rain forest.
The more important terminals--Djenn�, Gao, and Timbuctu--grew into
major commercial centers around which the great Sudanic empires
developed. By controlling the trade routes with their powerful military
forces, these empires were able to dominate neighboring states.
The Sudanic empires also became centers of Islamic learning. Islam
had been introduced into the western Sudan by Arab traders from North
Africa and spread rapidly after the conversion of many important rulers.
From the eleventh century, by which time the rulers of the Sudanic
empires had embraced Islam, it spread south into the northern areas of
contemporary C�te d'Ivoire.
Ghana, the earliest of the Sudanic empires, flourished in present-day
eastern Mauritania from the fourth to the thirteenth century. At the
peak of its power in the eleventh century, its realms extended from the
Atlantic Ocean to Timbuctu. After the decline of Ghana, the Mali Empire
grew into a powerful Muslim state, which reached its apogee in the early
part of the fourteenth century. The territory of the Mali Empire in C�te
d'Ivoire was limited to the northwest corner around Odienn�. Its slow
decline starting at the end of the fourteenth century followed internal
discord and revolts by vassal states, one of which, Songhai, flourished
as an empire between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. Songhai was
also weakened by internal discord, which led to factional warfare. This
discord spurred most of the migrations of peoples southward toward the
forest belt.
The dense rain forest covering the southern half of the country
created barriers to large-scale political organizations as seen further
north. Inhabitants lived in villages or clusters of villages whose
contacts with the outside world were filtered through long-distance
traders. Villagers subsisted on agriculture and hunting.
Five important states flourished in C�te d'Ivoire in the preEuropean
era. The Muslim empire of Kong was established by the Juula in the early
eighteenth century in the north-central region inhabited by the S�noufo,
who had fled Islamization under the Mali Empire. Although Kong became a
prosperous center of agriculture, trade, and crafts, ethnic diversity
and religious discord gradually weakened the kingdom. The city of Kong
was destroyed in 1895 by Samori Tour�.
The Abron kingdom of Jaman was established in the seventeenth century
by an Akan group, the Abron, who had fled the developing Asante
confederation in what is present-day Ghana. From their settlement south
of Bondoukou, the Abron gradually extended their hegemony over the Juula
in Bondoukou, who were recent �migr�s from the market city of Begho.
Bondoukou developed into a major center of commerce and Islam. The
kingdom's Quranic scholars attracted students from all parts of West
In the mid-eighteenth century in east-central C�te d'Ivoire, other
Akan groups fleeing the Asante established a Baoul� kingdom at Sakasso
and two Agni kingdoms, Ind�ni� and Sanwi. The Baoul�, like the
Asante, elaborated a highly centralized political and administrative
structure under three successive rulers, but it finally split into
smaller chiefdoms. Despite the breakup of their kingdom, the Baoul�
strongly resisted French subjugation. The descendants of the rulers of
the Agni kingdoms tried to retain their separate identity long after C�te
d'Ivoire's independence; as late as 1969, the Sanwi of Krinjabo
attempted to break away from C�te d'Ivoire and form an independent
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
The African continent, situated between Europe and the imagined
treasures of the Far East, quickly became the destination of the
European explorers of the fifteenth century. The first Europeans to
explore the West African coast were the Portuguese. Other European sea
powers soon followed, and trade was established with many of the coastal
peoples of West Africa. At first, the trade included gold, ivory, and
pepper, but the establishment of American colonies in the sixteenth
century spurred a demand for slaves, who soon became the major export
from the West African coastal regions. Local rulers, under treaties with
the Europeans, procured goods and slaves from inhabitants of the
interior. By the end of the fifteenth century, commercial contacts with
Europe had spawned strong European influences, which permeated areas
northward from the West African coast.
C�te d'Ivoire, like the rest of West Africa, was subject to these
influences, but the absence of sheltered harbors along its coastline
prevented Europeans from establishing permanent trading posts. Seaborne
trade, therefore, was irregular and played only a minor role in the
penetration and eventual conquest by Europeans of C�te d'Ivoire. The
slave trade, in particular, had little effect on the peoples of C�te
d'Ivoire. A profitable trade in ivory, which gave the area its name, was
carried out during the seventeenth century, but it brought about such a
decline in elephants that the trade itself virtually had died out by the
beginning of the eighteenth century.
The earliest recorded French voyage to West Africa took place in
1483. The first West African French settlement, Saint Louis, was founded
in the mid-seventeenth century in Senegal, while at about the same time
the Dutch ceded to the French a settlement at Ile de Gor�e off Dakar. A
French mission was established in 1687 at Assini, and it became the
first European outpost in that area. Assini's survival was precarious,
however, and only in the midnineteenth century did the French establish
themselves firmly in C�te d'Ivoire. By that time, they had already
established settlements around the mouth of the Senegal River and at
other points along the coasts of what are now Senegal, Gambia, and
Guinea-Bissau. Meanwhile, the British had permanent outposts in the same
areas and on the Gulf of Guinea east of C�te d'Ivoire.
Activity along the coast stimulated European interest in the
interior, especially along the two great rivers, the Senegal and the
Niger. Concerted French exploration of West Africa began in the
mid-nineteenth century but moved slowly and was based more on individual
initiative than on government policy. In the 1840s, the French concluded
a series of treaties with local West African rulers that enabled the
French to build fortified posts along the Gulf of Guinea to serve as
permanent trading centers. The first posts in C�te d'Ivoire included
one at Assini and another at GrandBassam , which became the colony's
first capital. The treaties provided for French sovereignty within the
posts and for trading privileges in exchange for fees or costumes
paid annually to the local rulers for the use of the land. The
arrangement was not entirely satisfactory to the French because trade
was limited and misunderstandings over treaty obligations often arose.
Nevertheless, the French government maintained the treaties, hoping to
expand trade. France also wanted to maintain a presence in the region to
stem the increasing influence of the British along the Gulf of Guinea
The defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War (1871) and the
subsequent annexation by Germany of the French province of
AlsaceLorraine caused the French government to abandon its colonial
ambitions and withdraw its military garrisons from its French West
African trading posts, leaving them in the care of resident merchants.
The trading post at Grand-Bassam in C�te d'Ivoire was left in the care
of a shipper from <"http://worldfacts.us/France-Marseille.htm">Marseille, Arthur Verdier, who in 1878 was named
resident of the Establishment of C�te d'Ivoire.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
In 1885 France and Germany brought all the European powers with
interests in Africa together at the Berlin Conference. Its principal
objective was to rationalize what became known as the European scramble
for colonies in Africa. Prince Otto von Bismarck also wanted a greater
role in Africa for Germany, which he thought he could achieve in part by
fostering competition between France and Britain. The agreement signed
by all participants in 1885 stipulated that on the African coastline
only European annexations or spheres of influence that involved
effective occupation by Europeans would be recognized. Another agreement
in 1890 extended this rule to the interior of Africa and set off a
scramble for territory, primarily by France, Britain, Portugal, and
Local Resistance and Establishment of Protectorates
In 1886, to support its claims of effective occupation, France again
assumed direct control of its West African coastal trading posts and
embarked on an accelerated program of exploration in the interior. In
1887 Lieutenant Louis Binger began a two-year journey that traversed
parts of C�te d'Ivoire's interior. By the end of the journey, he had
concluded four treaties establishing French protectorates in C�te
d'Ivoire. Also in 1887, Verdier's agent, Maurice Treich-Lapl�ne,
negotiated five additional agreements that extended French influence
from the headwaters of the Niger River Basin through C�te d'Ivoire.
By the end of the 1880s, France had established what passed for
effective control over the coastal regions of C�te d'Ivoire, and in
1889 Britain recognized French sovereignty in the area. That same year,
France named Treich-Lapl�ne titular governor of the territory. In 1893
C�te d'Ivoire was made a French colony, and then Captain Binger was
appointed governor. Agreements with Liberia in 1892 and with Britain in
1893 determined the eastern and western boundaries of the colony, but
the northern boundary was not fixed until 1947 because of efforts by the
French government to attach parts of Upper Volta (present-day Burkina
Faso) and French Sudan (present-day Mali) to C�te d'Ivoire for economic
and administrative reasons.
Throughout the process of partition, the Africans were little
concerned with the occasional white person who came wandering by. Many
local rulers in small, isolated communities did not understand or, more
often, were misled by the Europeans about the significance of treaties
that compromised their authority. Other local leaders, however, thought
that the Europeans could solve economic problems or become allies in the
event of a dispute with belligerent neighbors. In the end, the loss of
land and freedom by all the local rulers resulted more from their
inability to counter European deception and brute strength than from a
loss of will to respond to European encroachment.
Throughout the early years of French rule, French military
contingents were sent inland to establish new posts. The African
population resisted French penetration and settlement, even in areas
where treaties of protection had been in force. Among those offering
greatest resistance was Samori Tour�, who in the 1880s and 1890s was
establishing an empire that extended over large parts of present-day
Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, and C�te d'Ivoire. Samori's large,
well-equipped army, which could manufacture and repair its own firearms,
attracted strong support throughout the region. The French responded to
Samori's expansion of regional control with military pressure. French
campaigns against Samori, which were met with fierce resistance,
intensified in the mid-1890s until he was captured in 1898.
France's imposition of a head tax in 1900, aimed at enabling the
colony to undertake a public works program, provoked a number of
revolts. Ivoirians viewed the tax as a violation of the terms of the
protectorate treaties because it seemed that France was now demanding
the equivalent of a coutume from the local kings rather than
the reverse. Much of the population, especially in the interior, also
considered the tax a humiliating symbol of submission.
Repression and Conquest
In 1906 Gabriel Angoulvant was appointed governor of C�te d'Ivoire.
Angoulvant, who had little prior experience in Africa, believed that the
development of C�te d'Ivoire could proceed only after the forceful
conquest, or so-called pacification, of the colony. He thus embarked on
a vigorous campaign, sending military expeditions into the hinterland to
quell resistance. As a result of these expeditions, local rulers were
compelled to obey existing antislavery laws, supply porters and food to
the French forces, and ensure the protection of French trade and
personnel. In return, the French agreed to leave local customs intact
and specifically promised not to intervene in the selection of rulers.
But the French often disregarded their side of the agreement, deporting
or interring rulers regarded as instigators of revolt. They also
regrouped villages and established a uniform administration throughout
most of the colony. Finally, they replaced the coutume with an allowance
based on performance.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Evolution of Colonial Policy
French colonial policy incorporated concepts of assimilation and
association. Assimilation presupposed the inherent superiority of French
culture over all others, so that in practice the assimilation policy in
the colonies meant extension of the French language, institutions, laws,
and customs.
The policy of association also affirmed the superiority of the French
in the colonies, but it entailed different institutions and systems of
laws for the colonizer and the colonized. Under this policy, the
Africans in C�te d'Ivoire were allowed to preserve their own customs
insofar as they were compatible with French interests. An indigenous
elite trained in French administrative practice formed an intermediary
group between the French and the Africans.
Assimilation was practiced in C�te d'Ivoire to the extent that after
1930 a small number of Westernized Ivoirians were granted the right to
apply for French citizenship. Most Ivoirians, however, were classified
as French subjects and were governed under the principle of association.
Until 1958, governors appointed in Paris administered the colony of C�te
d'Ivoire, using a system of direct, centralized administration that left
little room for Ivoirian participation in policy making. The French
colonial administration also adopted divide-and-rule policies, applying
ideas of assimilation only to the educated elite. The French were also
interested in ensuring that the small but influential elite was
sufficiently satisfied with the status quo to refrain from any
anti-French sentiment. In fact, although they were strongly opposed to
the practices of association, educated Ivoirians believed that they
would achieve equality with their French peers through assimilation
rather than through complete independence from France, a change that
would eliminate the enormous economic advantages of remaining a French
possession. But after the assimilation doctrine was implemented
entirely, at least in principle, through the postwar reforms, Ivoirian
leaders realized that even assimilation implied the superiority of the
French over the Ivoirians and that discrimination and inequality would
end only with independence.
Colonial Administration
French expansion in Africa during the last quarter of the nineteenth
century was so rapid that it was difficult to find enough administrators
to govern the growing number of possessions effectively. For a brief
period, therefore, the French adopted a system of indirect rule using
indigenous leaders as their surrogates. The local rulers, however,
exercised authority only by sanction of the French administrators. Those
rulers who refused to submit to French directives were deposed and
replaced with more cooperative ones.
With the consolidation of French power in West Africa at the end of
the nineteenth century, French officials increasingly assumed direct
administrative powers, and they reduced local rulers to the level of
low-ranking civil servants. In 1895 France grouped the French West
African colonies of C�te d'Ivoire, Dahomey (present-day Benin), Guinea,
Niger, French Sudan (present-day Mali), Senegal, Upper Volta, and
Mauritania together and subordinated their governors to the governor of
Senegal, who became governor general. A series of additional decrees in
1904 defined the structure of this political unit and organized it into
French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Fran�aise--AOF).
France divided the individual colonies into districts known as cercles,
each of which was governed by a district commander (commandant du
cercle) who, because of poor communications between the cercles
and the colonial governors, exercised his responsibilities with relative
autonomy. Within a cercle, the commander ruled through a
hierarchy of local rulers, whom he appointed and could dismiss at will.
He was advised by a council of notables (conseil des notables)
consisting of these local rulers and of other individuals appointed by
Most of the inhabitants of the colonies were subjects of France with
no political rights. Moreover, they were drafted for work in mines, on
plantations, as porters, and on public projects as part of their tax
responsibility. They were also expected to serve in the military and
were subject to the indig�nat, a separate system of law.
Economic Development and Social Change
As France consolidated its holdings in C�te d'Ivoire, it began to
take steps to make the colony self-supporting. In 1900 the French
initiated a policy that made each colony responsible for securing the
resources--both money and personnel--needed for its administration and
defense; France would offer assistance only when needed.
The public works programs undertaken by the Ivoirian colonial
government and the exploitation of natural resources required massive
commitments of labor. The French therefore imposed a system of forced
labor under which each male adult Ivoirian was required to work for ten
days each year without compensation as part of his obligation to the
state. The system was subject to extreme misuse and was the most hated
aspect of French colonial rule. Because the population of C�te d'Ivoire
was insufficient to meet the labor demand on French plantations and
forests, which were among the greatest users of labor in the AOF, the
French recruited large numbers of workers from Upper Volta to work in C�te
d'Ivoire. This source of labor was so important to the economic life of
C�te d'Ivoire that in 1932 the AOF annexed a large part of Upper Volta
to C�te d'Ivoire and administered it as a single colony.
In addition to the political and economic changes produced by
colonial rule, the French also introduced social institutions that
brought about fundamental changes to Ivoirian culture. Catholic
missionaries established a network of churches and primary schools,
which in time provided the literate Ivoirians needed by government and
commerce. Some of the wealthier and more ambitious Ivoirians continued
their educations at the few secondary schools and at French
universities, adopting European culture and values and becoming members
of a new African elite. The members of this elite were accepted as
cultural and social equals by their white counterparts and were exempt
from military and labor service.
Except in remote rural areas, the colonial government gradually
destroyed the traditional elite by reducing the local rulers to junior
civil servants and by indiscriminately appointing as rulers people with
no legitimate claims to such titles. In areas where traditional leaders
retained their position and power, they often developed strong rivalries
with educated Ivoirians who tried to usurp that leadership on the
grounds that their education and modern outlook better suited them for
the position.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
World War II had a profound effect on the future of all French West
Africa. The fall of France and the establishment of the German-allied
Vichy government in France forced the French colonies to declare loyalty
either to the Vichy regime or to the Free French under General Charles
de Gaulle. Although all the AOF governors remained loyal to the Vichy
government, Ivoirians largely favored the Free French.
The Vichy government, espousing Nazi racial theories, subjected
French West Africa to economic exploitation and overt racism. French
planters intensified their labor recruitment practices and military
conscription. Farmers were forced to meet production quotas to supply
the armed forces at the expense of the local residents, whose standard
of living had already been greatly lowered by the cutoff of imports from
The onset of World War II and the rapid surrender of France, the
self-described purveyor of a so-called higher civilization, sharply
revised political thinking in C�te d'Ivoire. Ivoirians resented Vichy
policies and began to express feelings of Ivoirian nationalism. Ivoirian
intellectuals were attracted by some of the Marxist ideas introduced by
anti-Nazi movements and by some French teachers and labor organizers. In
1943 branches of an organization known as Communist Study Groups were
established in the principal cities of West Africa, including Abidjan in
C�te d'Ivoire. Many African intellectuals in these groups later became
prominent as postwar national leaders.
Brazzaville Conference
After the defeat of France and the alignment of many West Africans
with the Free French, the political maturity of the indigenous
populations developed. De Gaulle recognized the need to revise the
relationship between France and its colonies in Africa. In January 1944,
Free French politicians and high-ranking colonial officials from the
French African colonies met in Brazzaville (in present-day Congo). The
Brazzaville Conference, as it came to be known, recommended political,
social, and economic reforms. It accepted the representation of the
colonies in the French Constituent Assembly, which was to draw up a new
French constitution after the war, and the subsequent representation of
the colonies in whatever parliamentary body the constitution
established. The conference also recommended that the colonies be
administered with greater autonomy and that both French citizens and
Africans be permitted to elect a legislative assembly. In addition, the
conference committed the French government to respect local customs,
abolish the indig�nat, adopt a new penal code, end labor
conscription, improve health and educational facilities, and open
positions in the colonial administration to Africans.
The only immediate effect of the conference was the passage of a law
in August 1944 granting workers in the AOF the right to organize. In
October 1945, after the defeat of Germany and the end of the war, the
first countrywide elections were held in C�te d'Ivoire to choose two
delegates for the French Constituent Assembly, which was to meet in
Paris before the end of the year. French citizens residing in C�te
d'Ivoire elected one delegate, and a restricted African electorate chose
F�lix Houphou�t-Boigny as the other delegate. Houphou�t-Boigny, a
wealthy African planter and French-educated physician, was the cofounder
of the African Agricultural Union (Syndicat Agricole Africain--SAA),
which was formed in 1944 to fight for the abolition of forced labor and
the rights of African planters. Much of Houphou�t-Boigny's support came
from the SAA, whose members included some 20,000 African planters as
well as laborers, civil servants, traders, and other Africans engaged in
the money economy. In spite of his popularity, however, Houphou�t-Boigny
won by only a narrow margin.
Two factors explain the closeness of the vote. First, the French
colonial administration disapproved of the SAA and consequently
supported the candidacy of a Mossi, costing Houphou�tBoigny the votes
of the majority of Mossi, who constituted one of the largest ethnic
groups in Upper Volta. And second, Houphou�tBoigny , a Baoul�, faced
rival candidates from the B�t� and Agni ethnic groups. Houphou�t-Boigny's
support came from most of the rural voters in the south and the forest
area, but he would not have won the election without the support of most
of the voters in the Bobo Dioulasso region in Upper Volta (a part of C�te
d'Ivoire's annexed territory).
When the French Constituent Assembly met in Paris, 63 of the 600
delegates represented the African colonies. The African delegates, all
members of the educated elite, demanded liberal reforms in the colonial
system, for which they received support from French socialist and
communist delegates. In the end, the assembly reevaluated colonial
policy and drafted a plan for the union of France and the colonies.
In addition to abolishing the indig�nat and forced labor
system, in 1945 and 1946 the French government decreed a number of other
important reforms concerning Africans. It granted freedom of speech,
association, and assembly to the residents of the colonies; it provided
funds for economic and social development; it permitted the AOF to adopt
a new penal code; and it granted all inhabitants of French colonies
French citizenship. France's failure to define closely the rights of
citizenship, however, prevented the indigenous populations of the
colonies from the full exercise of civil rights on the grounds that they
were not yet ready for it.
French Union
The first draft of the French Fourth Republic's constitution, which
included whole passages of the Brazzaville recommendations, proved too
liberal for the French electorate, which rejected it in a May 1946
referendum. When a second Constituent Assembly convened in June,
pressure from conservative elements in France and in the colonies was
strong, and sharp differences of opinion developed among the delegates.
The advocates of colonial autonomy included all the colonial deputies
and the French political left wing. Most African deputies, including
Houphou�t-Boigny, supported the idea of local self-government and
political equality for the French and the Africans. The French political
right and center, however, favored a nominally federalist system, within
which France would preserve its dominant position. A compromise was
finally reached, and the plan for the French Union was written into a
new draft constitution, which was adopted by the assembly on September
28, 1946. It was approved as the constitution of the Fourth Republic in
a referendum held in France and the overseas possessions on October 13,
Under the French Union, the French West African colonies were
designated as overseas territories. The French government exercised all
legislative and executive powers, and the administration of C�te
d'Ivoire continued under the Ministry of Overseas France (Minist�re de
la France d'Outre-Mer).
Despite the acceptance of the French Union in C�te d'Ivoire,
longstanding economic grievances gave rise to the development of
anticolonial sentiment. With the large-scale introduction of cash crops
between World War I and World War II, a wealthy African planter class
emerged. These Africans competed with Europeans who had come to C�te
d'Ivoire to make their fortunes. Colonial policies strongly favored the
Europeans: they received free labor under the forced labor system,
higher prices for their crops, and access to protected markets. African
resentment against this discrimination grew during World War II, when
economic hardships weighed especially heavily on African plantation
The rights to free speech and assembly, guaranteed by the
constitutional reforms of 1946, permitted the formation of African
political parties. A number of parties based on ethnic and regional
interests were organized in C�te d'Ivoire and elected members to the
Territorial Assembly, created as a result of the 1946 reforms, and the
Abidjan municipal council. The Democratic Party of C�te d'Ivoire (Parti
D�mocratique de C�te d'Ivoire--PDCI), created in 1946 out of the SAA
to appeal to a wider following than its predecessor, became the dominant
party. It soon attracted the radical intellectuals from the wartime
Communist Study Groups and became a significant political force in
French West Africa. Its leader, Houphou�t-Boigny, was rapidly becoming
a prominent national figure. Having successfully sponsored the law
abolishing forced labor, he had regained support from the Mossi of Upper
Volta. He served in 1946 as a delegate to the French Constituent
Assembly and, later that year, to the newly constituted French National
Regional Political Cooperation
Increasing political activity and a growing national consciousness
were both responsible for and stimulated by the postwar constitutional
reforms. Pressure from the SAA and similar organizations in other
territories brought about most of the 1946 reforms. The reforms grouped
the territories into the AOF under one elected council, the Grand
Council in Dakar, thereby encouraging cooperation across territorial
boundaries. As a result, in 1947 Houphou�t-Boigny and several other
French West African leaders formed the African Democratic Rally
(Rassemblement D�mocratique Africain--RDA).
The RDA was established during a critical period in French history.
In 1946 and 1947, France was confronted by open rebellion in Indochina
and Madagascar and by unrest in North Africa. Internally, the alliance
between conservatives and communists, uneasy from the start, was
collapsing. The French viewed the RDA, which called for full equality
and consequently enjoyed the support of African and French communists,
as another serious threat to French colonial interests. As a result, the
French colonial administration harassed the RDA, which was also opposed
by Africans allied with the more moderate French Socialist Party.
Nevertheless, the RDA soon emerged as the dominant political force in
French West Africa, and C�te d'Ivoire, where African and European
planters were in direct competition, provided the most fertile ground
for recruiting a militant African party. Consequently, C�te d'Ivoire
became the stronghold of the RDA, and Houphou�t-Boigny became the RDA
leader. Thus, France also considered C�te d'Ivoire and Houphou�t-Boigny's
party, the PDCI, as threats to French colonial rule.
After a strongly conservative and discriminatory colonial
administration was installed in 1947, relations between the PDCI and the
administration became openly hostile. The administration actively
sponsored rival parties and manipulated elections. It dismissed PDCI
supporters from government jobs and jailed most PDCI leaders. Only his
parliamentary immunity enabled Houphou�t-Boigny to escape imprisonment.
The PDCI retaliated by organizing strikes, boycotts of European goods
and services, and mass demonstrations. In 1949 the hostility erupted
into violence as government troops fired on African demonstrators on
several occasions.
By 1951 the PDCI was close to collapse. Its alliance, through the
RDA, with the French Communist Party had alienated the more moderate
elements of the party. Government-sponsored rival parties had eroded
much of its popular support and drastically weakened its position in
elective bodies of the French Union. Houphou�t-Boigny, in a radical
effort to preserve the PDCI, severed connections with the French
Communist Party and expelled the RDA's secretary general, who supported
the communist association. He then abandoned the PDCI policy of militant
opposition to the administration and embarked on a policy of practical
cooperation. This policy change restored the strength and prestige of
the PDCI at home and of the RDA in the rest of the AOF and France. Also,
it led to political concessions as well as significant economic
cooperation with France and members of the local French community.
Within a short time, C�te d'Ivoire became the wealthiest territory in
the AOF.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
By the end of 1946, the PDCI achieved its political monopoly by
bargaining with potential contenders, rather than through open
competition. In any event, the party received widespread support
throughout the country. For example, an African could be elected in C�te
d'Ivoire only with the endorsement of the PDCI.
The organization of the PDCI, based on that of the French Communist
Party, was determined during the party's First Territorial Congress in
October 1947. The Executive Committee presided over party cells located
throughout the country. Although the PDCI became a direct party,
operating on the principle of democratic centralism, it deviated from
French Communist Party organization in that it was not a vanguard party
with restricted membership. Instead, it became a mass organization whose
members were required only to purchase a party card and pay annual dues.
Ideologically, the PDCI discouraged the transition to independence or
even greater democracy on the pretext that intraparty disagreements
prevented the party from implementing its democratic governing
mechanisms. Instead, the PCDI's leadership gave Houphou�t-Boigny almost
autocratic control. In addition, sous-section (subsection at
the cercle level) officials and others in positions of
responsibility frequently nominated village committees in rural areas
instead of allowing them to be elected. As a result, most rural party
committees reflected the preexisting ethnic imbalance. At the national
level, PDCI leaders had stipulated from the party's birth that party
congresses would be held annually as part of the democratic process. In
fact, by 1956 only two had been held: in 1947 and 1949. Consequently,
those in party offices enjoyed long, uncontested tenures.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
The reforms of 1956, or loi cadre, passed by the French
Fourth Republic, acknowledged the growing nationalism and a developing
political consciousness in the AOF. From its inception, the loi
cadre drew on the suggestions of African leaders who were permitted
to participate in the decision-making process.
Conceptually, the loi cadre ended the integrationalist phase
of French colonial policy and granted considerable internal autonomy to
the overseas territories. Universal suffrage and the elimination of the
dual college electoral system led to the creation of district and local
representative councils and a great enlargement of the powers of the
territorial assemblies. Each territory could formulate its own domestic
policies, although the territories continued to rely on France for
decisions concerning foreign affairs, defense, higher education, and
economic aid. As its most important provision, the loi cadre
established the Council of Government, which assumed the major executive
functions of each territory, until that time carried out by a colonial
official appointed in Paris.
After the dissolution of the French Fourth Republic in 1958, General
Charles de Gaulle, the first president of the Fifth Republic, had even
more extensive reforms written into a new constitution, reflecting not
only de Gaulle's own pragmatic and anti-imperialist ideas but also the
economic and political changes that had occurred since 1946. The French
constitution of 1958, creating the Fifth Republic, provided for the free
association of autonomous republics within the newly created French
Community, in which France was the senior partner. The community had
jurisdiction over foreign policy, defense, currency, common ethnic and
financial policy, policy on strategic raw materials, and, unless
specifically excluded by agreement, higher education, internal and
external communications, and the courts. An elected president, who was
also the president of the Fifth Republic, presided over the community's
executive, which consisted of an executive council and a senate elected
indirectly by each member state in proportion to the population. Each
member state was to have its own government and a separate constitution.
In September 1958, France presented a referendum to the community.
Each member could accept the constitution and consequent membership in
the community or reject it and immediately sever all ties with France. C�te
d'Ivoire voted almost unanimously in favor of the constitution, further
confirming the almost mystical feeling of brotherhood with France that
more than fifty years of cultural assimilation had instilled,
particularly among the economic and political elite. The elite prudently
recognized that although C�te d'Ivoire was the wealthiest French
African territory, it lacked the financial resources and the trained
work force to develop as rapidly as it could as a member of the
community. Also, because Africanization of high-level posts within the
government had barely begun in 1957, too few trained Ivoirians were
available to staff the administration. A continued association with
France was seen as the pragmatic course.
In March 1959, C�te d'Ivoire adopted its first constitution as a
self-governing republic. It provided for a unicameral legislature
elected by universal, direct suffrage and an executive headed by a prime
minister elected by a majority vote of the legislature and responsible
to it. The PDCI won all seats of the newly formed legislature, and
Houphou�t-Boigny resigned his post in the French government to form the
first government of C�te d'Ivoire.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
In 1959 several West African members of the French Community formed
the Mali Federation. Although the federation initially included Senegal,
French Sudan, Upper Volta, and Dahomey, all but Senegal and French Sudan
withdrew quickly under pressure from Houphou�t-Boigny, who regarded the
federation's desire for independence from France as a threat to the
economic development of the former French colonies. Nonetheless, the
federation gained independence in June 1960 and split into the two
independent nations of Senegal and Mali.
Meanwhile, to counterbalance the Mali Federation, Houphou�tBoigny in
1959 successfully convinced several other West African leaders to form
the Council of the Entente (Conseil de l'Entente-- Entente)--a loose
grouping that included Niger, Dahomey (presentday Benin), Upper Volta
(present-day Burkina Faso), and C�te d'Ivoire--to pool their resources
for economic development.
Houphou�t-Boigny's argument against independence quickly lost its
appeal among other members of the French Community following the
independence of Senegal and Mali. In addition, in early 1960 the French
government sponsored an amendment to the 1958 constitution that
permitted community members to gain complete independence but remain
within the community. Houphou�t-Boigny was opposed to this
reconstituted community, which he considered a new federation, and in
August 1960 C�te d'Ivoire withdrew from the community and became
independent. Houphou�t-Boigny was the first head of state.
On October 31, 1960, the National Assembly of C�te d'Ivoire adopted
a constitution establishing an independent republic. Those involved in
the drafting of the Constitution, including Houphou�tBoigny and other
PDCI members, wanted to establish a strong and stable government based
on democratic principles. They also wanted a presidential system based
on the separation of powers between the executive and legislative
branches of government and an independent judiciary. In practice,
however, a gap developed between the democratic principles written into
the Constitution and political practice. The PDCI leadership equated
national unity with unanimous support for the PDCI and believed that
competition among political parties would waste resources and destroy
unity. Therefore, election provisions made it almost impossible for
another party to win seats in the National Assembly. As the sole
political party, the PDCI came to exercise political control over all
branches of government.
By the late 1960s, power was concentrated in the hands of Houphou�t-Boigny,
who, in addition to his position as president, was also titular
president of the PDCI. Loyal colleagues received positions of authority
within the police and armed forces, as well as in the government and
PDCI. Philippe Yac�, who held the positions of secretary general of the
PDCI and president of the National Assembly, was the second most
powerful figure in C�te d'Ivoire. The president appointed the
administrative heads of the 6 departments (d�partements), 24
prefectures (pr�fectures), and 107 subprefectures (souspr�fectures
), which constituted the administration of C�te d'Ivoire. Houphou�t-Boigny
also selected the thirty-five members of the Economic and Social Council
(Conseil Economique et Social), a government body, and, with the
Political Bureau, chose the members of the National Assembly.
Houphou�t-Boigny further consolidated his power by circumscribing
the prerogatives of the National Assembly. Presidential and PDCI control
of assembly membership precluded an independent or opposition role by
the assembly in the decision-making process. At the same time, the
existence of an assembly with responsibility for approving proposed laws
legitimized the government's democratic pretensions. Moreover, the PDCI
used the assembly as a means of co-opting potential government opponents
and securing their loyalty by providing deputies with a variety of
privileges and amenities. Finally, the government channeled its major
decisions through the assembly to the ethnic and interest groups that
its members supposedly represented, thereby again giving the appearance
of legitimate government.
Houphou�t-Boigny also took steps to ensure the new regime's
security. Although C�te d'Ivoire had no military until more than a year
after independence, one was finally organized and strengthened with
French assistance. Ivoirian members of the French colonial marine
infantry who had been born in C�te d'Ivoire were transferred to Abidjan
in October 1961 and formed the core of the first battalion. By late
1962, the military comprised about 5,300 soldiers organized into four
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Despite Houphou�t-Boigny's efforts to consolidate power and build a
strong military, several events in the early 1960s demonstrated the
vulnerability of the new regime. In 1962 a group of young radical PDCI
members, displeased with the regime's moderate policies, allegedly
planned to capture Houphou�t-Boigny and other party leaders. More than
125 people were arrested and secretly tried in the president's hometown
of Yamoussoukro. Fortyfour of the alleged plotters were convicted. In
1963 the government announced the discovery of another plot, which
allegedly involved a coalition of hostile groups, including left-wing
youth, discontented politicians, and northerners who resented southern
domination in the government. In April 1971, Houphou�t-Boigny released
the last of those who had been jailed following the 1963 trials and
virtually admitted that the charges had been baseless.
Changes in Government and Party Structures
In 1965 Houphou�t-Boigny reorganized his administration to
accommodate the growing number of Ivoirians qualified to fill government
positions. The four existing d�partements were redivided into
six d�partements with twenty-four pr�fectures. A
corresponding increase in the number of prefects (pr�fets)
took place. By the end of 1972, there were 115 subprefectures. This rise
in the number of administrative subdivisions facilitated easier public
access to government offices that the new civil code, implemented in
1964, necessitated.
Houphou�t-Boigny also purged the party of more than 200 party
leaders in mid-1964. The group included five members of the Political
Bureau and six members of the Executive Committee of the party's Youth
Auxiliary, who had been implicated in alleged treasonous activities. In
the ensuing overhaul of the party structure, party leaders modified the
PDCI's organization to parallel the reorganized state bureaucracy;
forty-five new party sections, corresponding to the number of new
subprefectures in 1965, were added to the existing sections. Each was
led by an elected secretary general. The number of party sections was
increased again in 1970 to correspond to the increase in the number of
subprefectures. The new sections were subdivided into village committees
in rural areas and into ward and ethnic subcommittees in towns.
Sources of Popular Discontent
After independence, the production of export cash crops such as
coffee and cocoa supported the development of nonagricultural economic
growth, particularly in the Abidjan area. The commercial development of
Abidjan and its growing status as the administrative center of the
country consequently attracted even more French private investment and
personnel. This concentration of economic and political activity in
Abidjan led to population shifts toward the south and the creation of a
modern capital, the life of which contrasted sharply with C�te
d'Ivoire's up-country village life.
The country's increasing economic wealth, however, did not benefit
all segments of the population. Rapid urbanization brought massive urban
unemployment and rising conflict. Labeled by the government as the sans-travail,
unemployed Ivoirians in Abidjan began to organize protest demonstrations
in 1969 to pressure the government to achieve greater Ivoirianization of
lowlevel jobs. On September 30, 1969, about 1,600 demonstrators were
arrested in the capital, leading to resentment of both government and
foreign workers among the sans-travail.
Another problem area existed between Ivoirian intellectuals and some
elites on the one hand and white Europeans, mainly the French, who held
numerous skilled jobs in the economy and civil service, on the other
hand. The Ivoirian government was reluctant to undertake a large-scale
Ivoirianization of the economy. It wanted to preserve C�te d'Ivoire's
economic ties to France and to avoid staffing the administration with
untrained bureaucrats. Consequently, many Ivoirians perceived Houphou�t-Boigny
as favoring Europeans over Ivoirians in employment.
Another rift resulted from the influx from other African countries of
hundreds of thousands of unskilled workers, most of whom were Mossi from
Upper Volta. The Ivoirian government encouraged the import of cheap
foreign African laborers, who worked on the large coffee and cocoa
plantations and in industry. Competition between Ivoirian and foreign
workers exploded into violence in September and October 1969, when
widespread attacks on Mossi workers occurred in Abidjan.
A fourth area of conflict resulted from the antagonism between
students and the PDCI government. This antagonism manifested itself in
recurrent protests by university students. Large numbers of Ivoirian
students who had studied in France or were influenced by students from
many other sub-Saharan African countries rejected the PDCI's ideological
movement away from socialism that had begun in 1950. They rejected what
they perceived as the regime's neocolonial policies vis-�-vis France.
Many students also objected to the government's placement of the major
student organization under the control of the PDCI.
A confrontation between the students and the government occurred in
May 1969, when the student organization, the Movement of Ivoirian
Primary and Secondary School Students (Mouvement des Etudiants et El�ves
de C�te d'Ivoire--MEECI), presented a list of demands to the government
for specific reforms at Abidjan University (present-day National
University of C�te d'ivoire) and held a strike in which 150 students
participated. The government arrested all Ivoirian student protesters in
Abidjan, expelled all foreign students, and closed the university for
two weeks, leading to further expressions of student discontent at the
university. The government's crackdown aroused the sympathy of other
discontented groups, including the sans-travail and secondary
students in other towns. For its part, the government considered student
activity as a threat to its authority and political stability, and it
blamed the strike on outside communist influences.
Consolidation of Power in the 1960s and 1970s
After the 1963 alleged coup plot, Houphou�t-Boigny took steps to
ensure party and military loyalty. His success over the ensuing years
lay in his carefully crafted system of checks and balances, using ethnic
differences, political animosities, and co-optation to guarantee his own
supremacy. To satisfy the the political elite, he resorted to state and
party patronage, mostly in the form of highpaying jobs. To diffuse the
potential for ethnic conflict resulting from perceived inequalities in
the development process, he divided cabinet appointments among
representatives of C�te d'Ivoire's major ethnic groups.
To fortify his hold over the armed forces, he assumed direct control
of the police and military, the size of which he reduced from 5,300 to
3,500 members. He divided responsibility for internal security among
seven groups--a 3,000-man militia linked to the party and composed
almost exclusively of Baoul� (Houphou�t-Boigny's ethnic group); a
3,000-man gendarmerie; the police; a special presidential guard; a small
navy; a small air force; and the army. He also broadened his executive
powers so that he alone could appoint and promote senior military
officers. With the removal of political rivals following the 1962 and
1963 conspiracy trials, Houphou�t-Boigny's was unchallengeable.
In the 1970s, as the Ivoirian polity became somewhat more
sophisticated, Houphou�t-Boigny of necessity refined his style. He
began replacing aging and loyal party militants with younger
intellectuals and highly trained technocrats for whom he often created
positions in his government--and who therefore owed him fealty. After
the 1970 party congress, Houphou�t-Boigny also began naming younger
members to the political bureau and as candidates to the National
Assembly. He ingratiated himself with the middle and lower classes by
speaking out frequently about the failures of government officials. His
preferred method of addressing popular issues was through dialogues in
which the public could air their grievances to their seemingly attentive
leader. During the first dialogue in January 1974 with 2,000 party
workers, Houphou�t-Boigny invited criticisms and appointed various
committees to study and recommend reforms. In March a second dialogue
with foreign and local business leaders elicited resolutions and
warnings to inefficient and corrupt cadres and to the Lebanese and
French business communities. No reforms of substance occurred following
either of these sessions, but by allowing public criticism albeit in a
tightly controlled environment, the president remained informed about
popular dissatisfaction. Subsequently he could take steps either to
remedy or to suppress problems while maintaining his firm grip over
Ivoirian politics.
Houphou�t-Boigny also continued to invite traditional, or ethnic,
leaders to participate in both party and government at the local level
so that he could maintain constructive ties with the traditional elite.
Nevertheless, he was not always able to extinguish all micronationalist
sentiments. For example, the Agni of Sanwi claimed that their kingdom
had become part of C�te d'Ivoire without their consent. In December
1969, the Sanwi king called for the kingdom to secede and led a
separatist revolt. Government troops swiftly suppressed the rebellion.
In November 1970, a B�t� leader, Gnagb� Niab� (also known as Gnab�
Opadjel�) proclaimed himself grand chancellor of C�te d'Ivoire. When
Houphou�t-Boigny refused to accept Gnab�'s candidacy for president or
grant his request for a cabinet post, Gnab� gathered a large group of
supporters and marched on Gagnoa. Again, government troops captured the
rebel leader, ending the small rebellion.
Houphou�t-Boigny's ability to maintain stability lay in his belief
in strong management and organization, which led him from independence
to building an administration based on the solid, bureaucratic
institutions left by the French. In fact, the large number of French
bureaucrats and entrepreneurs remaining in C�te d'Ivoire supported
Houphou�t-Boigny's monopoly on political power and thereby contributed
to the perceived effectiveness of the public and private sectors of the
Ivoirian economy. In November 1975, he was reelected president, claiming
nearly 100 percent of the vote.
In the early 1970s, notwithstanding political calm and rapid economic
growth, underemployment and unemployment continued to pose problems in C�te
d'Ivoire. Immigrants continued to flood the lowest end of the job
market, while whites continued to dominate the top executive jobs. In
addition, the uneven distribution of social services and jobs throughout
the country exacerbated the regional economic disparities arising from
the growing concentration of wealth in the south. And finally, the
adverse effects of the 1973 Sahelian drought on northern farmers caused
even greater dissatisfaction among the rural population.
Houphou�t-Boigny relied on his charisma and the government's offers
to dispel discontent. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he gained
popular favor by alternating Ivoirian independence festivities between
Abidjan and the different prefecture capitals. Prefecture capitals
hosting the festivities underwent massive rehabilitation, which included
jobs in construction for new governmental buildings, streets, and
housing. And when neither charisma nor largess mollified his critics,
Houphou�t-Boigny skillfully blamed others. In July 1977, he reorganized
his cabinet, dismissing four of the country's most influential political
figures, who, although instrumental in the growth of the Ivoirian
economy, were also accused of involvement in fraudulent schemes to
enrich themselves. These figures became useful scapegoats for continuing
fraud and maldistribution of the nation's wealth.
On two occasions in the early 1970s, Houphou�t-Boigny traveled to
the north to convince local populations that he was not to blame for the
state of affairs and to dispense politically timely aid in the form of
development programs. The enthusiasm generated by the president's
northern visits spread to other regions seeking largess from a
presidential visit. Eager to exploit this nationwide burst of personal
support, the government scheduled presidential trips throughout the
country over the next several years.
The military also showed signs of restlessness. An alleged coup
conspiracy by a group of discontented young officers, in June 1973
followed by the 1974 military overthrow of Niger's Hamani Diori, Houphou�t-Boigny's
lifelong friend, undermined Houphou�t-Boigny's confidence in the
government's security and precipitated changes in the military. Although
many Ivoirian political observers thought that the conspirators of the
alleged coup had done nothing more than discuss among themselves the
need for greater economic equality in C�te d'Ivoire, the government
dealt with them harshly. Shortly thereafter, Houphou�t-Boigny replaced
two senior French military officers, who had allegedly fomented
discontent among Ivoirian officers, with Ivoirians. Further changes,
designed to instill military loyalty by giving the armed forces more
scope in national affairs, took place in July 1974, when Houphou�t-Boigny
appointed military officers to both high- and low-level positions in the
civil administration. And finally, in February 1979, Houphou�t-Boigny
appointed eight army officers as prefects and subprefects to give the
military a greater stake in maintaining the status quo.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Growing Economic Problems
The worldwide economic recession at the beginning of the 1980s caused
the prices of cocoa and coffee, C�te d'Ivoire's principal exports, to
drop sharply, resulting in a significant economic slowdown. Combined
with soaring commercial interest rates, the recession abruptly truncated
the growth of the Ivoirian economy and exacerbated tensions in the labor
force, where underemployment and unemployment had become acute. In
mid-1978 complaints about inflation, the public debt, decreasing
exports, the role of foreigners in the economy, and the succession
question appeared in antigovernment tracts distributed in Abidjan.
Popular manifestations of discontent with the regime's rigid policies,
as well as with declining revenue, high urban unemployment, and the
atrophied one-party political system, continued into the early 1980s. As
was by now typical, Houphou�t-Boigny dealt quickly with the complaints
by proposing more rapid Ivoirianization and steps to decentralize and
democratize local administrations. The government also trimmed the
budget of several development programs.
Perhaps foreseeing political problems, Houphou�t-Boigny took steps
to consolidate further his own control. In 1980, again running
unopposed, he was elected to a fifth term in office. In the same year,
the Seventh Party Congress of the PDCI, following instructions from the
president, abolished the post of PDCI secretary general and established
Houphou�t-Boigny as the party's executive chairman, assisted by the new
nine-member Executive Committee of the Political Bureau.
Succession Question
The question of who would succeed Houphou�t-Boigny became the
significant political issue by the beginning of the 1980s. Many
political observers believed that if Houphou�t-Boigny did choose a
successor, internecine feuds would erupt within the PDCI. They also
believed that, at least initially, no one could combine Houphou�tBoigny
's prestige, charisma, and experience with the political acumen that he
had exercised over Ivoirian politics for almost thirty years.
In 1980 a constitutional amendment created the office of
vicepresident , who was to succeed to the presidency in the event of a
midterm vacancy and who would be chosen by and elected at the same time
as the president. The next elections, however, were not scheduled until
1985, and Houphou�t-Boigny had given no indication of his plans for a
vice-presidential running mate. (In 1985 Houphou�t-Boigny resolved the
problem by amending the constitution, eliminating the position of
In the 1970s, Philippe Yac�, the president of the National Assembly
and PDCI secretary general, seemed to be the most likely successor. In
1975 the National Assembly adopted a law stipulating that power would
pass to the president of the assembly, confirming Yac� as the second
most powerful man in the country. Nevertheless, Yac�, who was popular
with party officials, had many enemies, mostly because of his role as
chief accuser in the fabricated 1963 plot.
In 1980 the prospects for designating a presidential successor were
even more obscured when Houphou�t-Boigny abolished the post of PDCI
secretary general held by Yac�, who had fallen into disfavor with the
president because he was thought guilty of pride. Shortly thereafter,
Yac� was also stripped of his position as president of the National
By the early 1980s, the list of possible successors included members
of the old guard in the top echelons of the party as well as
technocrats--middle-aged, university-educated Ivoirians--who filled
executive positions in the administrative bureaucracy and the economy.
Among the old guard who enjoyed great support inside the PDCI were
Minister of State Mathieu Ekra; Senior Minister of State Auguste Denise;
and president of the Economic and Social Council Mamadou Coulibaly. The
most likely candidate, however, was Henri Konan Bedi�, a Baoul�, a
technocrat, and the new National Assembly president. According to
Article 11, amended, of the Constitution, the president of the National
Assembly takes over the office of the president of the republic should
the latter die or become incapacitated. The provisional president can
then run for a full term in elections, which are to take place within
sixty days. As provisional president, Bedi� would have an edge over
possible rivals. Moreover, demographic trends favored Bedi�, who as a
second generation politician enjoyed growing support from younger and
middle-aged Iviorians who believed perhaps that Yac�, a first
generation figure, was now too old. A third group of political rivals
was a younger generation of politicians, most in their thirties, who
were known for their effectiveness in the economic sphere and favored
closer ties with the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany
(West Germany).
In the mid-1980s, political infighting threatened to spill over
boundaries of the narrow circle of the party leadership, however. That
Houphou�t-Boigny continued to resist naming a successor proved
disconcerting to all those in positions of power, as well as to the West
and especially to France, which had extensive investments in C�te
Party Decentralization
As the Ivoirian bureaucracy assumed a more prominent position in the
postindependence years, the PDCI withered steadily. Increasingly it
became a sinecure for the old guard, who lacked the ability to hold
government office but remained personally loyal to the president. Also,
by the early 1970s the one-party political structure was based on a
purely ethnic system of representation at the local level that lacked
any democratic procedures and that had produced an economically
privileged political class. Moreover, the party and government
hierarchies were characterized by nepotism and corruption. And finally,
the poorly defined and overlapping responsibilities of party officials
caused infighting and political rivalry.
In the late 1970s, Houphou�t-Boigny, faced with growing party
disarray, began to decentralize the PDCI at the local level, where a
substantial change in party leadership took place. For the first time,
the local party secretary generals, previously elected as part of a
slate, were now to be chosen in open elections.
Discontent on Campus
The academic community was the most vocal protest group. The first
sign of difficulty occurred in 1982, when the union of students went on
strike to protest government efforts to halt political speeches on the
National University of C�te d'Ivoire campus. Houphou�t-Boigny
responded in his typical paternalistic fashion: he chastised the
students, dissolved their movement, and forced them to return to their
villages until they all had apologized in writing to the government.
Laurent Gbagbo, a young professor who during the strike spoke out on the
need for a multiparty system, went into voluntary exile in France and
became a symbol for young Ivoirians who wanted to liberalize the ruling
Further disturbances occurred in 1983, when approximately 4,000
secondary-school teachers, members of the National Union of Secondary
School Teachers of C�te d'Ivoire (Syndicat National des Enseignants du
Secondaires de C�te d'Ivoire--SYNESCI), went on strike to protest the
elimination of their housing allowances. Their strike was also an
expression of solidarity with those students and professors who had
protested over issues of free speech the year before and, more
significant, had voiced their basic opposition to Houphou�t-Boigny.
Because the teachers' union was the only union independent of the PDCI
(SYNESCI refused to affiliate with the official government union), the
government dissolved the union during the strike. In addition, the
teachers complained that Houphou�t-Boigny had unfairly penalized them
and ignored cabinet members who, they alleged, had mismanaged the
economy. Reacting once again in an arbitrary manner that further
alienated teachers and students alike, Houphou�t-Boigny closed all the
secondary schools and sent the 200,000 students home.
Other Sources of Discontent
The teachers' strike quickly expanded into a major political issue at
a time when underlying popular discontent had already come close to the
surface. Shortly before the strike, the president had announced an
expensive move of the capital from Abidjan to his village birthplace,
Yamoussoukro. The move promised to increase vastly the value of land in
the region, much of which was owned by the president and his family. And
then, after the strike, Houphou�t-Boigny delivered an extraordinary
speech to the PDCI's Political Bureau in which he divulged the sources
and use of his own extensive wealth. The consequent publication of the
speech surprised much of the population, many of whom had been adversely
affected by the country's increasing economic difficulties, and aroused
tremendous popular disapproval.
In 1984, despite record harvests and prices for cash crops and a
rescheduling of the external debt, the political atmosphere remained
glum. Public investigations revealed high levels of corruption in the
public housing sector and led to a protracted trial and the subsequent
imprisonment of a number of high-ranking officials. More important, the
trial implicated higher authorities, including past and present
ministers and members of the president's family, none of whom was
brought to justice.
Popular discontent also increased in response to the president's
implementation of austerity measures. In the public sector, the
government froze salaries. Throughout 1984 the employees retaliated by
threatening strikes, work stoppages, and absenteeism. In the private
sector, where politicians who were also business people had always
enjoyed privileged treatment, financial irregularities were usually
ignored. But the austerity measures took aim at the business people,
eliminating their privileges and exposing financial scandals. For
example, Emmanuel Dioulo, Abidjan's mayor, reportedly defrauded the
National Agricultural Development Bank of US$32 million. At the end of
March 1985, when the PDCI's Executive Committee lifted Dioulo's
parliamentary immunity so that he could be tried on criminal charges,
Dioulo fled the country. Following the Dioulo affair, Houphou�t-Boigny
launched a series of tax investigations of Yac� and other prominent
political figures who had acquired personal fortunes.
During Houphou�t-Boigny's 1984 annual summer vacation in Europe, a
number of political tracts, published by unidentified opposition groups,
appeared in the capital. The tracts questioned the president's political
views and denounced the failure of the PDCI to manage the economy. The
PDCI leadership responded to the attacks by organizing a series of trips
to the interior to speak personally to the population. This measure,
however, only created more tension because the leaders competed among
themselves for coverage in the national media and exposed their
sometimes bitter rivalry. One reason for the increasing intensity of the
rivalry was the scheduled September 1985 Eighth Party Congress of the
PDCI, to be followed by legislative and presidential elections.
In addition to the succession issue and the economic crisis, urban
populations were faced with a worsening crime wave for which Ivoirians
blamed foreigners primarily from Ghana and Burkina Faso. Some gangs,
however, were directed by the Ivoirian underworld, an organized crime
group that sometimes recruited unemployed youths from Upper Volta. Many
of the attacks were aimed at affluent French and Lebanese business
Thus, by the end of 1984, uncertainty and instability permeated the
Ivoirian political and economic sectors, replacing the growth and
optimism of a decade earlier. The most pressing issue, however, as
viewed by the Ivoirian political elite and Western governments (France
in particular), was whether Houphou�t-Boigny would designate an
official successor for the 1985 elections. The Ivoirian elite seemed
committed to a stable transition of power, mostly to protect their
economic interests. Clearly, many Ivoirian politicians believed that
this designation would eliminate much of the then-pervasive popular
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Geography
Ivory Coast
Location and Size
C�te d'Ivoire lies on the West African coast on the Gulf of Guinea.
Its outline is roughly that of a square 560 kilometers on a side, with
an area of 322,460 square kilometers-- nearly the same as New Mexico. It
is bounded on the east by Ghana, on the north by Burkina Faso and Mali,
and on the west by Guinea and Liberia. The entire southern border is
Gulf of Guinea coastline.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Physical Features
Ivory Coast
The nation consists of a large plateau rising gradually from sea
level to almost 500 meters altitude in the north. Vegetation changes
from lagoon and semitropical growth in the south to savanna grassland
and scrub in the north. Mountain ranges extend along the western border
and a few peaks dot the northeast corner. Four major river systems flow
southward forming parallel drainage basins. Cutting across these basins
are three geographic regions roughly parallel to the coast--the lagoon
region, the forest region, and the savanna region.
The Lagoon Region
The lagoon region (zone lagunaire) is a narrow coastal belt
extending along the Gulf of Guinea from the Ghana border to the mouth of
the Sassandra River. It consists of a strip of low, sandy islands and
sandbars built by the combined action of heavy surf and ocean currents.
These sand barriers, known as the cordon littoral, have almost
closed the rivers flowing into the gulf. The resulting series of lagoons
ranges in width from about a hundred meters to seven or eight kilometers
and seldom rises more than thirty meters above sea level, leaving the
area subject to frequent flooding during rainy seasons.
Most of the lagoons are narrow, salty, and shallow and run parallel
to the coastline, linked to one another and the gulf by small
watercourses or canals. Where large rivers empty into the gulf, broad
estuaries extend as much as ten to twenty kilometers inland. The sandy
soil supports the growth of coconut palms and salt-resistant coastal
shrubs. The dense rain forest that once came down to the water's edge
along the continental side of the lagoons has been largely supplanted by
clearings for farms and towns and by second-growth woodlands. In the few
remaining undisturbed areas, dense mangrove thickets appear along the
edges of marshy inlets.
The Forest Region
A broad belt of dense forest covers nearly one-third of the country,
extending north of the lagoon region in the east and reaching down to
the coastline in the west between the Sassandra River and the mouth of
the Cavally River. Its northern boundary stretches from the city of Man
in the west to Bondoukou in the east, dipping down in the center of the
country to the confluence of the Bandama Blanc and Bandama Rouge rivers.
This boundary marks the transition from forest to grassy woodlands where
plantation agriculture and burning have encroached on the forest. From
the border with Ghana west to the Sassandra River, the gently rolling
relief of the forest region is broken by small hills. West of the
Sassandra, the Dan Mountains and the Toura Mountains reach 1,300 meters
elevation. Mt. Nimba, near the border with Liberia and Guinea, reaches
1,752 meters.
The Savanna
The northern half of the nation is generally characterized as
savanna--a large plateau consisting primarily of rolling hills,
low-lying vegetation, and scattered trees. Vegetation varies from
woodlands to grasslands and occasional patches of dry scrub in the far
north. Some narrow strips of forest extend toward the north along
watercourses and drainage lines. The southern portion of the savanna is
sometimes referred to as the transition zone (zone de transition)
and the northern portion as the sudanic zone (zone soudanienne),
although the entire region is transitional between the narrow belt of
forest paralleling the coastline and the Sahara Desert. The gently
rolling plains are broken occasionally by granite domes or small hill
masses, the most extensive being the Komonos Hills. In the northwest, a
number of peaks exceeds 800 meters elevation.
A major divide extends across the northeastern corner of C�te
d'Ivoire near Burkina Faso, separating the main southward drainage
system from the Volta River Basin, which drains to the north. Near
Bondoukou, where the divide crosses the Ghana border, Mt. Bow� de
Kiendi reaches 725 meters elevation. In the north, Mt. Y�l�v� reaches
an altitude of 685 meters.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Rivers
Ivory Coast
Four major river systems follow meandering courses from north to
south, draining into the Gulf of Guinea. From west to east these are the
Cavally, Sassandra, Bandama, and Como�--all relatively untamed rivers
navigable only short distances inland from the coast. In the north, many
smaller tributaries change to dry streambeds between rains.
The Cavally River has its headwaters in the Nimba Mountains of Guinea
and forms the border between C�te d'Ivoire and Liberia for over half
its length. It crosses rolling land and rapids and is navigable for
about fifty kilometers inland from its exit to the sea near Cape Palmas.
The Sassandra River Basin has its source in the high ground of the
north, where the Tiemba River joins the F�r�dougouba River, which
flows from the Guinea highlands. It is joined by the Bagb�, Bafing,
Nzo, Lobo, and Davo rivers and winds through shifting sandbars to form a
narrow estuary, which is navigable for about eighty kilometers inland
from the port of Sassandra.
The Bandama River, often referred to as the Bandama Blanc, is the
longest in the country, joining the Bandama Rouge (also known as the
Marahou�), Solomougou, Kan, and Nzi rivers over its 800-kilometer
course. This large river system drains most of central C�te d'Ivoire
before it flows into the Tagba Lagoon opposite Grand-Lahou. During rainy
seasons, small craft navigate the Bandama for fifty or sixty kilometers
Easternmost of the main rivers, the Como�, formed by the Leraba and
Gomonaba, has its sources in the Sikasso Plateau of Burkina Faso. It
flows within a narrow 700-kilometer basin and receives the Kongo, and
Iringou tributaries before winding among the coastal sandbars and
emptying into the Ebri� Lagoon near Grand-Bassam. The Como� is
navigable for vessels of light draft for about fifty kilometers to Al�p�.
Large dams were built in the 1960s and 1970s to control the flow of
major rivers to the south. These projects created reservoirs, now
referred to as lakes bearing the names of the dams- -Buyo on the
Sassandra, Kossou and Taabo on the Bandama, and Ayam� on the small Bia
River in the southeast corner of the country. Lake Kossou is the largest
of these, occupying more than 1,600 square kilometers in the center of
the country.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Climate
Ivory Coast
The climate is generally warm and humid and is, overall, transitional
from equatorial to tropical. Seasons are more clearly distinguishable by
rainfall and wind direction than by temperature. Continental and
maritime air masses, following the apparent movement of the sun from
north to south, determine the cycle of the seasons that is associated
with heat and cold farther from the equator.
During the first half of the year, the warm maritime air mass pushes
northward across C�te d'Ivoire in response to the movement of the sun.
Ahead of it, a low pressure belt, or intertropical front, brings warm
air, rain, and prevailing winds from the southwest. As the solar cycle
reverses at midyear, the continental air mass moves southward over the
nation, permitting the dry northeast harmattan to dominate. Surface
winds are gentle, seldom exceeding fifteen to twenty kilometers per
Two climatic zones are created by the alternating wind patterns. In
the north, tropical conditions delineate two major seasons. Heavy rains
fall between June and October, averaging 110 centimeters annually. Along
the coast, equatorial conditions prevail. Some rain falls in most
months, with an average of 200 centimeters annually, but four seasons
are generally distinguishable. Heavy rains fall between May and July in
most years, and shorter rains during August and September. The minor dry
season still brings sparse rainfall during October and November,
followed by the major dry season from December to April.
Temperatures and humidity generally follow the same pattern, with
average temperatures between 25� C and 30� C and ranges from 10� C to
40� C. Temperatures are higher in the south but may exceed 30� C even
in the far north. Annual and daily ranges of both temperature and
humidity are small along the coast but increase progressively toward the
north. The average relative humidity is 85 percent in the south and 71
percent in the north.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Society
Ivory Coast
CULTURAL DIVERSITY is impressive in C�te d'Ivoire. Urban and
agricultural workers, herders, traders, and fishermen; matrilineal and
patrilineal organizations; villages and chiefdoms; and progressive and
conservative political tendencies contribute to this national mosaic.
Added to this indigenous variety, French, Lebanese, and African
immigrants and visitors live and work throughout the country. This
complex nation is changing, however, and attitudes toward change vary
among and within these groups. During the 1980s, the pace of change was
affected by the numerous oppositions that characterized Ivoirian
society--rich-poor, urban-rural, modern-traditional, and south-north. C�te
d'Ivoire was developing its own balance of these tensions, with a result
far more complex than a simple combination of indigenous cultures and
colonial legacies.
Religious systems have changed in ways that reflect other social
trends. In this nation of "miraculous" economic development,
as it is so often dubbed, with its clearly privileged elite, people have
on the whole retained traditional African religious beliefs. Usually
combined with Christian or Muslim precepts, or both, local religions
nonetheless permeate views regarding the nature of cause and effect. The
syncretisms emerging from these strains of continuity and change are,
like the nation itself, unique, despite similarities with other African
Political systems, like religions, reflect elements of modern and
indigenous values in their development, and in C�te d'Ivoire these
influences were especially evident in the practice of justifying
authority in personal terms. The patrimonial style of President F�lix
Houphou�t-Boigny indelibly marked political development through the
early decades of independence. He crafted, although not single-handedly,
a nation that exemplified moderation in some respects, resisting
political trends and social extremes. Social development was generally
steady and gradual rather than abrupt or catastrophic. The resulting
society was marked by a general optimism regarding the possibility of
benefiting from the system. The lure of affluence fostered an
individualism that was absent in traditional cultures, as materialism
"caught on" but did not obliterate traditional beliefs about
the nature of the universe. Alienation was moderated by the hope of
participation in the nation's material growth.
Efforts to improve educational opportunities were important in this
changing social environment, both for individual advancement and for
social control. The government placed a high priority on schools,
adapting the system inherited from France to advance local
interests--but still relying heavily on French assistance. In health
care service delivery as well, C�te d'Ivoire made substantial
improvements in the system it inherited from colonial times, raising
material standards of living, at least for some. Like many benefits of
development both before and after independence, however, these
advantages were most readily available to those who were already able to
exploit the changing social system to their own advantage.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Population
Ivory Coast
C�te d'Ivoire's first national census in 1975 counted 6.7 million
inhabitants, allowing 1987 estimates of 10.6 million. The 1987 annual
growth rate was 4.1 percent. Regional variations were marked, with
annual growth of only 1 percent in the far north, but throughout the
country, population growth rates, which included high net immigration
rates, were increasing. In the late 1980s, population projections for
the year 2000 exceeded 20 million people.
Country-wide, life expectancy rose from thirty-nine to fiftyone years
between 1960 and 1988, and during the same period, the average annual
birth rate also increased steadily to 45.9 per 1,000 population.
Fertility rates were about average for West Africa at 6.6 births per
adult female. Fertility rates were lowest in Abidjan and highest in
rural areas, where infant mortality also remained relatively high.
Mortality rates overall declined sharply after 1960, when onethird of
all infants died before the age of five. Infant mortality in the first
year of life declined to 110 deaths per 1,000 births in the late 1980s.
The crude death rate was just over 14 per 1,000 population.
Population density increased steadily from twenty-one inhabitants per
square kilometer in 1975 to thirty-two in 1987. This national average
masked uneven distribution, however, with much of the population
concentrated in the south and fewer than ten inhabitants per square
kilometer in parts of the north. The southwestern corner of the country
presented a low-density exception to this pattern. Population
distribution reflected Ivoirian history more than physical environment.
Most areas of high density corresponded to the first centers of
settlement by major ethnic groups, especially the Akan and Mand�,
altered in the north by nineteenth-century conquests by Samori Tour�.
Colonial policy moved villages nearer transportation routes in order to
control the population and to provide a ready labor supply. In the late
1980s, the population was still distributed along main roads as the
result of resettlements, which had continued into the 1930s in the
Ivoirian settlement patterns in the late 1980s also revealed
continued southward migration from the savanna to the forest, a process
first set in motion by precolonial invasions from the north and
continued by colonial policies emphasizing cash crop and plantation
agriculture. This migration pattern was aided by postindependence urban
and industrial development, which took place primarily in the southeast.
Urbanization was rapid after 1950, as the urban population grew by an
average of 11.5 percent per year until 1965 and about 8 percent per year
from 1966 to 1988. As a result, C�te d'Ivoire had a high urban-rural
population ratio compared with the rest of subSaharan Africa. Roughly
one-half of the 1987 population lived in urban areas, defined as
localities of more than 10,000 inhabitants and those of more than 4,000
inhabitants where more than half of all households depended on
nonagricultural incomes. In 1988 about 20 percent of the total
population lived in the capital city of Abidjan.
Foreigners--mostly West Africans--made up from 27 percent to 50
percent of the population and were more highly urbanized than indigenous
groups. Foreign migrants have sought jobs in Ivoirian industry,
commerce, and plantation agriculture since the beginning of the
twentieth century, especially after World War II. Most have found work
in urban areas, but in 1980 the number of Ivoirians who migrated from
rural to urban areas was almost equaled by the 75,000 migrant farm
workers from neighboring states.
Because of moderately high fertility, falling mortality rates, and
labor immigration, the Ivoirian population was fairly young by world
standards. About 45 percent of the 1987 population was under the age of
fifteen, and the dependency ratio--the number of elderly and young
dependents in relation to 100 working-age adults--was 92 nationwide.
There were 110 males per 100 females, reflecting the largely male
immigrant work force.
Updated population figures for Ivory Coast.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Ethnic Diversity
The population of C�te d'Ivoire is ethnically diverse. More than
sixty indigenous ethnic groups are often cited, although this number may
be reduced to seven clusters of ethnic groups by classifying small units
together on the basis of common cultural and historical characteristics.
These may be reduced to four major cultural regions--the East Atlantic
(primarily Akan), West Atlantic (primarily Kru), Voltaic, and Mand�--differentiated
in terms of environment, economic activity, language, and overall
cultural characteristics. In the southern half of the country, East
Atlantic and West Atlantic cultures, separated by the Bandama River,
each make up almost one-third of the indigenous population. Roughly
onethird of the indigenous population lives in the north, including
Voltaic peoples in the northeast and Mand� in the northwest.
In C�te d'Ivoire, as across Africa, national boundaries reflect the
impact of colonial rule as much as present-day political reality,
bringing nationalism into conflict with centuries of evolving ethnic
identification. Each of C�te d'Ivoire's large cultural groupings has
more members outside the nation than within. As a result, many Ivoirians
have strong cultural and social ties with people in neighboring
countries. These centrifugal pressures provided a challenge to political
leaders in the 1980s, as they did to the governors of the former French
Most representatives of East Atlantic cultures are Akan peoples,
speakers of languages within the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo language
family. Many are descendants of eighteenth-century migrants from the
kingdom of Asante. The largest Akan populations in C�te d'Ivoire are
the Baoul�, who make up nearly 15 percent of the total population, and
the Agni (Anyi), who make up only about 3 percent of the total. Much
larger Akan populations live in Ghana and Togo. Akan societies are
generally organized into farming communities but have a history of
highly centralized chiefdoms and kingdoms tracing descent through
maternal links. In the region that is now C�te d'Ivoire, they did not
form large empires like the Asante of Ghana.
Smaller groups live in the southeastern lagoon region, where contact
and intermarriage between the Akan and earlier inhabitants have resulted
in ways of life that reflect elements of several cultural traditions.
These Lagoon cultures comprise about 5 percent of the population. They
depend on fishing and crop cultivation for subsistence and are not
organized into centralized polities above the village level.
Across the Bandama River, West Atlantic cultures are represented by
Kru peoples, probably the oldest of C�te d'Ivoire's present-day ethnic
groups. Traditional Kru societies were organized into villages relying
on hunting and gathering for subsistence and descent groups tracing
relationships through male forebears. They rarely formed centralized
chiefdoms. The largest Kru population in C�te d'Ivoire is the B�t�,
who made up about 6 percent of the population in the 1980s.
In the north, cultural differences are greater than in the south.
Descendants of early Mand� conquerors occupy territory in the
northwest, stretching into northern Guinea and Mali. The nation of Mali
took its name from one of the largest of these societies, the Malink�.
In the 1980s, Mand� peoples--including the Malink�, Bambara, Juula,
and smaller, related groups--made up about 17 percent of the population
of C�te d'Ivoire.
To the east of the Mand� are Voltaic peoples. The most numerous of
these, the S�noufo, made up about 10 percent of the total population in
the 1980s. The S�noufo migrated to their present location from the
northwest in the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Both historical
periods are still in evidence in two forms of social organization found
in the area--one based on small descent groups and the other on more
complex confederations similar to those of the Mand�.
<>Lineage Patterns
<>East Atlantic
<>West Atlantic
<>Mand� Cultures
<>Voltaic Cultures
Ivory Coast.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Language Diversity
Ivory Coast
French is the official language and is used throughout the country,
but linguistic diversity still reflects the ethnographic mosaic of its
peoples. Four of the eight major branches of the Niger-Congo language
family are represented, including the Kwa, Atlantic, Mand�, and Voltaic
(Gur). Language areas correspond closely, but not exactly, to the four
cultural regions of the nation.
Agni and Baoul�, both Kwa languages and to some extent mutually
intelligible, are the most widely spoken languages in the south.
Variants of Mand� and S�noufo are the most widely spoken in the north
but are also heard in virtually all southern trading areas. Most
Ivoirians speak two or more languages fluently, but no single African
language is spoken by a majority of the population.
French is used in schools and commerce and is spoken more frequently
by men than by women. Most publications, including government documents,
are also printed in French. Vernacular newspapers are not widely
available, although biblical texts and educational materials have been
translated into major African languages.
Arabic is taught in Quranic schools, which are most common in the
north, and is spoken by immigrants from Lebanon and Syria. Non-Ivoirian
African languages are also heard, including Mossi, Gourounsi, Fanti,
Ewe, Fon, and Wolof. Many Ivoirians understand English, which is taught
in high school and the National University of C�te d'Ivoire (formerly
the University of Abidjan), but English is not popular even among
educated people.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Lineage Patterns
Ivory Coast
In C�te d'Ivoire, as in most of Africa, family relationships reflect
beliefs about kinship that differ markedly from those of most Europeans
and Americans. Kinship groups are relatively resistant to change through
modernization, and as a result, one traditional descent group--the
lineage--is so common that it can be discussed in general terms, without
reference to specific Ivoirian cultures. The organization of the lineage
is based on the belief that relationships traced through males and those
traced through females are substantially different. Kinship terms and
behavioral expectations differ accordingly.
The patrilineage, or group formed by tracing descent through male
forebears to a male ancestor, is an important social unit throughout
most of Africa. In eastern C�te d'Ivoire, however, many societies are
organized into matrilineages, tracing descent through female forebears
to one female ancestor. Each type of lineage includes both men and
women, sometimes five or six generations removed from the founding
ancestor, but the linking relatives are of one gender. In this way,
second and third cousins within the same lineage may be considered
closer relatives than first cousins in two different lineages, i.e.,
children of a brother and sister.
Lineages generally share corporate responsibility for socializing the
young and maintaining conformity to social norms. Lineage elders often
meet to settle disputes, to prescribe or enforce rules of etiquette and
marriage, to discuss lineage concerns, and in general to preserve the
group itself. They also serve as pressure groups on individuals,
bringing nonconformists in line with socially accepted standards.
Lineage rules usually require individuals to marry outside their
lineage, and the resulting alliances are important sources of social
cohesion. Although these practices were widely condemned by some of the
teachings of early European missionaries and by colonial officials, they
have been preserved nonetheless because they provide a coherent set of
expectations by which people can live in harmony with the universe as it
is perceived in that society.
Lineage ties serve to emphasize the unity of living and deceased
relatives by descent through ritual observances and ceremonies. At
times, however, lineages break apart in response to the pressure of
interpersonal rivalries or when they become too large to maintain close
ties. When such fission occurs, related lineages usually maintain some
ties and celebrate occasions together. If they consider their alliance
important enough to be preserved for several generations, the resulting
confederation of lineages, usually termed a clan, may include
thousands of individuals and become a powerful interest group in the
regional or national context. Aside from their political potential, many
aspects of lineage behavior and expectation are still important in C�te
d'Ivoire, giving people their sense of history and social responsibility
and serving to define the role of the individual in society.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - East Atlantic Cultures
Ivory Coast
Akan societies are best known for the large kingdom of Asante, which
evolved in what is now Ghana. The westernmost Akan peoples--the Agni,
Baoul�, and several smaller groups--are descendants of people who fled
from Asante and now make up about one-fifth of the Ivoirian population.
Historians believe that Akan civilization evolved in stages,
beginning about A.D. 1000, forming urban settlements by about A.D. 1400,
and giving rise to the Asante and other large kingdoms by about A.D.
1600. They became known for their elaborate use of gold, their military
organization, and their success in international trade. Military
expertise probably provided the basis for their regional dominance, but
their dramatic success from A.D. 1600 on also resulted from their use of
slaves in gold mining and agriculture and from the spread of Islam.
Most Akan societies are organized into matrilineages (abusua).
Each lineage is identified with a home village or section of a town,
although lineage members may be dispersed. Lineages demonstrate their
autonomy with respect to other similar groups through the ownership of a
symbolic chair or stool, named for the female founder of the lineage.
Possession of the ritually important stool is seen as vital to the
existence of the group. Large lineages may segment into branches, each
led by an elder or headman, but a branch does not possess a stool as a
symbol of its social autonomy.
Despite their matrifocal center, Akan societies are dominated by men.
Men occupy most leadership positions, but they succeed former leaders
based on their relationship through their mothers and sisters. Thus, a
leader is succeeded, and his valuable property is inherited, by his
brother or his sister's son.
Matrilineal descent and inheritance produce particular strains in the
social fabric under the pressures of modernization. Tensions often arise
between a man's sons, who help him acquire wealth and property, and his
sister's sons, who may inherit it. Similarly, a man is expected to
support children of deceased maternal relatives, a demand that may
conflict with the interests of his own children. Akan people used to
cope with this contradiction by allowing a senior woman in the lineage
to rule that a matrilineal relative had to relinquish his rights in
favor of a man's son. More recently, the Ivoirian government has refused
to enforce legal claims to matrilineal rights and has condemned, but not
eliminated, practices related to matrilineal descent.
Agni political organization was derived from its lineage foundations,
in that lineages grouped in villages were united as a chiefdom. The
chief served as the guardian and protector of this domain and as priest,
judge, administrator, and custodian of the sacred stool, which in the
1980s was still recognized as a symbol of unity of the entire chiefdom.
An Agni chief was succeeded by a man nominated by the senior women of
the lineage. This nominee, usually one of the deceased chief's
matrilineal heirs, was confirmed, or on rare occasions rejected, by a
council of lineage elders. Most of the chiefs' traditional political
authority has been eroded or transformed by modern national law, but
their ritual authority remained important in the 1980s, confirmed by
their custody of the sacred stool.
The Agni were particularly successful at assimilating other groups
into their political organization, with the result that many people in
the southeast trace their ancestry both to Agni chiefdoms and to
smaller, distinct societies that fell under Agni control. One mechanism
of assimilation was grouping semiautonomous chiefdoms under an Agni
paramount chief, who held ultimate authority over his subjects. In at
least four regions, these polities evolved into kingdoms--Ind�ni�,
Moronou, Como�nou, and Sanwi--which still evoke strong loyalties and
ethnic pride. The continuing importance of the kingdoms was demonstrated
in 1959 and 1969, when Sanwi attempted to secede from C�te d'Ivoire in
the hope of demonstrating Agni autonomy from Baoul� domination.
In 1988 the Baoul� constituted about 15 percent of the population,
making this the nation's largest indigenous ethnic group, although the
Agni population in neighboring states was larger. Baoul� society was
less highly centralized than the Agni, with villages grouped into small
chiefdoms. Baoul� agricultural successes were remarkable, however,
partly because of careful control of land, which was held in common by
an entire village and redistributed each year to those most efficient at
cultivating it. Hunting supplemented agriculture.
The Baoul� were also successful in absorbing neighboring peoples
into their society by political means and intermarriage. Baoul� women
married freely into other societies, in part because their children
inherited their lineage membership from their mother. As a result, many
Baoul� still have extended kin ties reaching into other ethnic
communities, and this network provides political support for Baoul�
politicians. Assimilation by the Baoul� also involved the transfer of
their myth of origin--which emphasized the value of agriculture, respect
for authority, and individual sacrifice for society--to smaller
neighboring groups.
Ivoirian president Houphou�t-Boigny has used his Baoul� identity
pragmatically to pursue political goals. For example, he refused to name
a successor to his presidency, saying that to do so was not in keeping
with tradition. At the same time, he condemned the Baoul� traditional
practice of matrilineal inheritance and descent for failing to
strengthen the unity of the nuclear family, which he considers the
pillar of modern Ivoirian society and the mainstay of economic
Most influential among smaller Akan cultures of eastern C�te
d'Ivoire are the Abron (Brong in Ghana), Abour�, Ehotil�, and Nzima.
Together they make up only about 2 percent of the total population. All
are matrilineal peoples with a heterogeneous population and mixed
economy. None achieved the elaborate political centralization of the
Agni nor the postindependence importance of the Baoul�.
Lagoon Cultures
Along the coastline from the nation's eastern border to the Bandama
River is a series of lagoons, where fishing and trading dominate local
economies. Lagoon societies include the Mekyibo, Atti�, Mbato, Ebri�,
Abidji, Adioukrou, Alladian, Avikam, Abb�, and others, each of which,
in turn, is known by a variety of names within the region and is
subdivided into smaller groups.
Residents of inland villages are subsistence farmers, and many lagoon
peoples produce cash crops. Although not Akan language speakers, they
speak related Kwa languages and are organized into matrilineages and
chiefdoms similar to the Agni and Baoul� to the north. This cultural
assimilation reflects the local history of occasional domination by Akan
armies from the north. Ebri�, Atti�, and Adioukrou societies are
further segmented into age classes organized for warfare, mutual aid,
and communal work projects. Age groups continued to operate in the
1980s, providing an important source of social cohesion.
Although the nation's capital, Abidjan, is in traditional Ebri�
territory, the Ebri� made up less than 10 percent of the population of
the city in the late 1980s. Many local groups have been displaced by
Akan peoples and others moving into the densely populated southeast
corner of the nation. Some of these survive in scattered villages;
others were absorbed into the coastal economy by early French arrivals
and flourished under this arrangement. As a result, this complex and
heterogeneous lagoon region exhibits an eclectic variety of cultural and
linguistic traits that defy simple classification.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - West Atlantic Cultures
Ivory Coast
The dominant peoples in the southwest region, where the forest zone
reaches the coastal lagoons, are the Kru. Kru languages are a subgroup
within the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo language family, related to
those of the Akan and lagoon peoples to their east. Kru societies are
found along the coast from Monrovia, Liberia, to the Bandama River in C�te
d'Ivoire. They include the B�t�, Dida, Gu�r�, Wob�, and several
smaller groups.
Kru cultures generally lack the centralization characteristic of the
Akan to the east. The basic social unit is the patrilineage, tracing
descent through males to a common male ancestor for both men and women.
The lineage, which usually coincides with a village, is further
subdivided into segments or branches. Village leadership may be
exercised by a council of elders, sometimes headed by a chief whose
power is limited by the council. The result is an uncentralized, but not
anarchic, society. Few status distinctions are recognized other than age
and lineage membership, although many Krou people kept slaves from
neighboring societies before the arrival of European slave traders.
Villages maintain ties based on presumed common descent, reinforced by
ceremonial exchanges and gifts. Unrelated villages maintained neutral
relations but were rarely united into a larger polity until the colonial
For their livelihood, the Kru rely on farming supplemented by hunting
in forest areas. Land is held collectively by members of a village but
is worked by individual lineage branches or families. Age groups were
traditionally assigned military and religious responsibilities, and they
still organized communal work projects in the late 1980s. Women were
important in the village, with responsibilities for most activity
concerning crops. They also formed age groups or village councils, which
were traditionally consulted before implementing political decisions,
although women's councils lost influence under colonial rule.
The B�t�, the largest Kru society, are probably the descendants of
groups pushed southward from savanna woodland to forested areas by
warfare to the north. They are divided into patrilineage-based villages,
often allied with other villages by tracing descent to a common
ancestor. Lineage exogamy prohibits marriage within the patrilineage and
contributes to links among patrilineages through intermarriage.
Marriage is a family responsibility, as it is in many societies. The
family of the groom compensates the family of the bride for their loss,
a practice crudely translated as "brideprice ." This exchange
legitimizes children of the marriage, who are considered members of
their father's patrilineage, while their mother retains her membership
in her father's lineage.
Polygyny, or plural marriage by B�t� men, remained relatively
common in the 1980s, although as in all societies, it was an expensive
means of gaining prestige, sexual access, and children, and it was not
recognized by Ivoirian law. Divorce, although not common, was socially
acceptable and allowed children to retain their membership in their
father's patrilineage even if they continued to live with their mother.
In the twentieth century, the B�t� have been recognized for their
success in cash cropping and for their widespread acceptance of
Christianity. They have a strong ethnic consciousness despite these
foreign influences and have been active both within the government and
in antigovernment dissent groups since independence. They also have a
long history of resistance to foreign domination and strong beliefs in
their own cultural superiority.
Around the B�t� are a number of smaller groups, including the Dida,
Gu�r�, Wob�, Neyo, Niaboua, and several others. Most are organized
into farming villages, with a greater dependence on fishing along the
coast. Many villages share common basic features with neighboring
groups, and most have an ethnically mixed labor force and large
immigrant population. Some have adopted myths of origin of other groups
to legitimize their pride in their past, and many maintain strong
loyalties to the region, despite their apparent mixed origins.
The Southern Mand�
Dan and Gouro cultures of western C�te d'Ivoire share numerous
culture traits in common with the Kru peoples to their south, but they
speak languages related to that of the Mand� to their north. Their
traditional political organization was not complex, resembling the
villages of the southwest more than the highly centralized polities of
the Mand�. Because of their cultural eclecticism, the Dan, Gouro, and
smaller, related groups of westcentral C�te d'Ivoire are sometimes
classified as Southern Mand� or "Peripheral Mand�," a label
they would reject. They made up slightly less than 8 percent of the
total population in the late 1980s.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Mand� Cultures
Ivory Coast
The largest cultural complex in northwestern C�te d'Ivoire is that
of the Mand� peoples, descendants of renowned inventors of West African
agriculture--independent of, but approximately coincident with, early
crop domestication in the Middle East. As traders, artisans, and
cultivators, they developed highly complex political structures. Two
large empires are still remembered today--the Sonink� Empire of Ghana,
which dates from about the fourth to the thirteenth century, and the
Malink� Empire of Mali. The Malink�, like the Sonink�, extended their
dominion into what is now northern C�te d'Ivoire between the thirteenth
and fifteenth centuries. In about 1670, their Bambara subjects threw off
Malink� rule and established several independent states, which were
attacked by Fulani armies in the nineteenth century and subsequently
fell under the domination of a Malink� conqueror, Samori Tour�.
Most Mand� societies are organized into patrilineages and
agricultural homesteads. Animal husbandry plays an important role in the
economy, although commerce is also well developed, with large markets in
both rural and urban settings.
Among the three Mand� groups that continue to dominate the northwest
are the Malink�, also found in neighboring Guinea and Mali, and the
Bambara, most of whom live in Mali. More recent Mand� immigrants to the
region include the Juula, who are dispersed throughout the nation but
are identified with the area near the city of Kong. None of these three
groups retains its ancient hierarchical political structure, but each
has a hereditary nobility and fairly extensive social stratification.
The Malink� and Bambara group men and women according to fairly narrow
age ranges, and the resultant sororities and fraternities serve to
strengthen social solidarity and organize communal work projects.
Most Mand� people speak variants of a common language, sometimes
referred to as Mand�-kan, and they share numerous other cultural
traits. At the same time, they have different histories and myths of
origin, and most important from their point of view, they have different
The Bambara have retained the substance of local beliefs and
practices and are known locally as pagans. The Malink� have adapted
tenets of Islam to their native beliefs, creating a wide variety of
Islamic and syncretic sects. The Juula are strongly Muslim--so much so
that many Bambara refer to themselves as Juula if they convert to Islam.
Similarly, in other areas of C�te d'Ivoire, Muslim Malink� are
referred to as Juula outside their home area, in recognition of their
Islamic beliefs. Non-Muslims in the northwest are often called Bambara,
regardless of ethnic affiliation.
The term Juula is also a local term for a trader and is used
ambiguously in the region to refer to merchants and sedentary
descendants of former Juula. The lines of ethnic identity are also
blurred because traders are often recognized authorities on Islamic law
and may be Juula in both senses of the term.
The Juula have a history of itinerant preaching, teaching, and
trading, and they won converts easily in areas characterized by
patrilineal descent, patriarchal family organization, and plural
marriage. The Wattara clan (jaamu) among the Juula was centered
in the region of Kong, where it developed into a mini-kingdom surrounded
by S�noufo people and was destroyed by Samori Tour� in the nineteenth
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Voltaic Cultures
Ivory Coast
Voltaic cultures are found in northeastern C�te d'Ivoire, northern
Ghana, and Burkina Faso. They share cultural similarities with the Mand�
peoples to their west but have not influenced the political history of
the region to the same extent. Northern Voltaic peoples--such as the
Mossi, who are based outside C�te d'Ivoire--built large empires, but
the S�noufo and the Lobi are organized into small chiefdoms based on
unilineal descent.
The S�noufo occupy north-central C�te d'Ivoire, Mali, and Burkina
Faso and are also known as the Seniamb�l� and Siena. S�noufo is a
Juula word meaning "speaker of S�n�," but language is among
the few culture traits that unify this heterogeneous group. They have
several myths of origin, each popular in a different area. Several of
these involve an ancestor known as Nangui or Nengu�, who left the Juula
capital of Kong to establish the S�noufo city of Korhogo, which means
"heritage." S�noufo history refers to Juula traders as early
as the thirteenth century, when Islam arrived in the region. The
territory was raided by Samori Tour� in the late nineteenth century,
and the resulting decline continued into colonial times.
The S�noufo economy is primarily agricultural. Commerce is well
developed in the area, but in most cases it is conducted by Juula rather
than S�noufo traders. The close relationship between the S�noufo
farmer and the land is emphasized in religious observances and mediated
through the lineage. Each lineage has a mythical ancestor, often
identified with an animal that is said to have helped found the lineage.
This animal, or "totem," occupies a special niche in the S�noufo
worldview, as the subject of a ritual taboo and symbol of social unity.
The head of the lineage exercises moral and religious authority and is
believed to propitiate local gods and ensure good harvests. Aside from
the lineage head, status distinctions are relatively few, although many
people kept slaves from other societies until well into the twentieth
Villages are unified by male age grades, uniting youths close in age
within secret brotherhoods known as poro in this region and
parts of Sierra Leone and Liberia. Poro societies have survived
in part because they help maintain order, especially in times of social
upheaval. They also serve as repositories of social customs and
religious values, providing a conservative balance against the rapid
acculturation in Ivoirian society as a whole.
Akan influence is fairly strong among the S�noufo, some of whom have
adopted matrilineal descent systems resembling that of the Akan.
Villages were unified under the authority of an appointed chief during
colonial times, a practice that drew villagers into the national system
but also disrupted established channels of authority and was resisted by
many of the culturally conservative S�noufo people.
Adjacent to S�noufo territory are the Lobi, Koulango, and several
smaller Voltaic societies. They inhabit an isolated, relatively
undeveloped corner of the country. They probably arrived in the area
from the east and organized themselves in autonomous villages. They
resisted the spread of Islam, which was brought by Juula traders and
teachers over several centuries. More recently, they have rejected many
aspects of European acculturation and lack the overall fascination with
economic progress that characterizes much of the nation.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Foreigners
Ivory Coast
The presence of a large foreign population--estimated by some to be
as high as 50 percent of the total in 1985--complicates ethnic relations
in C�te d'Ivoire. The area was the scene of population migration and
mobility long before the imposition of national boundaries. Many ethnic
groups overlap present boundaries, placing citizenship and ethnic
loyalties in conflict, and some foreigners have remained in C�te
d'Ivoire long enough to feel they are Ivoirians. Official demographic
and employment data often include immigrant workers and residents.
Despite these complications, the government has attempted to codify the
legal distinction between citizen and noncitizen, and this distinction
is becoming increasingly important to many people.
In the mid-1980s, the largest single foreign minority group was the
Burkinab�, most of Mossi ethnic identity, who numbered about 1.2
million-nearly one-half of the foreign population. Unlike most other
foreigners, Mossi immigrants were concentrated in rural areas, where
they worked as agricultural laborers. Some Mossi workers were also found
in low-wage urban jobs.
Other ethnic groups represented in the foreign population included
Krou peoples from Liberia, Fanti and Ewe from Ghana, and smaller numbers
of Bobo, Gourounsi, Dogon, Hausa, Djerma, and Fulani from neighboring
states. Lebanese immigrants, officially estimated at 60,000 but possibly
numbering close to 200,000 in 1987, worked in commerce and business in
many towns. The French population, once as high as 60,000, had declined
to about 30,000, or the same number as at independence. Other Europeans
and Africans were also found in this complex and cosmopolitan nation.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - RELIGION
Ivory Coast
Most Ivoirians practice local religions, which are sometimes infused
with elements of Christianity or Islam, or both. Government estimates in
the 1980s suggested that about one-fourth of the population was Muslim,
and one-eighth, Christian--mostly Roman Catholic.
Islam and Christianity are practiced in a variety of forms throughout
the country, as different social and spiritual problems bring forth a
variety of responses. Islam has been practiced in the far north for
roughly seven centuries, shifting its appeal over this time from its
strength as a world religion and its basis in written testaments to its
symbolic importance as an alternative to European religions. Christian
missionaries arrived at the coast in the seventeenth century but did not
win converts in large numbers until the nineteenth century.
Christianity's appeal was strongest among educated Africans and those
who sought advancement through European contact. Christian holidays are
officially recognized, but Muslim celebrations are also held, and, as in
many areas of national life, tolerance is the general attitude toward
the practice of religion.
Religious communities generally coexist peacefully, in part because
no world religion has been enthusiastically embraced by a majority of
people. Conversions have been an individual matter in most cases, and
many families include Muslims and Christians living together. Religious
tolerance is also part of government policy. The president personally
contributes to the cost of building mosques and churches, and he
encourages both Muslims and Christians to assist in projects undertaken
by other religious communities. Religious practitioners have also earned
substantial goodwill through the services they offer their communities,
especially in health and education, and by their overall contribution to
social harmony.
The Constitution calls for a secular state, although this is not
interpreted as strict separation of church and state. Officials often
attend religious ceremonies as representatives of the state, and some
mission schools receive government aid. Missionaries are generally
welcomed throughout the nation, although their teachings seldom replace
centuries-old systems of spiritual belief and practice that form the
basis of cultural unity.
African religions have maintained their credibility because they
provide effective explanations for many of life's dilemmas in ways that
can only be understood in their cultural context. Local religions
reassure people that they are living in harmony with the universe and
that this harmony can be preserved by maintaining proper relationships
with all beings. For this reason, separating religion from other aspects
of life serves to distort, rather than clarify, its meaning.
According to most local belief systems, spiritual beings--a creator,
ancestral spirits, and spirits associated with places and objects--can
influence a person's life and luck. This is the major premise on which
belief and practice are based. The distinction between the spiritual and
physical "worlds," in Western secular terms, is unimportant in
the face of what is interpreted as overwhelming evidence that physical
events may have spiritual causes.
Lineages are also important in understanding the organization of many
Ivoirian religions. The spiritual unity of the descent group transcends
distinctions among the unborn, the living, and the deceased. In this
context, religious differences are not based on disagreements over dogma
or doctrine. Rather, groups living in different social and physical
environments encounter different spiritual and physical dangers, and
their religious needs differ accordingly. This diversity accounts, in
part, for early missionaries in West Africa who often described the
spiritual "chaos" they encountered, when they were actually
observing different social groupings, each with different spiritual
obligations to ancestral and other spirits, acting in accordance with
common beliefs about the nature of the universe.
<>Local Religions
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Local Religions
Ivory Coast
Religions of the South
Most Akan recognize a supreme being, Nyame, who created all
things and from whom lesser gods derive their power. Nyame is
not worshiped directly but is approached through intermediaries. These
lesser gods (abosom) may inhabit lakes, streams, rivers, or
trees. Below them are minor deities whose power is invoked through
amulets or charms (suman) worn for protection.
Ancestral spirits (samanfo) surpass these deities in
importance among most Akan peoples, as it is the ancestors who safeguard
the prosperity of the lineage and provide assistance in meeting daily
challenges. Ancestral spirits are often consulted, offered food and
drink, and reminded that people are depending on them, in the hope that
an individual will be able to act with confidence, especially in dealing
with others in the lineage. Failure to perform sacrifices to ancestral
spirits not only damages a person spiritually but also brings forth the
wrath of the ancestor and can result in tragedy or unhappiness.
An individual's spirit, or soul (elaka among the Agni; okra
among the Baoul�), is immortal and indestructible. A living individual
also possesses other spiritual substances, including sunsum,
which is adaptable and determines a person's character, and mogya,
which determines a person's membership in a matrilineage. Through
transgressions--failure to perform rituals or obey moral precepts--an
individual can damage the soul or lose it entirely. Upon death, the soul
(or in some areas, part of the soul) may enter the kingdom of the dead,
where its existence is happy and peaceful, or it may reenter a human
being to continue on its path toward fulfillment.
Akan religious practitioners include lineage heads, village chiefs
(when the head and the chief are not the same individual), and priests
who officiate at ritual observances for cults honoring specific deities.
These priests (akomfo) undergo extensive training as
apprentices to established practitioners. Priests can also act as
diviners, and the most esteemed among them are believed to be
clairvoyant, able to locate the source of spiritual difficulty for their
clients, who consult them for a fee. They also give instructions for
coping with adversity. Priests sometimes act as doctors, since many
diseases are believed to have spiritual causes.
Sorcerers (obayifo) are spiritual practitioners who, in the
Akan worldview, bring about evil. Their actions are believed to be
motivated by envy or hatred, and, it is feared, they may be employed by
one's enemies. Sorcery often consists of poisoning, which may be
counteracted by a priest or detected by a diviner, but one of the
hazards of dealing with the spiritual realm is that sorcerers are
sometimes disguised as priests or diviners. A person may use amulets or
other objects to ward off the evil effects of sorcery, but these are
sometimes powerless against the anger of an ancestor.
Collective religious ceremonies are important to the life of many
Akan peoples. The most important of these is the yam festival, which
serves several functions. It is a memorial service for the dead and begs
for their protection in the future; it is a time of thanksgiving for
good harvests; and it is a ritual of purification that helps rid the
group of evil influences. It also provides an opportunity to recall the
discovery of the yam--now an important part of the diet of many Akan
people--and to salute the Akan chief who, it is said, risked his life by
tasting this unknown food before others in his chiefdom. The yam
festival is considered vital to the group's survival, and it serves
important social functions-- it defines the group, symbolizes its unity,
and reminds people of their obligations to others.
Religion among the Kru peoples of the southwest resembles that of the
Akan, with an important difference in the presence of a second powerful
deity alongside the creator. This second god is an evil deity or devil,
who works against the creator god, producing a duality that is an
important theme in Kru culture. All individuals exhibit a balance of
good and evil, in this view, and maintaining this balance is important
both to the individual and to the entire universe.
Religions of the North
Northern religions contain the notion of dual deities found in the
southwest, although the two often complement rather than oppose each
other. Ancestral spirits are especially important, because it is
believed that they can directly influence an individual's fortunes in
this life.
The cosmology of the Mand� peoples of the northwest is described in
their myth of origin, variants of which are retold throughout the
region. The myth recounts God's creation of the universe and of four
sets of twins from seeds. They were commanded to populate the earth and
teach their offspring how to grow crops. They used the first music to
plead for rain, and the Niger River was formed from the resulting series
of floods. Each area along the river is associated with a wild animal
that either prevented the sowing of seeds or protected the fields.
Features of the river and surrounding terrain are also associated with
activities of the first ancestors, reinforcing the bond between the
group's spiritual existence and the land--a bond that has confused
foreign missionaries, government officials, and development workers in
recent decades.
In Lobi society in the northeast, divination is important as a means
of determining the cause of death, disease, or other misfortune.
Diviners do not predict the future; rather, they prescribe a course of
action that emphasizes accepted social values in an effort to help
people cope with present-day dilemmas. The diviner's role is similar to
that of a counselor or confessor, who reminds people of the need to
maintain proper relationships with all beings and provides them with a
new perspective on relationships that have gone wrong.
Secret societies are found in several areas of northern C�te
d'Ivoire. They serve important functions in the initiation and education
of the young, and they provide vehicles for preserving beliefs about the
past. Senior members are responsible for ritual instruction of new
members and for the observance of funerals and ceremonies to ensure
agricultural prosperity. Blacksmiths have secret societies of their own,
and in some areas this occupational group is believed to have special
spiritual powers. Medical and ritual specialists also undergo
apprenticeships with established practitioners, thereby reinforcing
their status.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Islam
Ivory Coast
Islam is a monotheistic religion based on revelations received in
seventh-century Arabia by the Prophet Muhammad. His life is recounted as
the early history of the religion, beginning with his travels from the
Arabian town of Mecca about 610. Muhammad preached a series of divine
revelations, denouncing the polytheistic religions of his homeland. He
became an outcast from Mecca and in 622 was forced to flee to the town
of Yathrib, which became known as Medina (the city) through its
association with him. The flight (hijra) marked the beginning
of the Islamic Era and of Islam as a powerful force in history, and it
marked the year 622 as the beginning of the Islamic calendar. Muhammad
ultimately defeated his detractors in battle and consolidated his
influence as both temporal and spiritual leader of most Arabs before his
death in 632.
After Muhammad's death, his followers compiled those of his words
that were regarded as coming directly from God in the Quran, the holy
scripture of Islam. Muhammad's teachings and the precedents of his
behavior as recalled by those who knew him became the hadith
(sayings). From these sources, the faithful constructed the Prophet's
customary practice, or sunna which they endeavor to emulate. The Quran, hadith,
and sunna form a comprehensive guide to the spiritual, ethical, and
social life of the faithful in most Muslim countries.
Islam came to West Africa in three waves. In the ninth century,
Berber traders brought the faith from North Africa to the ancient empire
of Ghana. Beginning in the thirteenth century, the Malink� rulers of
the Mali Empire contributed to its spread throughout much of the
savanna, a process that continued into the eighteenth century, when the
Juula established a Muslim kingdom in what is now northern C�te
d'Ivoire. Finally in the nineteenth century, the Malink� warrior Samori
Tour� contributed to the southward spread of Islam.
The central requirement of Islam is submission to the will of God
(Allah), and, accordingly, a Muslim is a person who has submitted his
will to God. The most important demonstration of faith is the shahadah
(profession of faith), which states "There is no God but God
(Allah), and Muhammad is his prophet." Salat (daily
prayer), zakat (almsgiving), sawm (fasting), and hajj
(pilgrimage to Mecca) are also required.
In C�te d'Ivoire, only the most devout Muslims pray, fast, and give
alms as required by strict tenets of Islam, and only the most wealthy
perform the hajj. Most Ivoirian Muslims are Sunni, following
the Maliki version of Islamic law. Sufism, involving the organization of
mystical brotherhoods (tariqa) for the purification and spread
of Islam, is also widespread, laced with indigenous beliefs and
practices. The four major Sufi brotherhoods are all represented in C�te
d'Ivoire, although the Qadiriya, founded in the eleventh century, and
the Tidjaniya, founded in the eighteenth century, are most popular. The
Qadiriya is prevalent in the west, and the Tidjaniya, in the east. The
other two major Islamic brotherhoods have few adherents in C�te
d'Ivoire. The Senoussiya is identified with Libya, where its influence
is substantial. The Ahmadiya, a Shiite sect originating in
nineteenthcentury India, is the only non-Sunni order in C�te d'Ivoire.
The significant religious authority is the marabout. He is
believed to be a miracle worker, a physician, and a mystic, who
exercises both magical and moral authority. He is also respected as a
dispenser of amulets, which protect the wearer--Muslim or
non-Muslim--against evil. The influence of marabouts has
produced a number of reactions in Ivoirian society, among them a series
of reformist movements inspired by Wahabist puritanism, which originated
in nineteenth-century Saudi Arabia. These reform movements often condemn
Sufism and marabouts as un-Islamic, but the poor see that marabouts
often speak out on behalf of the downtrodden and that reform movements
appear to support the interests of wealthier Muslims.
Hamallism began as an Islamic reform movement in the French Sudan
early in the twentieth century and has provided a channel for expressing
political and religious discontent. Its founder, Hamallah, was exiled
from the French Sudan to C�te d'Ivoire during the 1930s. He preached
Islamic reform tempered by tolerance of many local practices, but he
condemned many aspects of Sufism. Orthodox brotherhoods were able to
convince the French authorities in C�te d'Ivoire that Hamallah had been
responsible for earlier political uprisings in the French Sudan.
Authorities then expelled Hamallah from C�te d'Ivoire and banned his
The relative success of Islam may be related to its compatibility
with many aspects of African culture--for example, plural marriage for
men, which was opposed by Christian missionaries. Nonetheless, Islam was
also embraced because it provided symbolic identification with
successful traders and travelers throughout the world, and it was seen
as an alternative to European religion. Its agents were black, and it
preached on behalf of those who lacked the trappings of Western
civilization. In the 1980s, about one-fourth of all Ivoirians, including
most Juula and Malink� people, called themselves Muslims.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Christianity
Ivory Coast
Only about one-eighth of the population was Christian in the 1980s.
In general, Christianity was practiced by the middle class and in urban
centers of the south. It was most prevalent among the Agni and lagoon
cultures of the southeast, least so among the Mand� of the northwest.
Roman Catholicism was the largest Christian religion, but Methodist,
Baptist, and a number of smaller mission churches also existed.
Roman Catholicism made a brief appearance in C�te d'Ivoire in the
mid-seventeenth century and reappeared two centuries later when French
missionaries began to work among the Agni. The first African Roman
Catholic mission in C�te d'Ivoire was established in 1895, and the
first African priest was ordained in 1934. In the 1980s, the Roman
Catholic Church operated seminaries and schools throughout the country.
Although C�te d'Ivoire is officially a secular state, the president
expressed pride in Abidjan's large Roman Catholic cathedral and alone
funded construction of a basilica at Yamoussoukro, his birthplace, by
1990. Some villages have also adopted patron saints, whom they honor on
both secular and religious holidays.
The largest Protestant religion as of the mid-1980s was Harrism,
begun in 1914 by William Wade Harris, a Liberian preacher who
proselytized along the coast of C�te d'Ivoire and Ghana. Harris set an
example for his followers by leading a simple life and eschewing
conspicuous wealth. He condemned the use of amulets and fetishes as
idolatry, and he preached against adultery, theft, and lying. His was a
simple, fairly austere form of Christianity, which was open to Roman
Catholics and Protestants and did not preach open defiance of colonial
In 1915 Harris was expelled from the region by an uneasy colonial
governor, an action that revitalized his church, leaving dozens of small
"Harrist" churches along the coast. A decade later, Methodist
missionaries made contact with Harris and attempted to continue his work
among the lagoon peoples. Harris succeeded in part because of his ethnic
background--he was African but not Ivoirian--but also because he
converted women as well as men--a practice that had been scorned by
earlier Christian missionaries who failed to recognize the impact of
matrilineal descent on an individual's spiritual life. Harrism was
subsequently recognized as a branch of methodism.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Syncretic Religions
Ivory Coast
Both Islam and Christianity have been adapted to indigenous religions
in a variety of ways. Beyond these localized versions of world
religions, however, are complex systems of belief and practice that
incorporate many elements of more than one religion. Most widely
recognized among these syncretic religions are numerous offshoots of
Harrism along the coast, where new prophets, preachers, and disciples
blend traditional beliefs, Harrism, and modern-day political advice to
help deal with the problems of everyday life.
Syncretic religions are generally more common among minorities in a
particular area or among groups that perceive themselves to be resisting
political domination by their neighbors. The Agni have remained heavily
Catholic, for example, whereas the neighboring Baoul� have evolved a
variety of syncretisms, following prophets that promise good fortune as
a reward for allegiance to them. Small groups in the far northeast have
also evolved a variety of belief systems to maintain their traditions,
incorporate selected aspects of Islam, and resist domination by
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
For centuries C�te d'Ivoire has been the scene of social and
economic change brought about by cross-cultural contact, trans-Saharan
and coastal trade, and innovation by local inhabitants. Established
patterns of change were dramatically altered by the imposition of
colonial rule and the transition to independence, and by the 1980s
patterns of social and cultural change reflected responses to these
disruptions and to the processes and policies of government.
The colonial imposition of plantation agriculture allowed the
emergence of the first nontraditional African elite, when those who
could claim rights to land began to employ farm laborers to produce cash
crops for the colonial regime. This group of planters, as
they came to be known, formed the core of the earliest Ivoirian
political machine, which continued to influence the course of change in
the 1980s. Alongside the rural elite, a fledgling civil servant middle
class also appeared in response to the needs of the bureaucracy, as new
levels of political awareness and activism surfaced throughout the
The African Agricultural Union (Syndicat Agricole Africain- -SAA),
formed in 1944 as a union of planters, led the opposition to colonial
agricultural policies. F�lix Houphou�t-Boigny, a Baoul� elder and
French-trained medical doctor, became head of the SAA and of the
preindependence movement, the Democratic Party of C�te d'Ivoire (Parti
D�mocratique de la C�te d'Ivoire--PDCI), which emerged to lead the
struggle. The PDCI emphasized participation through traditional ethnic
group leaders and ethnic committees (comit�s ethniques).
Ethnic committees helped channel grass-roots participation in the
political process, but in 1985 they were replaced by local committees (comit�s
de base).
From the French perspective, those who had gained wealth and prestige
by exploiting new opportunities in the changing environment were
considered most qualified for political decision making on behalf of the
colony. Houphou�t-Boigny gained a multiethnic
constituency as leader of the PDCI by acting as a broker between
colonial officials and emerging African elites, and especially by
opposing colonial forced-labor policies. During the 1950s, the PDCI
gradually adopted a strategy of collaboration with colonial officials, a
strategy Houphou�t-Boigny pursued successfully enough to become the
nation's first president at independence in 1960.
Even as an early leader in the preindependence PDCI, Houphou�t-Boigny
had defined interest groups and grievances for the nation. In 1974,
after a decade of moderate discontent and dissidence, he convened a
series of dialogues that served the dual purpose of airing cross-ethnic
grievances and maintaining the president's image as a traditional-style
leader, using the analogy of the African "palaver" (palabre).
Teachers, students, former students, parents of students, tenants, union
members, union leaders, transporters, the military, and the party youth
wing, the Movement of Ivoirian Primary and Secondary School Students
(Mouvement des Etudiants et El�ves de C� d'Ivoire--MEECI), were
invited. Excluded were representatives of the growing number of
unemployed and of ethnic groups, with the notable exception of the
Lebanese community.
Economic modernization paralleled political and social change in the
shift from colonial to African power arrangements. Spurred by the
opening of the Vridi Canal to the Gulf of Guinea in 1950 and the
concentration of government functions in the southeastern port of
Abidjan, population migration toward the south increased, and secondary
towns developed along routes to Abidjan. Modernization essentially
became the process of urbanization, and the distinction between urban
and rural came to symbolize the widening rift between rich and poor.
<>Urban Society
<>The Role of Women
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Urban Society
Ivory Coast
Urban ethnic associations performed important social functions, from
the initial reception of new migrants to the burial of urban residents.
They also served as important mutual aid networks and facilitated
communication with home villages. Rapid urbanization brought together
people from numerous ethnic groups, however, and these contacts
contributed to changing values and produced demands that went beyond the
reach of traditional leadership roles. In this changing environment,
ethnic organizations lost influence as cultural and economic brokers.
Most grievances arose in response to government policy choices, and
because these policies were not phrased in terms of ethnic groups,
neither were grievances against them. Neighborhood and citywide problems
demanded broader solutions, and multiethnic associations emerged as
important interest groups.
Ethnicity was further diminished as a factor in urban politics as
foreigners were drawn to C�te d'Ivoire's lucrative job market and as
Houphou�t-Boigny maintained fairly balanced ethnic representation among
political appointments, without bringing traditional leaders into top
levels of administration. He encouraged the most ambitious and educated
young men from different regions to participate in nation building, and
to do so through his patronage.
Houphou�t-Boigny's patrimonial style of governing began to shape the
social landscape, as the political skills he acquired during the waning
years of colonial rule--his expertise as a strategist, his
nonconfrontational manner of dealing with political rivals, and his
paternalistic approach to allies--helped consolidate his support. In the
late 1980s, he continued to emulate the style of his Baoul� elders,
softening strong leadership enough to maintain broad popular support,
satisfying crucial popular demands, and co-opting potential opponents.
As a result of these factors--the urban emphasis, the relative
unimportance of ethnic differences, and Houphou�t-Boigny's patrimonial
style of governing--a self-perpetuating elite emerged. Social relations
were ordered more by access to status, prestige, and wealth than by
ethnic differences, and for most people the locus of this access was the
government. Wealth and government service became so closely linked that
one was taken as a symbol of the other.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Elites
Ivory Coast
Access to land, housing, secondary education, jobs, and social
services determined paths of opportunity and social mobility in Ivoirian
society, where, for the first three decades after independence, there
were clear-cut cleavages between a ruling elite and people who lacked
privileged access to resources. This self-reinforcing system allowed a
wealthy, urban, privileged minority to receive most of the benefits
available to the society as a whole. For example, most urban land
concessions were granted to people in government and administration and
to their relatives and clients. In fact, political appointments were
often accompanied by land concessions in Abidjan, and many Ivoirians
attributed the scarcity of land and high levels of rent to this form of
Urban housing was also a fairly good measure of political status.
Cabinet ministers received monthly housing allowances and lived in
relative luxury. Government housing policy favored construction of
expensive quarters for upper-income families. Rents were high as a
proportion of income and often required deposits of several months or
years rent in advance. Building a private home required "good
standing" within the community in order to meet credit and permit
Secondary education was also an important urban resource and vehicle
of social mobility. Although primary schools were found throughout the
country, secondary schooling was primarily an urban activity, channeling
graduates into urban occupations and contributing to the rural exodus. A
large proportion of pupils who entered primary school were eliminated at
crucial points in the education ladder, especially through limits on
secondaryschool and university admissions, but many also dropped out
throughout the system. In general, students' educational attainments
reflected their parents' level of education. Even when the government
achieves its goal of universal primary education, access to secondary
schooling is expected to remain an extremely limited, highly valued
By the 1980s, employment had become the most significant indicator of
social status. High-level government employees earned salaries several
times the national average, and public sector salaries generally
exceeded those in the private sector, although this situation was
changing in the late 1980s as the government succeeded in freezing civil
service pay scales. Rural wages lagged far behind those in urban areas,
where the number of unemployed far exceeded the number of available
jobs. In a circular fashion, those who were employed had an edge in the
job market and in most other areas of social life. Social services were
more readily available to those who had jobs or had just lost them, and
social service organizations tended to be located in wealthier sections
of town. In general, the distribution of government subsidies helped to
maintain the distance between urban elites and the rural and urban poor.
The Ivoirian middle class was still a small minority, primarily
traders, administrators, teachers, nurses, artisans, and successful
farmers. The middle class constituted the highest social stratum in
rural areas and some small towns, but the majority of small farmers were
not included, nor were the many low-wage earners in urban areas.
Middle-class status was, in C�te d'Ivoire as elsewhere, marked by
continual striving, for one's self and one's children, to acquire the
symbols of wealth. In cities, opportunities for social mobility were
limited for the middle class and the poor, who continued to depend on
the patronage of the elite to achieve most of their goals.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Role of Women
Ivory Coast
Houphou�t-Boigny's political style and longevity shaped Ivoirian
elites into a wealthy, male, educated social stratum. By the late 1980s,
women were beginning to emerge within this group, as education and
acculturation enabled them to challenge the established order. Official
attitudes toward the status of women were pragmatic, like most official
attitudes in C�te d'Ivoire. Beliefs about the role of women in society
were partly the result of ethnic conditioning, however, and the cultural
bias against equality between the sexes was embodied in customary law,
where ethnic diversity and cultural conservatism slowed the pace of
modernization of regulations regarding women.
Role expectations for women changed, however, altered by colonial
legislation, which liberated captives throughout francophone Africa in
1903, and then by the Mandel Decree of 1939, which fixed the minimum age
of marriage at fourteen and made mutual consent a formal necessity for
marriage. The Jacquinot Decree of 1951 invoked the power of the state to
protect women from claims to their services--by their own or their
husband's family--after marriage. Moreover, it enabled women to obtain a
divorce more easily and invalidated in-laws' claims to any bride-price
that had been paid to a woman's family to legitimize the marriage. This
decree also recognized monogamy as the only legal form of marriage and
allowed couples to marry without parental consent. These changes altered
popular perceptions of marriage and established the colonial government
as the authority on most aspects of the status of women.
At independence, the government of Houphou�t-Boigny acknowledged
existing decrees affecting the status of women and went on to establish
the primacy of the nuclear family, raise the minimum age for marriage to
eighteen, and condemn in general terms the notion of female inferiority.
At the same time, however, legislation during the 1960s established a
husband's right to control much of his wife's property, and it required
a woman to obtain her husband's permission to establish a bank account
or obtain a job. The government also placed restrictions on a woman's
right to divorce, denied legal recognition of matrilineal rights of
inheritance (inheritance by a man's nephews before his sons), and
finally, condemned the practice of bride-price.
In 1963 women reacted to the extent and direction of government
control by forming the Association of Ivoirian Women (Association des
Femmes Ivoiriennes--AFI). They also persuaded the president to establish
the Ministry of Women's Affairs (Minist�re de la Condition F�minine)
in 1976 and to appoint AFI leader Jeanne Gervais as minister. Gervais's
goals were to obtain better educational and employment opportunities for
women and to establish judicial equality for women. Legislation was
enacted in 1983 to allow a woman to control some of her property after
marriage and to appeal to the courts for redress of a husband's actions.
The status of women, in practice and in the law, was still well below
that of men through most of the 1980s, but educational opportunities for
women were improving at all levels. In 1987 about one-sixth of the
students at the National University of C�ted d'Ivoire were women, and
the number of women in the salaried work force had also increased. Women
made up almost one-fourth of the civil service and held positions
previously closed to them, in medicine, law, business, and university
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Social Attitudes
Ivory Coast
Despite official descriptions of their society as
"classless" and egalitarian in the 1980s, Ivoirian citizens
were acutely aware of the distinction between the rich and the poor.
People perceived "temporary distortions" in the social
fabric--as social inequities were described by the president--as
continuing trends. They attributed these distortions to a variety of
factors but rarely to the role of the government in maintaining and
subsidizing the elite. Regional and international competition in
commodity markets was cited as a source of economic recession and
hardship in general. Within C�te d'Ivoire, regional inequities were
often blamed on mismanagement by presidential advisers but not on the
president himself. Cabinet ministers, in particular, were often blamed
for poor policy decisions and implementation and were often subjected to
invidious comparisons with presidential wisdom and imagination.
Ivoirians were also adept at generalizing about each other and about
immigrants to their nation, placing blame for social ills on ethnic
groups more often than on socioeconomic forces. The Baoul�, the
president's own constituency, were "too dominant" among high
officeholders, in their critics' view. The related, and rival, Agni
often expressed anti-Baoul� sentiments, while the Agni themselves,
because of their tradition of hierarchical organization, were criticized
for elitist attitudes toward other ethnic groups. Groups that avoided
centralization among indigenous polities, such as the B�t�, were
stereotyped, in turn, as "unsophisticated." The Lobi and
related groups from the northeast were similarly stereotyped.
Non-Africans, even those born in C�te d'Ivoire, were blamed for
"draining the wealth from the nation." Within the foreign work
force, Mossi farm laborers were looked down upon, whereas French
white-collar workers were both despised and emulated. These and other
social reactions served to legitimize popular views of Ivoirian society
and to confirm ethnic pride.
At the same time, Ivoirian society was permeated with a sense of
apathy about social development, except among those in or very close to
political office. Even those who acknowledged the nation's strengths
often did not feel like active participants in its development. The
large foreign presence within the economy, the entrenched political
machine, and the relatively unchanging living conditions among the poor
contributed to this sense of alienation from the overall progress that
has marked C�te d'Ivoire since independence.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - EDUCATION
Ivory Coast
The Ivoirian education system is an adaptation of the French system,
which was introduced at the end of the nineteenth century to train
clerks and interpreters to help administer the colony. The education
system was gradually expanded to train teachers, farmers, and artisans,
but by 1940, only 200 Africans had been admitted to primary schools. In
1945 the nation had only four university graduates, despite an official
policy, described as "assimilationist," aimed at creating a
political elite that would identify with France and French culture. The
education system was made into a department of the French national
system under the jurisdiction of the minister for education in Paris in
the last decade of colonial rule, but by limiting access to a tiny
minority of Africans, it generally failed to supplant Ivoirian values
with French ones.
Education assumed much greater importance as independence approached,
leading some village elders to establish and support village schools.
Primary-school enrollments increased eightfold during the 1950s;
secondary-school enrollments increased ninefold. Schools began to
prepare students for the university, and scholarship programs were
implemented to send a select few to Europe or to Dakar, Senegal, for
further study.
During the 1980s, education was an important national priority; it
received nearly one-third of the national budget in 1985. Responsibility
for educational development lay with the Ministry of National Education
and Scientific Research, which also prescribed curricula, textbooks, and
teaching methods; prepared qualifying examinations; and licensed
teachers, administrators, and private educational institutions.
As a result of its emphasis on education, C�te d'Ivoire boasted a 43
percent literacy rate overall, 53 percent for men and 31 percent for
women in 1988. About 15 percent of the total population was enrolled in
some type of educational institution, but enrollments were still much
higher in urban than rural areas.
<>The Education
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Education System
Ivory Coast
The education system comprised three stages: primary school lasted
six years, leading to a certificate of primary studies; secondary school
lasted seven years, leading to a certificate or baccalaur�at.
University education, available only in Abidjan, culminated in a
university degree. A large number of technical and teacher-training
institutions also provided postprimary and postsecondary education.
There was no system of adult education, although many adults attended
night courses or, in rural areas, received literacy and other
instruction via radio.
Most public schools were tuition free, although students paid an
entrance fee and bought uniforms. Most supplies were free, and some
students received government scholarships, usually in return for a
period of government employment after graduation.
In 1980 approximately 14 percent of primary schools and 29 percent of
secondary schools were private. Most of these were Catholic, staffed by
religious and lay teachers, with salaries partially subsidized by
government funding. Catholic schools operated primarily in the south and
east but were also located throughout the country. Religious instruction
was not permitted in government schools. Quranic schools were common in
the north and were tolerated, but not supported, by the government. Some
students attended both public and Quranic schools.
The school year was divided into three terms, beginning in September
and separated by short Christmas and Easter holidays and a two-month
summer recess. The average week consisted of approximately thirty hours
of classes, Monday through Saturday morning. Most instruction encouraged
mental discipline more than analytical thinking or creativity, by
emphasizing rote memorization and oral recitation.
Primary Education
Approximately 1.5 million pupils attended primary school in 1987,
representing about 75 percent of boys and 50 percent of girls below age
fifteen. Primary-school enrollments increased at a rate of about 7.2
percent per year from 1960 to 1980, climbing to 9.1 percent between 1976
and 1980. This rate slowed after 1980, averaging 4.2 percent from 1981
to 1984 and 2.2 percent after 1984.
Children entered primary school at the age of seven or eight and
passed through six grades, divided into preparatory, elementary, and
intermediate levels. In the first six months, students mastered French,
the language of instruction. Classes in reading, writing, and arithmetic
were taught, gradually supplemented by history, geography, natural
sciences, music, art, and physical education. Rural schools also
required students to work in school gardens and learn basic agricultural
methods. Standard school-leaving exams led to the certificate of
elementary education (certificat d'�tude primaires �l�mentaires--CEPE)
and determined entrance to secondary institutions.
Secondary Education
About 250,000 students, or about 19 percent of primary-school
graduates, attended government-funded secondary schools in 1987. Most of
those preparing for university attended a coll�ge or lyc�e,
both of which included seven years of study divided into two cycles.
Significant differences between these two institutions almost
disappeared in the decades following their introduction by the French,
but the lyc�e was generally administered by the national government and
the coll�ge by the municipal government with national funding.
After the first cycle or four years of secondary school, students
took exams and were awarded the certificate of the lower cycle of
secondary study (brevet d'�tude du premier cycle - BEPC). This
qualification generally allowed them to continue at the coll�ge
or lyc�e, enter a teacher-training institution, or find an entry-level
job in commerce or government. After the second cycle of three years of
study, graduates earned the baccalaur�at, which indicated a
level of learning roughly equivalent to one or two years of university
study in the United States. In C�te d'Ivoire, as in France, it
qualified a student for university entrance.
Secondary-school enrollments grew at a rate of about 11 percent per
year from 1960 to 1984, but that rate has declined since 1984. The
dropout rate was especially high for girls, who made up only 18 percent
of the student body during the last two years of secondary school. An
average of one-fourth of all secondary students received the baccalaur�at.
Complementary courses were the most common type of alternative
secondary education, administered as four-year programs to improve the
academic education of those who did not qualify for coll�ge or
lyc�e. Complementary courses were established during the 1950s, when
expanding educational opportunities was a high priority, and they were
located throughout the country to compensate for the urban bias in
secondary education. Complementary courses often provided a combination
of academic and practical training, leading to an elementary certificate
(brevet �l�mentaire--BE) or the BEPC, and enabled some
students to enter the second cycle at a coll�ge or lyc�e, or
a vocational training institution.
Additional secondary-level courses were administered by religious
organizations, most often the Catholic Church. These courses consisted
of seven years of study divided into two cycles, with a certificate of
completion awarded after each cycle. Teachertraining was available,
often as an alternative to academic university preparation, at a variety
of postprimary levels. Secondary-level teacher training could lead to a
BE certificate and admission to a normal school (�cole normale),
which might also be attended by students who left lyc�es or coll�ges
after the first four years of study.
Vocational training, attended by 47,000 students in 1982-83, was
available at a variety of postprimary institutions. This training
included courses in agriculture, engineering, public works,
transportation management, secretarial and commercial subjects, and
building trades. Graduates often worked as apprentices or pursued
further training at higher technical institutes.
Higher Education
The National University of C�te d'Ivoire, which was founded as the
Center for Higher Education at Abidjan in 1959 and became the University
of Abidjan in 1964, had an enrollment of 18,732 in 1987. Of this number,
about 10,000 were Ivoirians and 3,200 were women. Still heavily
dependent on French assistance, it included faculties of law, sciences,
and letters and schools of agriculture, public works, administration,
and fine arts. Other institutions of higher learning, known as grandes
�coles, awarded certificates of training in specialized fields in
cooperation with, but not as part of, the national university.
In the mid-1980s, five classes of teachers were distinguished by
their educational preparation and salary level: professors, who taught
at the secondary or university level; assistant professors at the
secondary level; and instituteurs, instituteursadjoint ,
and monitors at the primary level. Teachers' salaries were generally
higher than salaries of civil servants with similar qualifications in
the mid-1980s, although many people still left teaching for more
lucrative professions. The government responded to teacher shortages
with a variety of training programs and short courses and by recruiting
expatriates to teach at the secondary and postsecondary levels.
Teachers were organized into a number of unions, most of them
incorporated into the government-controlled central union federation,
(the General Union of Ivoirian). The National Union of Secondary School
Teachers of C�te d'Ivoire--SYNESCI and two smaller unions remained
outside the UGTCI and were outspoken in their criticism of government
educational policies and educational finances in particular. Despite
this tradition of criticism, many government officials achieved
political office through leadership positions in the teachers union.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Economic progress since independence outpaced improvements in the
general health status of the population, despite substantial
improvements in health conditions. As in other areas, nationwide
statistics mask sharp regional and socioeconomic disparities. In the
mid-1980s, life expectancies ranged from fifty-six years in Abidjan to
fifty years in rural areas of the south and thirty-nine years in rural
areas of the north. The resulting overall national average of fifty-one
years represented a marked improvement over that of thirty-nine in 1960.
Infant and child mortality rates remained high in rural areas, where
access to potable water and waste disposal systems was limited, and
housing and dietary needs often remained unmet. An estimated 127 infants
per 1,000 births died in their first year of life, a rate that fell
steadily from 1960 to 1985. In 1987 one-half of all deaths were infants
and children under the age of five. Infectious diseases--primarily
malaria, gastrointestinal ailments, respiratory infections, measles, and
tetanus--accounted for most illness and death in children. Unsanitary
conditions and poor maternal health also contributed to infant deaths.
Close spacing of births contributed to high rates of malnutrition in the
first two years of life.
In 1985 the nation had a generally adequate food supply, averaging
115 percent of the minimum daily requirement, but seasonal and regional
variations and socioeconomic inequalities contributed to widespread
malnutrition in the north, in poorer sections of cities, and among
Public health expenditures increased steadily during the 1980s, but
the health care system was nonetheless unable to meet the health care
needs of the majority of the population. Medical care for wealthy urban
households was superior to that available to rural farm families, and
the health care system retained its bias toward curing disease rather
than preventing it. Chronic shortages of equipment, medicines, and
health care personnel also contributed to overall poor service delivery,
even where people had access to health care facilities. In many rural
areas, health care remained a family matter, under the guidance of
lineage elders and traditional healers.
Staffing policies in the health sector led to low ratios of doctors
to patients and even more severe shortages of nurses and auxiliary
health care personnel in the 1980s. In 1985 there were 6.5 doctors per
100,000 people, and 0.7 dentists, 10.9 midwives, 24.9 nurses, and 11.2
auxiliaries. For this same population, 158 hospital beds were available,
120 of them in maternity care centers. In the northeast, these ratios
were much lower, and rural areas of the southwest also received less
attention by medical planners.
Maternal Health Care (MHC) centers taught classes aimed at reducing
maternal and infant mortality. The World Health Organization (WHO) and
the United Nations Children Fund's (UNICEF) also assisted in programs to
vaccinate children against polio myelitis, diphtheria, tetanus,
pertussis, tuberculosis, yellow fever, and measles, and to vaccinate
pregnant women against tetanus.
In 1987 the government began to implement testing programs for
antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). By the end of that year, it had
reports of 250 AIDS cases nationwide, most in urban areas. Although this
number was small in comparison with many nations of East Africa and
Central Africa, it represented twice the number of reported AIDS cases
one year earlier and posed a potentially serious health threat. The
government neither repressed reports on the spread of HIV nor treated
them lightly. With French medical and financial assistance, and in
collaboration with WHO's Special Program on AIDS (SPA), it began to
implement blood screening programs and to establish public information
centers to meet immediate needs. By 1988, however, no medium-term
program to prevent the spread of HIV was in place.
The Ministry of Public Health and Population, which bore nationwide
responsibility for health care planning, lacked adequately trained
personnel and information management systems, and it shared the urban
bias found throughout much of the government in the 1980s. It sought
private sector involvement in disease prevention and declared the
improvement of health care standards a national priority. At the same
time, historical, ethnic, socioeconomic, and political factors
contributing to the nation's health problems continued to complicate
policy making at the national level.
Social Programs
Social programs generally benefited the wealthy more than the poor,
subsidizing those who had access to resources and an understanding of
public services. Public housing, a high priority under successive
development plans since 1960, was an example of this trend. Most
available public housing was in Abidjan. It was generally of high
quality, so even with subsidized rents, it was beyond the means of
poorer families. The result was government assistance to relatively
high-wage earners.
Some World Bank programs were helping redress this imbalance by
providing funding for low-income housing and low-cost transportation
programs. World Bank assistance in housing in the late 1980s was also
aimed at providing low-interest loans to enable families to purchase
their own homes.
Social Problems
Through the 1980s, C�te d'Ivoire shared the concerns over poverty,
unemployment, and crime that plagued developing and industrial countries
alike. Human resource management was complicated by the large
urban-rural ratio, however, and by population growth and economic
recession. The cultural expectation of assistance through the extended
family helped offset problems of unemployment, but high mobility within
the work force resulted in more dispersed families, and this dispersal,
in turn, contributed to rising problems of poverty and unemployment.
Poverty, population mobility, and ethnic and cultural diversity
contributed to rising crime rates during the first two decades of
independence. During the 1980s, statistics on white-collar
crime--embezzlement, fraud, and misappropriation of funds--rose at a
faster rate, and urban crimes such as robbery and theft generated
widespread concern. In 1987 the president declared dishonesty and fraud
a public disgrace and proclaimed his intention to wage a vigorous war
against them. Drug abuse--primarily involving cocaine, marijuana, and
heroin--was also declared a scourge against society, but the appropriate
public response to these problems was not defined.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Economy
Ivory Coast
SINCE ACHIEVING INDEPENDENCE from France in 1960, C�te d'Ivoire's
primary economic objective has been growth. During the 1960s, growth was
accomplished by expanding and diversifying agricultural production,
improving infrastructure, and developing import substitution industries.
Implicit in this strategy was the emergence of an expanding domestic
market to support budding consumer goods industries. Income
redistribution and Ivoirianization (replacement of expatriates with
Ivoirian workers) were made subordinate to growth. Although these goals
were politically desirable, redistribution and Ivoirianization would be
impossible without growth, according to policymakers. Using revenues
generated from agricultural exports, the government financed
improvements to infrastructure--roads, ports, railroads, power
generation, and schools. To finance increased agricultural production
and industrial development, the government turned to foreign investment
and imported technology. Much of the manual labor was supplied by
non-Ivoirian Africans.
Paramount in this planning was the maintenance of economic links to
France that were almost as extensive as the preindependence ties. Before
independence, French public and private capital helped to support the
government, ensured the internal and external convertibility of the
currency, financed most major commercial enterprises, and supported the
country's banking and credit structure. French enterprises in C�te
d'Ivoire were a major employer of Ivoirian labor, and France
purchased--often at rates higher than market value--most of the
country's exports. In addition, French managers held most of the key
positions in business, and French advisers occupied important posts in
many government ministries.
C�te d'Ivoire's ties to France grew even stronger after
independence. Between 1960 and 1980, the total French population in C�te
d'Ivoire nearly doubled, from about 30,000 to close to 60,000, forming
the largest French expatriate community. In the mid-1980s, four out of
five resident French had lived in C�te d'Ivoire for more than five
years. French citizens filled technical and advisory positions in the
government (albeit in diminishing numbers) and were also evident
throughout the private sector. Until 1985 C�te d'Ivoire also had the
highest number of French-controlled multinational businesses in all of
Africa, had the largest percentage of French imports to and exports from
Africa, and, along with Senegal, received the largest French aid package
in Africa.
Economic development in C�te d'Ivoire has passed through three
phases. During the first phase, from 1965 to 1975, the economy grew at a
remarkable pace as coffee, cocoa, and timber exports increased.
Surpluses from exports speeded growth in the secondary (industrial) and
tertiary (services, administration, and defense) sectors. Gross domestic
product (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of 7.9 percent in real terms,
well ahead of the average annual population growth rate of approximately
4 percent.
During the second phase, from 1976 to 1980, external changes in the
world economic system reverberated within C�te d'Ivoire. Coffee and
cocoa prices peaked in the 1976-77 period as a result of poor harvests
in Latin America, but two years later prices declined rapidly. GDP
continued to grow at an average rate of 7.6 percent per year; within the
period, however, the growth rate varied from 2 percent in 1979 to 11.5
percent one year later. The government, which had responded to the boom
phase by vigorously expanding public investment, was by 1979 forced to
rely on foreign borrowing to sustain growth. At the same time, the
declining value of the United States dollar, the currency in which C�te
d'Ivoire's loans were denominated, and rising prices for imported oil
adversely affected the country's current accounts balance. By the end of
the second phase, C�te d'Ivoire was at the brink of a financial crisis.
During the third phase, from 1981 to 1987, the economy deteriorated
as terms of trade declined, interest rates increased, the prospects of
new offshore oil development evaporated, and agricultural earnings
dropped. Following a record 1985-86 cocoa harvest, the economy rebounded
briefly; however, falling cocoa prices quickly eroded any gains the
country had hoped to achieve, and by 1987 President F�lix Houphou�t-Boigny
had halted further payments on foreign debt. Subsequently, C�te
d'Ivoire was forced to adopt a structural adjustment program mandated by
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that limited imports, subsidized
exports, and reduced government spending.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
By the end of the first decade of independence, the government's
strategy for economic growth and development appeared remarkably
successful. Agricultural output of cash crops expanded, and, as evidence
of diversification, the relative importance of unprocessed coffee,
cocoa, and timber diminished as that of bananas, cotton, rubber, palm
oil, and sugar grew. Using revenues from commodity sales, the government
upgraded roads, improved communications, and raised the educational
level of the work force. Local factories were replacing some imports by
producing a wide variety of light consumer goods.
During the 1970s, the government's economic objective of growth
remained unchanged. Agriculture--coffee and cocoa in particular--
remained the mainstay of the export economy and the largest component of
GDP until it was overtaken by the service sector in 1978. But while
agriculture provided about 75 percent of export earnings in 1965, that
total had shrunk by 20 percent by 1975. Between 1965 and 1975,
agriculture's share of GDP also declined by almost 20 percent.
Industrial GDP, derived primarily from import substitution manufacturing
and agricultural processing, increased by 275 percent from 1970 to 1975,
while industry's share of export earnings increased from 20 percent in
1965 to 35 percent in 1975. The fastest-growing sector of the economy
was services, which as a share of GDP increased by more than 325 percent
from 1965 to 1975.
At the same time, problems that arose during the previous decade
required adjustments. To reduce production costs of manufactured goods,
the government encouraged local production of intermediate inputs, such
as chemicals and textiles. The government also shifted some public
investment from infrastructure to crop diversification and agricultural
processing industries to improve export earnings. Meanwhile, work on
such major projects as the Buyo hydroelectric generating station
continued. Foreign donors, attracted by C�te d'Ivoire's stable
political climate and profitable investment opportunities, provided
capital for these endeavors. Until 1979, when coffee and cocoa prices
plummeted and the cost of petroleum products rose sharply a second time,
virtually every economic indicator was favorable.
Over the same twenty years, however, structural contradictions in C�te
d'Ivoire's economic strategy became apparent and presaged the serious
problems that became manifest in the 1980s. First, the emergence of a
domestic market large enough to allow manufacturers of import
substitutes to benefit from economies of scale required a wage for
agricultural workers--the largest segment of the labor force--that was
high enough to support mass consumption. But because the government
relied on agricultural exports to finance improvements to
infrastructure, commodity prices and wages could not be allowed to rise
too high. Second, the government's focus on import substitution
increased demand for intermediate inputs, the cost of which often
exceeded that of the previously imported consumer goods. Moreover, C�te
d'Ivoire's liberal investment code encouraged capital-intensive rather
than labor-intensive industrial development. Consequently, industrial
growth contributed little to the growth of an industrial labor force or
a domestic market, and prices for consumer goods remained high,
reflecting the high costs of production and protection. The investment
code also permitted vast funds to leave C�te d'Ivoire in the form of
tax-free profits, salary remittances, and repatriated capital.
Decapitalization, or the outflow of capital, led to balance of payments
problems and the need to export more commodities and limit agricultural
wages. (As a result, the domestic market remained small, and consumer
goods remained expensive.) By the start of the 1980s, as surpluses from
commodity sales dwindled, the government continued to depend on foreign
borrowing to stimulate the economy. Inexorably, the external debt and
the burden of debt service grew.
In the 1980s, a combination of drought, low commodity prices, and
rapidly rising debt costs exacerbated the structural weakness of the
Ivoirian economy. Between 1977 and 1981, both cocoa and coffee prices
fell on world markets, the current accounts balance dropped
precipitously, and debt servicing costs rose, compelling the government
to implement stabilization policies imposed by the IMF. The economy
sagged even more when a drought during the 1983-84 growing season cut
agricultural and hydroelectric output at the same time that rising
interest rates on international markets increased the debt burden. No
sector of the economy was untouched. Between 1981 and 1984, GDP from
industry dropped by 33 percent, GDP from services dropped by 9 percent,
and GDP from agriculture dropped by 12.2 percent.
Between 1984 and 1986, a surge in commodity prices and output,
coupled with increased support from Western financial institutions,
provided a momentary economic boost. The record 1985 cocoa crop of
580,000 tons, combined with improved prices for coffee and cotton,
bolstered export earnings and confidence in the economy. Following both
the 1984-85 and the 1985-86 growing seasons, the government again
increased producer prices for cocoa and coffee, resumed hiring civil
servants, and raised some salaries, all of which led to a rise in
consumption. Food production also increased during this period, allowing
food imports to drop. Similarly, a reduction in the cost of oil imports
helped the country to attain a large commercial surplus by the end of
1986, thus considerably easing the balance of payments difficulties
experienced earlier in the decade. These factors, combined with the
rescheduling of foreign debt payments, gave the government some
flexibility in handling its debt crisis and allowed it to begin paying
its arrears to domestic creditors, including major construction and
public works firms, supply companies, and local banks.
The economic resurgence turned out to be short lived, however. In
1987 the economy again declined. Compared with the first six months of
the previous year, sales of raw cocoa fell by 33 percent, and coffee
exports plummeted by 62 percent. GDP declined by 5.8 per cent in real
terms, reflecting the slide in local currency earnings from exports. The
trade surplus fell by 49 percent, plunging the current account into
deficit. Trade figures for the first half of 1987 revealed a 35 percent
drop in the value of exports in comparison with the same period in 1986.
In May 1987, the government suspended payments on its massive foreign
debt and appealed to official government lenders (the Paris Club) and
commercial lenders (the London Club) to reschedule debt payments. The
Paris Club acceded in December 1987; the London Club, in March 1988.
As negotiations were proceeding, lenders pressured the government to
introduce fiscal reforms. In January 1988, the government implemented a
series of revenue-raising measures, which extended the value-added tax
to the wholesale and retail trades and increased import tariffs, stamp
duties, and tobacco taxes. In addition, the government initiated
programs to privatize most state enterprises and parastatals (companies
under joint government and private ownership) and to give a "new
orientation" to industry.
Privatization was not a new measure. In 1980 the state made
divestment an official policy and offered for sale many state
corporations and the state's shares in jointly owned enterprises.
Because the response to divestment was sluggish, the government proposed
innovative alternatives to outright denationalization, such as leasing
arrangements and self-managing cooperatives. By 1987, however, only
twenty-eight of the targeted enterprises (in agribusiness, trading and
distribution, public works, and tourism) had been sold. Moreover, the
state still accounted for 55 percent of direct investment in the
The structural adjustments required by the World Bank in 1987 gave a
new impetus to the divestment process. The government placed 103
industries in which it had holdings up for sale, although several
companies considered to be of strategic importance to the country were
later taken off the market. Included in this category were the Commodity
Marketing and Price Control Board (Caisse de Stabilisation et de Soutien
des Prix de Production Agricole--CSSPPA), the Petroleum Operations
Company of C�te d'Ivoire (Petrole de C�te d'Ivoire--PETROCI), the
Ivoirian Maritime Transport Company (Soci�t� Ivoirienne de Transport
Maritime-- SITRAM), and the Ivoirian Mining Company (Soci�t� pour le D�veloppement
Minier de C�te d'Ivoire--SODEMI).
Divestment was a mixed success at best. Although Ivoirians took over
more than half of the companies, those enterprises in which Ivoirians
held a majority of the capital were very small--three- quarters were
capitalized at less than CFA F50 million (for value of the CFAF)--and
their rate of return was substantially lower than that of foreign-owned
and state enterprises. In general, the larger the capital of an
enterprise, the smaller the proportion owned by Ivoirians.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Economy - ROLE OF GOVERNMENT
Ivory Coast
In spite of its reputation for having liberal, noninterventionist
economic policies, the Ivoirian government played a pivotal role in the
domestic economy. Acting primarily through the Ministry of Planning and
the Ministry of Finance, the government directed fiscal and monetary
strategies over the long term and intervened in the short term in
response to changing market conditions. The Ministry of Planning was
responsible for coordinating long-term development projects, while the
Ministry of Finance was responsible for financing annual investment. The
technical ministries, such as the Ministry of Mining, the Ministry of
Trade, and the Ministry of Industry, were responsible for preparing and
implementing projects. The Ministry of Planning played the central role.
It mediated between the technical ministries and the public enterprises
on the one hand and the Ministry of Finance and the government (in its
role as the formulator of economic objectives) on the other hand. The
Ministry of Finance translated the government's policy objectives into a
set of long-term output and investment targets and an aggregate
investment package. The Ministry of Planning and the technical
ministries then used the guidelines to undertake those projects that
were deemed feasible and would most contribute to achieving the plan's
output and investment targets.
Beginning in 1960, the Ministry of Planning prepared a series of
ten-year projections. Subsequently, these were replaced by a series of
five-year plans that had built into them a three-year
"rolling" program called the Loi Programme. The five-year
plans formulated the overall objectives, set priorities, and provided a
macroeconomic framework for the country's development. The threeyear
overlapping Loi Programmes examined individual projects, taking into
account progress toward implementation, annual changes in costs, and
political impact.
Public Investment
In addition to its planning role, the government was the largest
single investor in the economy. Following independence, the government
embarked on an ambitious capital spending program. Much of the capital
for government intervention came from the CSSPPA, which fixed producer
prices, operated a reserve price stabilization fund, and extracted
profits for the state. Much of this investment went toward developing
infrastructure and was one of the state's more positive economic
contributions in the 1960s.
By the 1970s, although there was no official change of economic
policy, the state intervened more directly in the economy, primarily
through the creation of parastatals. This surge in the number of
parastatals reflected the government's desire to stimulate growth in
those areas where the private sector was considered insufficiently
active, to create employment for Ivoirians, and to encourage Ivoirians
to invest locally. In the case of agricultural parastatals, the state
wanted to lessen income disparities between the north and the south,
decrease food imports, provide rural employment, and diminish the
importance of foreign investment in agriculture. In some instances,
social or political objectives superseded the profit motive, as appears
to have been the case with parastatals like the Bandama Valley Authority
(Autorit� du Vall�e du Bandama--AVB), which promoted regional
development, and the Sugar Development Company (Soci�t� de D�veloppement
Sucrier--SODESUCRE), which was also responsible for creating jobs and
building schools and medical clinics in the savanna region.
All of the parastatals enjoyed relative financial autonomy, although
their technical and financial operations were in theory supervised by
the government. In fact, there was often little supervision by, or
coordination of activities with, other government agencies, perhaps
reflecting the fact that top-level managers of some parastatals were
often politically well connected. In many instances, the parastatals
withheld or otherwise could not produce crucial financial data for
planners. Given the absence of governmental oversight and the sometimes
vague social and political objectives of the parastatals, they performed
badly and in some cases--notably the housing sector--were rife with
In spite of these shortcomings--or perhaps because of them--the
government support of parastatals steadily increased. By 1974 it
amounted to more than half of the entire investment budget. Over the
same fourteen years, the proportion of investment spending covered by
net public savings fell to 37 percent. This imbalance forced the
government to borrow extensively from foreign sources to maintain an
even level of investment and growth. Between 1965 and 1975, foreign
loans rose from 41 percent to 65 percent of investment in parastatals.
Moreover, the outstanding debt figures of the public enterprises and the
amount of foreign borrowing, which in theory should have been cleared by
the National Amortization Fund (Caisse Autonome d'Amortissement--CAA),
were not disclosed until an end-of-year report. This process effectively
precluded government attempts to control parastatal finances.
Public spending was handled under two different budgets: the Ordinary
Budget (Budget Ordinnaire) for current government expenditures, which
were generally covered by domestic revenues, and the Special Investment
and Capital Equipment Budget (Budget Special d'Investissement et
d'Equipement--BSIE), which partly depended on foreign investment. The
BSIE had two parts: the BSIETreasury (BSIE-Tresor or BSIE-T), which was
financed by surpluses from the Ordinary Budget, levies on business
profits and farm incomes, and borrowing through bonds issued by the CAA;
and the BSIE-CAA, which was funded by foreign borrowing.
The size of each budget reflected the state of the economy. The
Ordinary Budget grew by an average of more than 20 percent from 1976 to
1980 and then by an average of about 11 percent per year in 1980, 1981,
and 1982. By 1983, however, the deteriorating economy and consequent
decline in tax receipts prompted the government to implement a series of
austerity measures. Cuts were initially limited to the BSIE, which fell
from CFA F277.6 billion in 1980 to CFA F239.1 billion in 1984 and then
fell dramatically to 101.8 billion in 1985. In 1984 the government cut
the Ordinary Budget for the first time, by 1.5 percent from the previous
year. The government reduced the number of foreign technical assistants,
froze civil service salaries, and sold one-quarter of the official fleet
of 12,000 automobiles.
In 1986, after three years of severe austerity, higher commodity
prices increased revenues and, in turn, allowed both budgets to expand.
Budgeted expenses rose by 8.6 percent, with most of the increase in the
BSIE, where allocations were increased by 13.7 percent. More than a
third of these allocations went toward a road building plan cofinanced
by the World Bank. Agricultural diversification was the second largest
beneficiary. A 3.7 percent increase in the Ordinary Budget again
permitted civil service promotions following a protracted wage and
hiring freeze.
The period of budgetary expansion, however, was brief. In 1987 coffee
and cocoa prices again dropped, resulting in a 5.2 percent cut in the
1987 BSIE and an additional 19.8 percent cut in the 1988 BSIE. For the
second year in a row, the BSIE did not receive any funds from the
CSSPPA, the agency that marketed the bulk of C�te d'Ivoire's coffee and
cocoa. In 1987 the largest share of BSIE funding, amounting to CFA F85.8
billion, came from multilateral donor agencies (CFA F44 billion).
Bilateral creditors--including France, Japan, Britain, the United
States, and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)--provided CFA
F16.2 billion, and commercial creditors provided CFA F25.6 billion.
Meanwhile, domestically generated revenue for the BSIE was set to
increase from the 1987 level of CFA F38.8 billion to CFA F 57.8 billion
in 1988. The increase, however, represented only the inclusion of funds
previously classified as extrabudgetary.
The 1987 overall budget increased by a modest 4.8 percent and the
1988 budget by 2.6 percent. These increases were primarily the result of
an increase in revenue from taxes on income, imports, fuel, agricultural
products, and municipality receipts. But because of an annual inflation
rate of approximately 7 percent, it was expected that real spending in
1988 would fall. Debt rescheduling agreements did not affect the budget
because the government considered debt service to be outside the main
budget calculation.
Banking and Finance
C�te d'Ivoire's banking system developed during the colonial period
as an extension of the French financial and banking systems. In 1962 C�te
d'Ivoire, along with seven other francophone nations, became a member of
the West African Monetary Union (Union Mon�taire Ouest Africain--UMOA).
The UMOA established the Central Bank of West African States (Banque
Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest--BCEAO), which issued the
African Financial Community (Communaut� Financi�re Africaine) franc
(CFA F), the unit of currency for the member states, and established
policies governing interest rates. Also in 1962, France and the members
of the UMOA signed an agreement that guaranteed the convertibility of
the CFA F to French francs and established operations accounts for each
country with the French treasury in order to centralize their reserves.
The signatories also agreed to the free circulation of capital within
the union. Since 1962 the UMOA has modified its system gradually to
grant greater monetary autonomy to the African member states. For
example, the UMOA reduced the share of French votes on the board of
directors from one-third to one-seventh, transferred the headquarters of
the BCEAO from Paris to Dakar, Senegal, and in 1975 introduced changes
to increase the managerial presence of Africans in their national
economies and to help the member states make better use of their
Domestically, C�te d'Ivoire had the second most sophisticated
banking system in sub-Saharan Africa, after South Africa. In 1988 it had
twenty-one credit and loan banks (including fifteen commercial banks and
six specialized credit banks), nine foreign bank offices with limited
activity, sixteen registered credit or leasing institutions, and seven
organization similar to credit unions. More than half of bank ownership
remained in foreign control: six of the fifteen commercial banks were
branches of foreign banks (including three American institutions). Of
the fifteen banks with some domestic ownership, Ivoirians (publicly or
privately) owned no more than 48.4 percent.
In the late 1980s, the banking system was especially hard hit by the
fall in cocoa earnings and the subsequent liquidity crisis. In 1987 the
Ivoirian Bank for Construction and Public Works (Banque Ivoirienne de
Construction et de Travaux Publics--BICT) and the National Savings and
Loan Bank (Banque Nationale d'Epargne et Credit--BNEC) were closed by
authorities. In early 1988, the National Agricultural Development Bank
(Banque Nationale pour le D�veloppement Agricole--BNDA), which provided
credit to peasant farmers, and the C�te d'Ivoire Credit Bank (Cr�dit
de la C�te d'Ivoire--CCI), an industrial development bank, suspended
operations. In the case of the BNDA, a politically well connected
borrower who owed the bank as much as US$78.9 million was unable to
account for the funds he had borrowed.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - LABOR
Ivory Coast
Most Ivoirians were members of a traditional agrarian society and
virtually all able-bodied adults worked. Just over one third were
subsistence farmers who raised little beyond their immediate needs. In
1982 the economically active population numbered approximately 4.3
million, of whom about 47 percent were women. Approximately 85 percent
of this population engaged in farming, herding, fishing, or forestry, as
opposed to nearly 90 percent in 1962. At independence, agriculture
accounted for 45 percent of all wage earners; 40 percent were employed
in industry, commerce, and services, and 15 percent were government
employees. In 1960 unskilled workers constituted approximately 67
percent of the entire labor force; skilled workers and technicians, 19
percent; white-collar workers, 11 percent; and executive and managerial
positions, 3 percent. In 1982 unskilled workers made up about 80 percent
of the work force; skilled workers, 17 percent; and managerial and
professional workers, 3 percent. According to a 1985 census, the largest
employer was the government, which employed 110,670 people (not
including the armed forces), or approximately 7 percent of the
nonagricultural work force. Of these workers, 81,561 were in the civil
service, and the rest were in state-owned companies.
In 1968 the government created the Office for the Promotion of
Ivoirian Enterprise (Office de Promotion de l'Enterprise
Ivoirienne--OPEI) to reduce--or appear to reduce--the country's
dependence on foreign entrepreneurial expertise. The OPEI was to help
develop or improve the efficiency of Ivoirian commercial, industrial,
and agricultural enterprises by providing studies, statistics,
administrative assistance, and training for local entrepreneurs. In
fact, the OPEI focused only on small-scale entrepreneurs, such as
bakers, carpenters, tailors, plumbers, and electricians. These efforts
could not--and apparently were not intended to--produce the high-level
managerial expertise that would reduce the country's dependence on
expatriate initiative, skills, and technology.
Until the mid-1980s, non-Africans--mostly French--still dominated the
managerial and professional cadres. In 1973 the government set up the
National Commission on Ivoirianization to encourage the appointment of
Ivoirians to managerial posts throughout the economy. Although
Ivoirianization of management was the announced purpose of the
commission, Ivoirianization was not to be implemented at the expense of
efficiency. Consequently, most Ivoirianization programs in commerce and
industry were voluntary and produced only modest results. According to
official figures, in 1979 Ivoirians held only 23 percent of senior
management positions and 44 percent of junior management posts in all
private, public, and parastatal enterprises. By 1982 the percentage of
Ivoirians in senior management positions had actually dropped slightly
to 21 percent; for junior-level management posts, the percentage had
risen to 52 percent. Among the country's 300 largest companies,
Ivoirians still filled only 29 percent of top management posts, compared
with 67.4 percent that were filled by non-Africans. The remaining 3.6
percent were filled by non-Ivoirian Africans. In addition, many
Europeans worked as mechanics, technicians, and shop owners,
underscoring C�te d'Ivoire's continued reliance on foreign initiative
and skills.
The government also employed a large number of European teachers and
technical experts known as coop�rants. Most were recruited by the French Ministry of
Cooperation, but others were hired directly by the Ivoirian government
through private, usually French, firms on a contract basis. The Ivoirian
government was responsible for 80 percent of the total cost of those
hired under official cooperation agreements and for 100 percent of the
cost of those hired under private contract. Pressures for
Ivoirianization and the economic recession of the early 1980s prompted a
gradual reduction in the number of coop�rants from a peak of
4,000 in 1980 to 3,200 in 1984. Over the next two years, as economic
conditions worsened and as more Ivoirian university graduates took over
teaching jobs in secondary schools, this number fell by 1,000.
The privately recruited foreign experts were employed mainly as
technical advisers in government ministries and in state enterprises. As
part of a series of austerity measures, the IMF insisted that 585 of the
650 foreign experts on government payrolls be let go. Those foreign
experts allowed to stay were in highly specialized areas, such as the
petroleum sector and computer technology. Despite the IMF dictum, by the
end of 1987 there were still 425 privately recruited foreign experts,
costing the government CFA F11 billion annually. In November 1987, the
government recommended that these experts be retained only if their
presence was "indispensable in certain high technology areas not
yet mastered by nationals."
C�te d'Ivoire also depended on foreigners for unskilled labor. Since
the early twentieth century, poor migrants from Burkina Faso, Mali, and
other parts of West Africa had worked in C�te d'Ivoire as agricultural
and construction laborers. Because immigration has been largely
uncontrolled, estimates of the number of immigrants have varied by as
much as 100 percent, ranging from 1 million to 2 million, and accounted
for 70 percent to 80 percent of the unskilled labor force in the rural
sector. According to official figures for 1974 (the most recent year for
which they were available in 1988), 81.8 percent of the salaried
positions in the primary sector (agriculture and raw materials) were
filled by nonIvoirian Africans, while only 16.9 percent were filled by
Ivoirians. The figures, however, were skewed somewhat by the fact that
most Ivoirians in the primary sector were self-employed or were working
for family members. The labor force shifted easily between regions and
occupational sectors. Surveys have shown that half the migrant farm
laborers changed their employment every two months, and even the more
permanent wage earners moved freely from job to job in search of higher
pay and more attractive working conditions. The greatest movement
occurred between the traditional and the modern sectors of the economy,
as farmers from subsistence areas took temporary wage employment to meet
specific cash needs. This mobility contributed to the lack of training
and skills and the low productivity among nonagricultural workers.
Labor Unions
In the 1980s, approximately 100,000 full-time workers, mostly
professionals, civil servants, and teachers, belonged to unions.
Virtually all unions were under the umbrella of the General Federation
of Ivoirian Workers (Union G�n�rale des Travilleurs de C�te
d'Ivoire--UGTCI), which was tightly controlled by the party and, by
extension, the government. Consequently, the leadership of the UGTCI
invariably supported the government in its efforts to promote unity and
development, often at the expense of labor. As a political force, the
UGTCI exercised little clout.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Wages and Income Distribution
Ivory Coast
For several reasons, it is difficult to compare rural incomes with
urban incomes. Agricultural workers earned income predominantly from the
production of goods, rather than from the sale of labor. Much of this
production was not marketed, and cash crops that were marketed were sold
at prices that were, in effect, taxed by the government because of its
pricing policies. By contrast, urban incomes were pretax
incomes, and unadjusted comparisons exaggerate the difference between
the two. In addition, urban workers often benefited from supplementary
nonmarket sources of income, such as subsidized housing, access to
credit on favorable terms, and rental income.
According to Ministry of Planning figures for 1974 (the most recent
figures available in 1988), the group of workers whose salaries fell in
the bottom 40 percent in the private sector received about 14 of total
salary payments; the middle 40 percent received about 33 percent; and
the top 20 percent received about 53 percent. Figures for workers in the
public and parastatal enterprises (excluding the civil service) were
similar: the group of workers whose salaries fell in the bottom 40
percent received 12 percent, the middle 40 percent received 32 percent,
and the top 20 percent received 56 percent. In both sectors, the highest
salaries were paid to expatriates, and the lowest incomes went to
nonIvoirian Africans. For the civil service, the income distribution was
considerably more balanced: the lowest 40 percent received 27 percent of
income payments, and the top 20 percent received 35 percent. Regionally,
incomes in the north lagged behind those in the south.
Salaries earned by non-Africans ranged from about twenty times the
average African salary in the primary sector, to ten times the average
in the secondary sector, to five times the average in the tertiary
sector. In money terms, non-Africans usually received two to three times
as much income as Africans in the same job classification; in addition,
expatriates benefited from generous housing, travel, and educational
Since 1932 minimum wage and other worker compensation standards have
been fixed. The Labor Code of 1952 established guaranteed minimum wages
and working conditions, and the Advisory Labor Committee, composed of an
equal number of employers and workers chosen by their representative
bodies, was set up to recommend appropriate standards. The committee
based its recommendations on the cost of living and the minimum
subsistence requirements of various segments of the population. The
committee then elaborated two minimum wage standards: the Guaranteed
Minimum Agricultural Wage (Salaire Minimum Agricole Garanti--SMAG) and
the Guaranteed Minimum Interprofessional Wage (Salaire Minimum
Interprofessionel Garanti--SMIG).
Minimum wages have increased faster for nonagricultural workers. The
SMIG rose from CFA F40 per hour in 1962 to CFA F58 per hour in 1970 and
increased an additional 58 percent to CFA F93 per hour by 1974. In 1982
the SMIG was raised to CFA F191.4 per hour. By contrast, the SMAG rose
only 20 percent to CFA F25 per hour between 1970 and 1974. In 1982 the
SMAG was CFA F30 per hour. Most workers received wages substantially
higher than the legal minimum based on scales determined by collective
bargaining agreements or, in the absence of such agreements, by the
The government also determined other work rules. In 1988 the maximum
work period was 40 hours a week for nonagricultural labor and 2,400
hours a year for agricultural labor. By law, all employers carried
worker's compensation insurance. The labor code regulated labor
practices, recruitment, contracts, the employment of women and children,
and general working conditions such as paid holidays, sick leave, and
medical care. The code also provided for collective agreements between
employees and trade unions and for special courts to settle labor
As in most developing countries, measuring employment and
unemployment was difficult because relatively few people were employed
in the modern or formal economy, in which enumerating workers is easier;
in the traditional economy, the concept of unemployment was almost
meaningless. It was also difficult to determine the percentage of the
population that was active in the labor force. In spite of these
methodological problems, the rate of unemployment in the early 1980s was
calculated to be 9 percent, with the highest rates in the Abidjan area.
By the end of 1987, the national unemployment rate was estimated to
be 11 percent; the rate in urban areas was as high as 30 percent. The
actual number of unemployed persons was estimated to be 600,000,
although only 86,000 were officially registered with the Employment
Office of C�te d'Ivoire (Office de la Main d'Oeuvre de C�te
d'Ivoire--OMOCI). Contributing to the high rates of unemployment were a
sharp increase in the number of high school and university graduates
with inappropriate skills, migration of young people from rural areas, a
continued high rate of immigration from neighboring countries, and
reduced recruitment levels in the public, parastatal, and private
sectors. Significantly, these problems were becoming more acute because
the economically active population was growing 4 percent a year and was
expected to reach 7.5 million by 1992.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Agriculture was the foundation of the economy and its main source of
growth. In 1987 the agricultural sector contributed 35 percent of the
country's GDP and 66 percent of its export revenues, provided employment
for about two-thirds of the national work force, and generated
substantial revenues despite the drop in coffee and cocoa prices. From
1965 to 1980, agricultural GDP grew by an average 4.6 percent per year.
Growth of agricultural GDP from coffee, cocoa, and timber production,
which totaled nearly 50 percent of C�te d'Ivoire's export revenues,
averaged 7 percent a year from 1965 to 1980. Contributing to this
impressive performance were an abundance of fertile land, cheap labor,
the collective efforts of many farmers cultivating small plots,
relatively favorable commodity prices, and a stable political
Success in the 1960s and 1970s overshadowed major problems developing
in the agricultural sector. By the late 1980s, despite efforts to
diversify its crops, 55 percent of C�te d'Ivoire's export earnings
still came from cocoa and coffee. Moreover, highly volatile world
markets for both commodities caused sharp fluctuations in government
revenues and made development planning difficult. In addition, C�te
d'Ivoire was not yet self-sufficient in food production and imported
substantial quantities of rice, wheat, fish, and red meat. Finally,
despite an enormous increase in the volume of agricultural output since
independence, there was little improvement in agricultural productivity.
To achieve higher production figures, traditional farmers using
traditional technologies simply cleared more and more land.
To overcome C�te d'Ivoire's excessive dependence on coffee and cocoa
(the prices for which were set by consumers), on timber (the supply of
which was nearly exhausted), and on imported food, the government in the
mid-1970s embarked on a series of agricultural diversification and
regional development projects with the hope of boosting agricultural
production by 4 percent per year. The plan, estimated to cost CFA F100
billion per annum (with just over 50 percent coming from foreign
lenders) would allow the country to become self-sufficient in food (with
the exception of wheat) and expand the production of rubber, cotton,
sugar, bananas, pineapples, and tropical oils.
In spite of these efforts, the agricultural sector appeared unable to
adapt to changing conditions. Distortions in the system of incentives
reduced the comparative advantage of alternative crops. The vast
revenues collected by the CSSPPA were often spent on marginally
profitable investments, like the costly sugar complexes or expensive
land clearing programs. Finally, some diversification crops, like
coconut and palm oil, faced new threats as health-conscious consumers in
the United States and Europe began turning away from tropical oils.
Consequently, the future for Ivoirian agriculture remained cloudy.
<>Land Use
<>Food Crops
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Land Use
Ivory Coast
Of the total land area of more than 322,000 square kilometers, 52
percent was considered agricultural land, or slightly over 3.6 hectares
per capita. Total land area fell into one of two distinct agricultural
regions: the forest region (about 140,000 square kilometers) in the
south and the drier savanna region (about 180,000 square kilometers) in
the north, where economic growth has generally been slower. The forest region, which had higher and more reliable rainfall
and better soils, produced most export crops. Rainfall in the savanna
averaged about two-thirds of that in the forest region and was
unreliable from year to year. In addition, the soils were generally
light and ranged from medium to poor quality. As a result, agricultural
yields were low and opportunities for using labor-saving technology were
The prevailing system of cultivation for both cereals and f�culents
(starchy foods) was known as shifting agriculture, or bush fallow.
Fields were cultivated for three to four years, after which they were
left fallow for periods of up to ten years to restore their fertility.
To maximize their return on a given plot, farmers first cultivated a
more exigent crop like yams, followed it in subsequent years with less
demanding crops like corn, and finally planted cassava, after which the
plot was left untilled. In C�te d'Ivoire, as elsewhere in Africa,
population pressures forced farmers to reduce the fallow period, leading
to diminished soil fertility and productivity. The use of chemical
fertilizers was not common; annual consumption of fertilizers in 1982
was 51,800 tons, or only 8.5 kilograms per hectare.
As in most of sub-Saharan Africa, farm labor was usually manual,
without the aid of animals or mechanization. In 1982 there were 3,200
tractors and 40 harvester-threshers in the country, nearly all of which
were on large private or government-owned plantations. Nearly all
agriculture relied on natural rainfall or, in the case of paddy rice,
rudimentary, gravity-fed irrigation systems. Under the 1976-78
development plan, the government constructed dams on the Bandama River
at Taabo and on the Sassandra River at Buyo for irrigation.
Land tenure systems differed among the various ethnic groups;
nevertheless, most systems were based on the concept of communal
ownership of land. At the same time, individual families were granted
rights to cultivate a specific area (which included fallow areas), and
these rights included some form of inheritance within the family. Unused
lands reverted to the community. In 1902 the French introduced the
concept that individuals or corporations could hold legal title to land
with exclusive rights; this law, however, had little impact in the rural
areas. After independence, Ivoirian law on landownership provided for
surveys and registration of land, which then became the irrevocable
property of the owner and his or her successors.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Cocoa
Ivory Coast
In 1988 C�te d'Ivoire led the world in cocoa production with more
than 500,000 tons. Cocoa was grown mainly on small family-owned farms
with labor supplied principally by immigrants from other African
countries. Production growth averaged 6 percent to 7 percent a year
throughout the 1965-74 period and accelerated as the plantings of the
late 1970s and the early 1980s entered their prime. The total area of
cocoa cultivation more than doubled from 1973 to 1983, from 611,000
hectares to 1,398,900 hectares.
In C�te d'Ivoire, cocoa became a cash crop only in 1912, when
colonial authorities forced Africans to cultivate it. Cocoa, like
coffee, was a forest crop; it required ample rainfall, partial shade,
and shelter from wind, all of which occurred only in the southern forest
zone. Cocoa trees produced pods, which grew on the trunk and older
branches, beginning at four or five years, and continued producing for
twenty to thirty years. The pods were harvested from June through August
and from November through January, although some pods ripened throughout
the year. After harvest, the beans and pulp were extracted from the pods
and allowed to ferment for six or seven days and then dried. Yields
averaged 220 kilograms per hectare. The bulk of the crop was produced on
small plots of one or two hectares.
C�te d'Ivoire's success as a cocoa producer has been a mixed
blessing. In September 1987, cocoa prices fell to their lowest levels
since 1983. In December prices were even lower following forecasts that
the world surplus for the 1987-88 season would be substantially higher
than the previous season's, marking the fourth successive year of a
world cocoa surplus. In September 1987, talks aimed at restoring the
price support mechanisms of the International Cocoa Organization ended
in failure when producers and consumers were unable to agree on the
price level to be defended.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Coffee
Ivory Coast
C�te d'Ivoire ranked third in world coffee production after Brazil
and Colombia. Introduced as a cash crop during the colonial period,
coffee was cultivated throughout the forest zone, with the heaviest
production in the denser forests of the east and along the margin of the
forest moving westward from Dimbokro to Man. The bulk of the crop
consisted of robusta varieties, which were more bitter and less
expensive than arabica varieties and therefore were used in blends to
reduce costs.
Coffee trees were started in nurseries. After about a year, before
the rains in May, they were transplanted to permanent sites. After two
years they were pruned to a maximum height of two meters to make
harvesting easier, and they were kept pruned to improve yields. Trees
began bearing at above five years and continued to produce for ten to
twenty years. Trees flowered several times throughout the year; however,
the main harvests took place in August and November through January.
Yields averaged 250 kilograms per hectare, or about 25 percent of the
yields in Colombia and Brazil, where trees received better care.
Following the harvest, the berries were hulled, peeled, dried, and
sorted before being shipped or processed locally.
Prior to independence, production grew at a rate of 10 percent per
year. By the late 1950s, however, expansion slowed, and between 1965 and
1984 annual coffee production averaged 252,000 tons. By the mid-1980s,
60 percent of the coffee trees in the country were more than fifteen
years old and producing well below average yields. Attempts by the
government to encourage the planting of new coffee trees were largely
unsuccessful, and production in the aging plantations continued to drop.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Timber
Ivory Coast
Timber exports ranked third in importance behind cocoa and coffee;
but by 1980 this industry was declining because of overcutting. From
1965 to 1975, the period of peak timber exploitation, log and sawed wood
exports contributed an average of 23 percent of foreign exchange
earnings annually. In the early 1980s, timber exploitation averaged an
annual 4 million cubic meters of logs and accounted for 9 percent of the
agricultural GDP. By contrast, in 1984 exports of logs and sawed wood
had declined to 2.1 million cubic meters and represented only 12 percent
of exports.
Overexploitation through the 1960s and mid-1970s almost depleted
forest resources. C�te d'Ivoire's forest shrank from 15 million
hectares in 1960 to less than 3 million in 1987. Deforestation continued
at a rate of 300,000 to 500,000 hectares a year, while annual plantings
averaged only 5,000 hectares. The government's response to this
ecological disaster was halfhearted: in 1985 the government-owned Forest
Development Company (Soci�t� pour le D�veloppement des For�ts--SODEFOR)
initiated an industrial reforestation program designed to produce some
6.6 million cubic meters of wood in thirty-five years. The SODEFOR
program will have little impact on timber production through at least
the year 2000, however, and until then, producers will continue to
exploit shrinking natural forests. As a follow-up on the SODEFOR
program, the government declared 1988 "the year of the Ivoirian
forest" and approved a CFA F1.3 billion tree-planting program to
plant a total of 25,000 hectares. This represented only 0.2 percent of
the forest land lost since 1960. Finally, the government announced a
novel scheme to create agricultural belts around the remaining wooded
areas, making those who were allocated plots responsible for policing
the forests. Despite these gestures, the government insisted in 1985
that timber exports would cease only when the country's financial
situation stabilized or when substitute exports could be found, neither
of which had occurred by 1988.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Diversification Crops
Ivory Coast
In the mid-1970s, the government undertook major efforts to diversify
export crops and end its dependence on cocoa and coffee. In the forest
zone, diversification products were palm oil, coconut oil, and rubber,
all of which enjoyed a comparative advantage on the international
market. In the 1980s, C�te d'Ivoire had become the largest palm oil
exporter in Africa, and the 1987 harvest of 215,000 tons made C�te
d'Ivoire one of the world's largest producers. In 1985 an expansion
program called for planting 65,000 additional hectares of oil palms and
constructing four new industrial plantations. With some 15,000 hectares
of new plantings each year, production was expected to continue its
rise. At the same time, production costs in C�te d'Ivoire were high,
perhaps reflecting the fact that individual holdings were small and
often located on less productive land.
In 1987 C�te d'Ivoire's rubber production totaled 38,700 tons, and
there were plans to increase production to 80,000 tons a year by 1990.
This increase would place the country ahead of Liberia, then the largest
African producer of natural rubber. The number of hectares under rubber
cultivation increased sixfold from 1960 to 1984, from 7,243 to 43,634
In the north, or savanna zone, cotton and sugar were the chief
diversification crops. Cotton was first introduced during the colonial
period by the French Textile Development Company (Compagnie Fran�aise
de D�veloppement des Textiles--CFDT), which at independence became the
Ivoirian Textile Development Company (Compagnie Ivoirienne de D�veloppement
des Textiles--CIDT). Cotton became economically important only after
independence. In 1965 there were some 12,000 hectares of cotton, and by
1979, these were 123,000 hectares. Production leveled off in the early
1980s but picked up again between 1981 and 1984. Cotton (fiber and
cottonseed) production in 1986-87 set a new record of 213,506 tons,
compared with (fiber and cotton seed) the previous season's 190,000 tons
and the country's previous record of 205,000 tons in 1984-85, making C�te
d'Ivoire the third largest cotton producer in Africa, after Egypt and
Sudan. Cotton fiber production over the same period amounted to 91,000
tons (1987), 75,000 ton (1986), and 88,000 tons (1985). C�te d'Ivoire
exported about 80 percent of its crop.
C�te d'Ivoire was Africa's eighth largest sugar producer, with a
yield of nearly 144,000 tons in 1987, more than half of which was
exported. Industrial sugar production began only in the early 1970s with
the creation of SODESUCRE, a parastatal that constructed and operated
six large industrial sugar refineries located at Ferk�ss�dougou (Ferk�
I and Ferk� II) and four smaller towns in the savanna region (By 1987
two of the factories had been closed.) In 1982 these complexes
contributed about 3 percent of the agricultural GDP.
The colonial government introduced bananas for export in 1931, and by
1961 the fruit was the second largest earner of foreign exchange. The
principal production areas lay between Aboisso and Divo. Exported
varieties, which are larger and sweeter than native fruits, were
harvested year round. French settlers owned the first plantations; by
1961 holdings by Africans amounted to about onethird of the 6,500
hectares under cultivation for export. By the mid-1980s, the fraction in
land or in corporations held by foreigners dropped to less than 10
percent. Production for 1985 came to 163,000 tons, of which only 105,000
tons were exportable. In the mid-1980s, C�te d'Ivoire routinely fell
short of its allotted export quota to Europe, in part because labor
shortages adversely affected the quality of the fruit.
Pineapples have been raised commercially only since 1950. In 1961
less than 600 hectares were cultivated; Africans owned approximately
one-half the area. By 1986, under the impetus of government
encouragement and support, 438,000 hectares were under cultivation.
Production amounted to approximately 250,000 tons, up from 195,000 tons
a year earlier, of which 180,000 tons were exported as fresh fruit. The
remainder of the harvest was canned locally. The major producing area
was near Abidjan.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Food Crops
Ivory Coast
In 1987 the staple food crops made up about 38 percent of the value
of agricultural production. The principal food crops in C�te d'Ivoire
were the f�culents, or starches (yams, plantains, cassava, and
taro), which made up 76 percent of the value and 60 percent of the bulk
of staples output. Gross production per annum amounted to approximately
4.5 million tons. Gross production of cereals (paddy rice, maize,
sorghum, and millet) amounted to about 1 million tons per year; however,
cereals, which occupied a larger cultivated area than did the f�culents,
had a higher of value total protein. Food crop production increased by
approximately 3.4 percent per annum between 1965 and 1984, with cereals
having a slightly higher rate of growth. At the same time, food crop
productivity per rural family increased by about 1 percent per year,
well under the rate of population growth. This shortfall, along with a
preference on the part of much of the population for imported rice and
bread over indigenous foodstuffs, increased rice and wheat imports to a
high of 590,000 tons in 1983, or about 40 percent of national cereals
consumption. Cereal imports dropped to 150,000 tons in 1985 after prices
for imported foodstuffs had increased, good rains had ended the drought,
and the government had inaugurated a food self-sufficiency campaign. In
1987 imported cereals amounted to about 14 percent of the national diet,
as compared with 20 percent earlier in the decade.
Measured by area cultivated and tonnage, yams were the leading food
crop, especially in the region east of the Bandama River. A number of
varieties of yams grew in C�te d'Ivoire, differing by size of tubers,
moisture requirements, and length of growing season. Yams had stringent
soil needs, however, and demanded far more labor to plant and harvest
than the other root crops required. In addition, roughly one-quarter of
the crop had to be reserved to seed the next crop. Seed yams were
planted near the top of conical mounds, usually two to four feet high
and three to four feet apart, and formed from finely cultivated soil.
Usually other crops such as corn, beans, tomatoes, or peas were planted
on the sides of the mounds. Providing support for the yam vines (which
could reach as high as twenty feet) were either stakes or liana--long,
climbing vines--which hung from dead, leafless trees purposely left
standing in the yam fields in the forest zone. Depending on the variety,
the yam tubers, which varied in weight from a kilogram or less to as
much as forty kilograms, were ready for harvest after about eight
months. The best yields in the Bouak� region were about 12.4 tons per
hectare. In the more humid south, the yield was higher, and further
north it was lower. The heaviest yam-producing areas were around Bouak�,
S�gu�la, and Korhogo.
West of the Bandama River, rice was the principal food crop although
rice cultivation was spreading across C�te d'Ivoire wherever conditions
were suitable. Local farmers had cultivated a native variety of rice for
centuries. In the twentieth century, however, French colonial
administrators introduced more prolific Oriental species of both upland
(dry) rice and paddy rice. Dry rice predominated, probably because it
required less technology, matured more quickly, and could be
interplanted with other crops. Dry rice matured in about three months
and yielded about 560 kilograms per hectare, compared with a five- to
six-month maturation period for wet rice and yields averaging 786
kilograms per hectare.
Among cereals, maize followed rice in tonnage harvested. It was
planted throughout the country; however, except in the northwest where
most maize was produced, it was subsidiary to other crops. Local
varieties of maize matured in as little as two months, making it
particularly suited to the north, where it could be planted after the
first rains in May and harvested during the period when old yam stocks
were depleted and the new yams were not yet mature. In the south, two
crops per year were common. Because maize depletes the soil, farmers
often interplanted it with other crops such as yams, beans, and gourds
or cultivated it in fertilized household gardens. Yields, which were low
by Western standards, averaged nearly 1.3 tons per hectare, reflecting
the absence of both fertilizers and mechanized farming practices. As was
true for other crops, insects, rodents, and, in the south, moisture,
made maize storage difficult.
Other important food crops were plantains and cassava. The plantain,
which is of the same genus as the banana, followed yams in annual
tonnage harvested. Because it required sustained rainfall, production
was limited to the south, where it was often interplanted with cocoa.
Plantains were raised from shoots removed from the base of a mature
tree. The shoot formed a stalk (about three meters high) that bore a
single cluster of fruit ready for harvest after twelve to fifteen
months. After the plantains were harvested, the stalk was cut off at
ground level, and a new shoot was allowed to sprout. After five or six
years, the old root system was removed, and a new tree was planted.
Harvesting continued throughout the year; yields varied with soil
conditions but averaged just under five tons per hectare.
Manioc, which served as a hedge against famine, was third in
importance after yams and plantains. Cassava was also a root crop that
was easy to cultivate, resisted pests and drought, and took little from
the soil, yet still produced fair yields. Because cassava was propagated
by stem cuttings, the entire crop could be used for food. The growing
period was from six to fifteen months, but even after the roots matured,
they could be left in the ground for several years without damage. In
the south, where two plantings per year were common, cassava was often
interplanted with other crops and held in reserve or planted as a final
crop before a field was abandoned for fallow. In the north, only a
single planting per year was possible. Estimates of yields ranged from
about five tons to just under ten tons per hectare. These figures were
unreliable, however, because roots were harvested only when needed.
Other food crops included taro (in the south) and varieties of millet
and sorghum (in the north). Individual households raised garden
vegetables, including okra, tomatoes, peanuts, and eggplant, in small
plots near dwellings or interplanted among field crops. Tropical fruit
trees, both wild and domestic, produced sweet bananas, avocados,
oranges, papayas, mangoes, coconuts, lemons, and limes. Oil palms and
shea trees provided cooking oils.
Even in the best of years, C�te d'Ivoire imported vast quantities of
wheat, rice, meat, and milk. To achieve food selfsufficiency , the
agricultural recovery program proposed by the Council of Ministers
sought to increase production of rice, maize, peanuts, and the newly
introduced soybeans, all of which were grown primarily in the northern
savanna zone. In addition, the government intended to revamp the Food
Marketing Bureau (Office pour la Commercialisation des Produits
Vivriers--OCPV) to streamline the marketing of such food crops as yams,
plantains, and manioc. Finally, the Council of Ministers also
inaugurated a project to achieve self-sufficiency in animal proteins.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
At independence, C�te d'Ivoire manufactured little more than timber
by-products, textiles, and food processed from local agricultural
products. Little was exported. The lack of an indigenous, skilled labor
force, inexperienced management, and low domestic demand limited
industrial growth.
At that time, there was little direct state involvement in
manufacturing. Nearly all industrial companies were financed by
private--mainly foreign--capital. On the strength of its growing
domestic market and, in the 1960s and 1970s, the development of regional
markets under the aegis of the West African Economic Community
(Communaut� Economique de l'Afrique Occidentale--CEAO), Ivoirian
industrialization flourished.
Following independence, light industry became one of the most rapidly
growing sectors in the economy. Between 1960 and 1980, manufacturing
grew at the rate of 13 percent per year, and its contribution to GDP
rose from 4 percent in 1960 to 17 percent in 1984. The number of firms
rose from 50 at independence to more than 600 in 1986. Expanding most
rapidly were import substitution industries like textiles, shoes,
construction materials (such as cement, plywood, lumber, ceramics, and
sheet and corrugated metal), and industries processing local
agricultural raw materials (such as palm oil, coffee, cocoa, and
Although agricultural processing plants used locally produced inputs,
import substitution industries--as well as firms manufacturing or
providing chemicals, plastics, fertilizers, and engineering
services--imported their raw materials (50 percent of intermediate
inputs were imported). In many instances, these costly intermediate
inputs raised the price of completed products far above the price of
comparable imported goods. Consequently, the government promoted and
protected local industry by imposing tariffs and incentives.
The system of industrial tariffs and incentives, however, proved to
be shortsighted. These measures avoided quantitative import restrictions
and included a tariff schedule that protected all industrial activities,
whether threatened by imports or not. By assigning tariffs according to
the degree of processing and by exempting some inputs that could be
produced locally and less expensively, the government discouraged
domestic production of intermediate inputs.
Additional efforts to promote industry, and particularly smalland
medium-scale enterprises, were equally inadequate. Management personnel
often lacked skills and experience, political connections often
influenced policy, and there was little coordination among state
bureaucracies responsible for assisting the struggling firms. In
response, the government promulgated a new investment code in 1984
(subsequently altered in 1985) by providing bonuses for exports and by
reforming tariffs, which served to shelter elements of an already
overprotected and inefficient industrial sector.
In 1987 the government adopted additional measures originally
proposed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO) to expand exports and make industry more efficient. This new
policy proposed modernizing import substitution industries,
manufacturing new products with high added value for export, and
expanding the existing range of agriculture-based, export-oriented
industries. The new exportable agricultural products were to include
processed food (maize, cottonseed, fruits, vegetables, cassava, yams,
and coconuts), textiles (spinning and weaving, ready-to-wear clothing,
and hosiery), and wood (paper and cardboard). The new, nonagricultural
exports were to include building materials, such as glass and ceramics;
chemicals, such as fertilizers and pharmaceuticals; rubber; agricultural
and cold storage machinery; and electronics, such as computers. As part of the reform package, UNIDO also insisted that credit
restrictions be eased, domestic savings potential be tapped, and funds
held abroad by Ivoirians be repatriated. Under pressure from the World
Bank, the government cut its levy on pretax bank transactions from 25 to
15 percent.
The process of modernizing import substitution industries and
increasing exports included measures to reduce the high level of customs
protection accorded local industries and to extend export subsidies. In
November 1987, the government began a five-year program to reduce import
duties and surcharges progressively to an eventual 40 percent of value
added for the entire industrial sector. In addition, the government
extended export subsidies to the entire manufacturing sector in order to
compensate for comparatively high local production costs in the
agroindustrial sector (oils and fats, processed meat, fish, chocolate,
fruits, and vegetables) and for such industrial goods as textiles,
carpets, shoes, chemicals, cardboard, construction materials, and
mechanical and electrical goods. As of early 1988, the reforms had not
yet yielded the desired results, partly because export subsidies were
granted on an ad hoc basis with no assurance that they would be renewed
and partly because the reforms were financed from customs receipts,
which, under the government's pledge to reduce tariff protection, were
<>Natural Gas
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Oil
Ivory Coast
By far the most important mineral in C�te d'Ivoire was petroleum.
Petroleum was first discovered in the early 1970s on the continental
shelf off the coast of Jacqueville, west of Abidjan. A short time later,
a second field was discovered off Grand-Bassam, east of Abidjan. The
discovery and development of the two fields coincided with the collapse
of world cocoa and coffee prices in the late 1970s and was seen by many
as the means by which the country could continue moving toward
prosperity, although the fields, named Espoir and B�lier, were
relatively small, geologically complex, and located in deep water. The
Espoir field was developed by United States-based Phillips Petroleum.
(PETROCI had a 10 percent share.) Espoir began operations in August 1982
with an output of 18,000 to 20,000 barrels per day (bpd). Because of technical problems, output declined the following
year to 15,000 bpd. By 1988 production had fallen to 10,000 bpd.
The B�lier field, developed by Exxon, did not begin producing oil
until 1980 because of technical difficulties. Output reached 10,000 bpd
in 1981 and then fell to 6,000 bpd by 1986 in spite of a US$50 million
investment by Exxon on a water injection program to maintain output and
prolong the field's life.
Agip of Italy and Tenneco of the United States drilled exploratory
wells elsewhere along the coast, but neither found sufficient reserves
to continue exploration. In 1985, as world oil prices dropped and
projected yields from C�te d'Ivoire's fields were reduced to more
realistic levels, both Phillips and Exxon had halted exploratory and
development drilling in their oil fields. Moreover, production in the
existing fields failed to attain projected output, and the government's
target of achieving selfsufficiency in oil production was never reached.
Total oil production declined a further 5 percent in 1986 to less than
20,000 bpd, while national consumption exceeded 30,000 bpd. By the end
of 1988, Exxon had halted production from the B�lier field and capped
its wells.
In 1965 the Ivoirian Refining Company (Soci�t� Ivoirian de
Raffinage--SIR) completed construction on a refinery at Vridi with a
capacity of 700,000 tons per year. When petroleum prices surged in 1979,
demand dropped substantially, and output fell to only 50 percent of
capacity. Contracts with Chevron Oil of the United States to process
crude oil from other African countries (primarily Nigeria) raised output
to near capacity and, along with a financial recovery plan, led to a net
improvement in the profitability of SIR. In 1986 capacity was increased
to 3.2 million tons, making SIR the major source of refined petroleum
products for West Africa. It also became C�te d'Ivoire's leading
industrial plant and the thirdranking enterprise in French-speaking
Africa, with revenues surpassing CFA F200 billion in 1986.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Natural Gas
Ivory Coast
The exploratory oil wells revealed large reserves of natural gas,
some of which were associated with the oil fields. In 1987 estimates of
the Espoir and Foxtrot gas reserves off the coast of Abidjan amounted to
3.5 billion cubic feet, or enough to produce 55 million cubic feet a day
for twenty years. Apart from reducing the country's dependence on fuel
oil, the government sought to use the gas to generate electricity--thus
justifying its purchase of four large gas-powered turbines during the
drought of 1983-84--and to produce fertilizer. In late 1987, the
government and Phillips Petroleum were still trying to negotiate an
acceptable price for the gas. Start-up costs for drilling two producer
wells and constructing a sixty-kilometer gas pipeline to the thermal
power station at Vridi were estimated at US$150 million in 1986.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Government and Politics
Ivory Coast
THE FIRST POSTINDEPENDENCE regimes of sub-Saharan Africa were
characterized by some form of personal rule. In theory, such regimes
would govern during the transition period following independence but
preceding the full development of the governing institutions of the
newly independent states. In reality, however, the leaders of the
various independence movements, who subsequently had become government
officials, often manipulated public resources, acquired vast wealth and
status, and generally consolidated their hold on power. Where the
transitional systems acquired legitimacy, as in C�te d'Ivoire, it was
almost entirely the result of the ability of the leader-politician, in
the absence of strong governing institutions, to provide adequate
material and political rewards to a broader constituency.
In 1988 governance in C�te d'Ivoire remained the province of one
man: President F�lix Houphou�t-Boigny, affectionately called le
vieux (the old man). He had ruled since independence and had
dominated Ivoirian politics since the stirrings of nationalism in the
mid-1940s. From the onset of his tenure in 1960, debate was virtually
suspended as Houphou�t-Boigny subjected the polity to his paternalistic
yet stern control. He wielded executive power as head of state, head of
government, head of the ruling party, and commander in chief of the
armed forces. In his role as head of government, he appointed his
cabinet (Council of Ministers), named the chief justice of the Supreme
Court, and selected the heads of all extragovernmental commissions and
councils. As head of state, he formulated and conducted foreign policy.
As head of the party, he set policy directions and appointed the entire
membership of all policy-making boards. Although there were occasions
when popular sentiment as expressed through party organs or the National
Assembly forced the president to alter a policy decision, he was without
question the dominant political force.
Houphou�t-Boigny's charisma contributed to the myth of Houphou�tism,
as his ruling style was labeled, enabling him to convert the skeptics
and awe the faithful. In spite of his power, Houphou�t-Boigny's style
of rule was by choice paternalistic. Houphou�t-Boigny became a
transcendent symbol of unity to the disparate groups in C�te d'Ivoire,
and his charismatic authority supplanted the traditional authority of
the local chiefs. Although Houphou�t-Boigny's hold on the national
imagination was weakening by the late 1980s, many Ivoirians continued to
reject out of hand any reports of the president's avarice or violations
of trust.
To repay his supporters with adequate material rewards, Houphou�t-Boigny
developed economic policies that combined free enterprise and state
capitalism with liberal foreign investment and continued economic
dependence on France. Houphou�t-Boigny's strategy for development also
led to a broad gap in wealth and power between the urban elite--the
rulers--and the rest of the population.
As a measure of Houphou�t-Boigny's success, liberal economic
theorists and conservative students of African politics cited C�te
d'Ivoire as an economic and political miracle. Indeed, through 1979 C�te
d'Ivoire posted one of the highest rates of economic growth among all
developing countries, and the highest per capita gross domestic product
(GDP) of any nonpetroleum-exporting African country. Coupled with
the rapid rate of growth was a political stability unparalleled in
sub-Saharan Africa. Unlike most of his counterparts in sub-Saharan
Africa, Houphou�t-Boigny resisted pressures to sever ties with the
colonizing power (France) or to Africanize the bureaucracy, two steps
that, when taken in other former colonies, usually meant reduced funds
for investment and expanded opportunities for corruption. He also
resisted pressure to subsidize large industrial projects with revenues
from cash crops. Instead, he relied on foreign--mostly
French--investment, technology, and support to develop the country's
economic base and administrative infrastructure.
Under Houphou�t-Boigny's administration, C�te d'Ivoire's foreign
policy was consistently pro-Western. Its fundamental objective was to
promote economic development at home by promising peace and security
within West Africa. C�te d'Ivoire also maintained extensive economic
and military ties with France, even though this meant bearing the
neocolonialist label. Diplomatic relations with the United States, if
less substantial, were also warm. For instance, C�te d'Ivoire was
sub-Saharan Africa's staunchest supporter of the United States in the
United Nations. Matching the strength of its support for the West was C�te
d'Ivoire's distrust of the Soviet Union. C�te d'Ivoire did not
establish diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union until 1967, severed
them in early 1969 amid accusations of Soviet subversion, and did not
reestablish them until 1986, as part of Houphou�t-Boigny's quest for
international stature. Houphou�tBoigny also broke with most other
African leaders by attempting to establish a dialogue with South Africa
and, in 1986, by reestablishing diplomatic relations, which had been
broken following the October 1973 War, with Israel.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Constitution
Ivory Coast
On October 31, 1960, the National Assembly of C�te d'Ivoire adopted
the Constitution establishing an independent republic. The 1960
Constitution calls for a strong, centralized presidential system with an
independent judiciary and a national legislature.
As in much of the Ivoirian political system, French influence weighed
heavily in the preparation of the Constitution. Houphou�tBoigny and its
other authors had received much of their formal political education and
experience in France, and Houphou�t-Boigny himself had served in
successive French governments in the 1950s. Not unexpectedly, the 1960
Constitution was largely taken (often verbatim) from the 1958
constitution of the Fifth Republic of France. Like its French
counterpart, the Ivoirian Constitution declares that all power derives
from the people and is expressed through universal suffrage. It also
mandates the separation of executive and legislative authority with
limits on the power of the former.
In its preamble, the Constitution proclaims its dedication to liberal
democratic principles and inalienable human rights as expressed in the
1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and the 1948
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Under the rubric "Of the
State and Sovereignty," the initial articles of the Constitution
describe the symbols of the state--the flag, the motto, and the national
anthem--and name French the official language. Articles 3 through 7
delineate the fundamental rights and principles pertaining to Ivoirian
citizenship: universal suffrage, popular sovereignty, and equality
before the law. Significantly, in light of the government's subsequent
coercive support of a single political party, Article 7 of the 1960
Constitution formally allows a multiparty system.
The first chapter of the Constitution directs that the government
consist of executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The three
subsequent chapters of the Constitution list the powers accruing to
each. The Ivoirian Constitution provides for a strong executive,
although it couches the language of power in democratic terms. For
example, in keeping with the articulated principle of popular
sovereignty, the Constitution provides that the National Assembly shall
vote laws and consent to taxes but then limits the assembly's power by
specifying exactly the matters on which the legislature may act. Matters
constitutionally excluded from the legislature's purview automatically
fall within that of the executive and are dealt with either by decree or
by regulation. The Constitution also stipulates that the executive and
the National Assembly share the power to initiate legislation, but the
pertinent article appears in the chapter dealing with executive--not
legislative--responsibilities. In fact, for most of C�te d'Ivoire's
brief history as an independent republic, nearly all legislative
programs have originated with the president and have been rubber-stamped
by the assembly.
The Constitution also calls for a separate judiciary. As with the
legislature, however, the Constitution makes the judiciary subordinate
to the individual who guarantees its independence, that is, the
president. The Constitution neither establishes nor protects a judiciary
independent of or opposed to the government. The Constitution does
provide for the Supreme Court and a subordinate court system;
nevertheless, it does not stipulate the exact structure of the
judiciary, a task that officially was to be done by the National
Assembly. In fact, the assembly simply approved the president's plan.
The ninth chapter of the Constitution establishes the Economic and
Social Council (Conseil Economique et Social), the purpose of which is
to advise the president on matters pertaining to economic development
and social change. The final two chapters provide procedures for
amending and adopting the Constitution.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Civil Rights
Ivory Coast
The Constitution lists and defines protected civil rights in the
initial articles and in a few brief references elsewhere. Like the
French constitution, it promises equality before the law without respect
to place of origin, race, sex, or religion. It also specifically
mandates religious freedom and prohibits any manifestations of racial
discrimination. The Constitution also guarantees freedom from arbitrary
arrest and detention, the right to representation at a trial, and the
principle of innocence until guilt is proven. However, the Constitution
does not guarantee bail; thus suspects are routinely incarcerated from
the time of arrest until either acquitted in a trial or sentenced. The
Constitution does not guarantee a free press or freedom of assembly,
thereby virtually eliminating the means by which opposing political
parties might develop. Otherwise, the Constitution leaves more explicit
guarantees of individual liberties to the legislature.
In practice, the government generally respected the civil rights
provisions of the Constitution, preferring co-optation instead of
coercion to enforce its will. The United States Department of State
described human rights as generally satisfactory, in contrast to
conditions in most other sub-Saharan countries. At the same time, the
government was not timid about violating the spirit of the Constitution
when dealing with political opponents. For example, youthful political
opponents were routinely conscripted into the armed forces, which was
one of Houphou�t-Boigny's favorite ploys to silence opponents while
still being able to boast of holding no political prisoners. Also, all
local news media were state owned and therefore expected to support the
government and its policies. In October 1986, in the face of a budding
movement for a more independent press, Minister of Information Laurent
Dona Fologo threatened to fire "black sheep" journalists who
did not sufficiently assume the role of public servants. Although major
European and American newspapers and magazines were generally available
and interested Ivoirians routinely heard French radiobroadcasts,
government leaders did not hesitate to ban the circulation of a
publication deemed offensive. In November 1987, for example, the
Political Bureau of the Democratic Party of C�te d'Ivoire (Parti D�mocratique
de C�te d'Ivoire--PDCI) asked the government to ban the sale of Jeune
Afrique following its allegations that Houphou�t-Boigny was
involved in the October 1987 coup in neighboring Burkina Faso.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The President
Ivory Coast
The executive branch was headed by the president and included cabinet
ministers and their administrations. The Ivoirian Constitution augments
presidential power by combining with it the functions of prime minister
while subordinating the role of the National Assembly. Under the
Constitution, the president has authority to appoint and dismiss
ministers, military officers, and members of the judiciary. The
president promulgates laws and ensures their execution, negotiates and
ratifies treaties (subject in some cases to the National Assembly's
approval), and sets national policy.
As a coinitiator of laws, the president was able to exercise
effective control over legislation. Moreover, constitutional mandates
coupled with enabling legislation ratified by the National Assembly gave
the president what amounted to government by decree. Bills were not
always passed unanimously, but that was the practical effect.
The president is elected to a five-year term by universal suffrage
and can be reelected indefinitely. To be elected, a candidate must be at
least forty years old; other qualifications were fixed by legislation.
The Constitution also provides for the Council of Ministers, whose
members are appointed by the president. Although ministers served at the
will of the president, he accorded them considerable freedom of action
to propose policies and projects within their respective areas of
competence. The proposals were then debated by the Council of Ministers.
In the 1980s, Houphou�t-Boigny selected his ministers from the
growing pool of younger, educated technocrats who had replaced the
political militants of an earlier generation. Selected at least in part
on the basis of merit, the new men came to government without
independent constituencies and were therefore indebted to the president,
which was consistent with Houphou�t-Boigny's view that government in
immature states should be personal rather than institutional.
Government, then, became Houphou�t-Boigny's administrative agency and
not a forum for settling political differences.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The National Assembly
Ivory Coast
Under the Constitution, legislative responsibilities theoretically
belong to a unicameral National Assembly (Assembl� Nationale). In 1985
it was enlarged from 147 to 175 members, who were known as deputies (d�put�s).
Qualifications for candidates to the Assembly were established by the
government. Like the president, deputies were elected by universal
suffrage within a constituency for five-year terms. Until 1980, Houphou�t-Boigny
had handpicked the deputies, who were automatically elected to the
assembly as part of a single slate. Consequently, the National Assembly
was a passive body that almost automatically consented to executive
instructions. The assembly did have power to delay legislation by means
of extended debate. Deputies, however, rarely challenged the president's
policy decisions, and little debate occurred. Starting with the 1980
election, Houphou�t-Boigny opened the process so that any qualified
citizen could be a candidate. Moreover, the constitutional amendment of
October 1985 stipulating that the president of the National Assembly
would become interim president of the republic, should the presidency be
vacated, conferred greater importance on the workings of the assembly.
Pursuant to the Constitution, each legislative term lasted five
years, during which the National Assembly sat for two sessions per year.
The first term began on the last Wednesday in April and lasted no more
than three months. The second opened on the first Wednesday of October
and ended on the third Friday in December. The president or a majority
of the deputies could request an extraordinary session to consider a
specific issue. Meetings of the assembly were open unless otherwise
requested by the president or one-third of the deputies.
The National Assembly elected its own president, who served for the
duration of the legislative term. In 1988 this position was second only
to the president of the republic in the table of precedence. It was held
by Henri Konan Bedi� for the 1985-90 term. The assembly president's
staff was also elected by the assembly. A member of this staff would
preside over the National Assembly whenever the president of the
assembly was not present.
Legislation was proposed within three standing committees: the
Committee for General and Institutional Affairs, which covered interior
matters, the civil service, information, national defense, foreign
affairs, and justice; the Committee for Economic and Financial Affairs,
which covered financial and economic affairs, planning, land, public
works, mines, transportation, postal service and telecommunications; and
the Committee for Social and Cultural Affairs, which covered education,
youth and sports, public health and population, labor, and social
affairs. The assembly could also form special standing committees for
specific purposes. Each committee presented to the full assembly
legislative proposals pertaining to affairs within its area of
expertise. Determining the legislative agenda was the responsibility of
the president of the National Assembly, his staff, and the committee
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Economic and Social Council
Ivory Coast
The Constitution also provides for the establishment of the Economic
and Social Council, which advises the president on issues of an
"economic or social character." In 1988 the council had
forty-five members, all of whom were selected by the president for
five-year terms from among those members of the elite most concerned
with economic development and social change. By the late 1970s,
membership included the leaders of the growing commercial and industrial
sector. With the exception of its president, who was named by the
president of the republic, the council elected officers and distributed
its members among various standing committees with discrete areas of
responsibility. In 1986 Houphou�t-Boigny named Philippe Yac� to head
the council. Although the president was obligated to consult with the
council on all matters within its competence, the council could also
offer unsolicited opinions pertaining to economic development on all
laws, ordinances, and decrees. Moreover, on its own initiative, the
council could direct the president's attention to any economic or social
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Judicial System
Ivory Coast
The 1960 Constitution entitles all Ivoirians to a fair public trial.
That mandate was generally respected in urban areas; in rural villages,
traditional institutions more commonly administered justice. Indigent
defendants were also entitled to legal counsel by court-appointed
attorneys. In practice, public defenders were often unavailable, and
there was a vast difference between the representation accorded rich and
poor clients. According to the Constitution, judges are subject only to
the law, and the president, with the assistance of the Superior Council
of Magistrates, is charged with ensuring the independence of the
judiciary. Because the president of the republic controlled appointments
to the courts, the judiciary seldom, if ever, opposed the president.
The judicial system bore the imprint of both the French legal and
judicial traditions and, to a lesser extent, customary law. It consisted
of two levels. The lower courts, all of which were created by
presidential decree and exercised limited jurisdiction, included the
courts of appeals, the courts of first instance, the courts of assize,
and the justice of the peace courts. The five courts of first instance,
which handled the bulk of trials, heard misdemeanor and minor criminal
cases (with a maximum sentence of three months or less), juvenile cases,
and civil cases. The courts consisted of a president, one or more
vice-presidents, and one or more examining magistrates and trial judges,
all of whom were appointed by the president of the republic. The courts
were located in Abidjan, Bouak�, Daloa, Korhogo, and Man. Each had two
or more delegated sections in larger towns within their respective
jurisdictions. The courts of assize, which were paired with courts of
first instance, handled only major criminal cases. At the lowest level
were justice of the peace courts, presided over by justices of the peace
who handled petty cases in civil, criminal, and customary law. The two
courts of appeals, located in Abidjan and Bouak�, heard appeals from
courts of first instance and courts of assize. The Abidjan court heard
appeals from the Abidjan court of first instance and its delegated
sections; the Bouak� court handled referrals from the other four courts
of first instance.
The superior courts are mandated by the Constitution and have
nationwide jurisdiction. They include the Supreme Court, the High Court
of Justice and the State Security Court. The Supreme Court is separated
into four sections handling, respectively, constitutionality of laws,
administrative appeal, criminal appeal, and financial control of
government services. The Constitution directs that the court include one
president, three vice-presidents (one for each section except the
constitutional), nine associate justices, one secretary general, and
four secretaries. The Constitutional Section, which always met in closed
session, reviewed laws that had been passed by the National Assembly but
not yet promulgated. The section had fifteen days to complete its
consideration of a bill. The president of the republic or the president
of the assembly could forward requests for a constitutional review. The
president of the republic could also submit government bills to the
section for a constitutional hearing before they were submitted to the
Council of Ministers. The Constitutional Section also supervised
referenda as called for in the Constitution and ruled on the eligibility
of candidates for the National Assembly. The president of the Supreme
Court presided over sessions of the section, which also included the
vice-presidents of the court and four persons noted for their juridical
and administrative competence. These four could also be members of the
court. Two of the four were appointed by the president of the assembly,
and two were appointed by the president of the republic. The term of
office was four years, and there was no provision for removal from
The Judicial Section was the highest court of appeals in criminal
cases. The section consisted of one vice-president, four associate
justices, and two secretaries. It was organized into civil and criminal
divisions with three additional magistrates in each. The Administrative
Section handled cases of alleged abuse of administrative power involving
individuals in public administration. This section consisted of a
vice-president and two associate judges. Unlike the judges in other
sections, those in the administrative section were magistrates, but not
necessarily members of the bench. Another section of the Supreme Court,
the Audit and Control Section, monitored public expenditures and
annually audited accounts of the state and its agencies. This section
consisted of a vice-president, three associate justices, and one
secretary .
The two other superior courts included the High Court of Justice and
the State Security Court. The High Court of Justice was composed of
members of the National Assembly who were elected to the court every
five years, following each general election. The court was empowered to
impeach the president of the republic for treason and to judge other
members of the government for crimes or misdemeanors committed in the
exercise of their official duties. Cases concerning crimes against state
security were heard in the State Security Court.
All judges, as well as all employees of the Central Administration of
the Ministry of Justice, comprised the professional judiciary. They were
required to have obtained a bachelor of law degree and could not
concurrently hold an elected office. A Superior Council of the Judiciary
was responsible for assisting the president in the task of guaranteeing
an independent judiciary. The council advised the president on
nominations to the Supreme Court, on cases concerning judicial
independence, and on disciplinary problems. It also advised the minister
of justice on nominations to magistrate positions. The council's
membership included members of the Constitutional Section of the Supreme
Court and three magistrates, each appointed to two-year terms by the
president from a list prepared by the minister of justice.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Local Government
Ivory Coast
As of 1987, the country was divided into forty-nine prefectures. The prefectural administration, headed by a prefect (pr�fet),
represented executive authority within the prefecture. Constitutionally,
the prefects responded to the local interests of their respective
constituents and directed and coordinated the administrative services
represented in their respective constituencies. As representatives of
each ministry within their prefectures, the prefects issued directives
to the heads of services and ensured their compliance, presided over all
state organizations and commissions within the prefecture, periodically
met with service heads at the prefectural level, and acted as trustees
for public enterprises and activities in the prefectures. Prefects also
were responsible for maintaining public order and security in their
respective prefectures. In that capacity, they supervised local police
and oversaw the execution of laws, statutes, and executive orders. To
deal with civil unrest or other emergencies, they were also empowered to
issue binding orders or decrees, detain suspects for up to forty-eight
hours, and request assistance from the armed forces.
The prefectural administration included a secretary general, a chief
of cabinet, and two division chiefs, one of whom was responsible for
administrative and general affairs such as elections, supervision of the
police, administration of subprefectures (sous-pr�fectures),
and civil affairs. The other division chief was responsible for
economic, financial, and social affairs, including the budget, accounts,
public works, health, education, and the supervision of markets and
price controls. The secretary general, besides substituting for the
prefect during the latter's absence, supervised and coordinated all
departmental services. The chief of cabinet, in effect an administrative
aide, was responsible for intradepartmental affairs (mail, inspection
visits, and liaison with ministerial departments and personnel in
According to enabling legislation passed in 1961, the prefectures
were to be decentralized, autonomous units competent to deal with local
issues. Governing the prefecture was to be a general council whose
members, representing local interests, were to be elected by slates for
five-year terms by universal suffrage within the prefecture. The general
council was to pass a budget and act on local issues. Its decisions were
then to be passed on to the prefect for execution. In reality, as of
1988 the central government in Abidjan had not passed the enabling
measures establishing the general councils; hence, the prefectures were
exclusively administrative structures.
Every prefecture was segmented into subprefectures, each headed by a
subprefect (sous-pr�fet). Subprefectures were the lowest
administrative unit of government and the unit with which most people
interacted. Unlike the prefectures, the subprefectures had neither
autonomy nor deliberative responsibilities; their function was purely
administrative. The subprefects acted under the delegated authority of
the prefects but also had other responsibilities. First and foremost,
the subprefect was responsible for maintaining public order and could,
in emergencies, request aid from the prefect or the armed forces. The
subprefect also submitted a public works and civil action program as
well as a budget to the prefect. As an officer of the state, the
subprefect supervised the census and elections within the subprefecture
and officiated at civil ceremonies. He also monitored, albeit loosely,
the behavior of chiefs of villages and cantons within the boundaries of the subprefecture and
represented the authority of the central government to local
populations. Finally, the subprefect elicited from notables living
within the subprefecture a list of grievances or suggestions that was
passed on to the prefect.
Administration at the subprefecture level included a secretariat
consisting of the various administrative services and divisions in the
subprefecture. Assisting the subprefect was the Subprefectural Council,
which replaced the council of notables, an artifact of the colonial era.
This council was composed of the subprefect, the heads of public
services represented in the subprefecture, local party officials, and
twelve to sixteen private citizens, all residing in the subprefecture
and known for their active participation in affairs pertaining to
politics, commerce, and social change. The councils met twice yearly in
open sessions under the direction of the subprefect. The council's
responsibilities were solely consultative. At the first meeting of the
year, the subprefect was obligated to present to the council the budget
and accounts of the past year. By law the council had to be consulted on
expenditures allocated to the subprefecture by the government or
collected in the form of market, parking, or other fees. The council
also submitted a program of public works or other public projects of
local interest to be financed with the allocated funds.
The council had no decision-making authority and no direct political
role. However, its opinions carried some weight. The citizen-members
represented wealth and influence that often transcended the physical
boundaries of the subprefecture. These citizens often understood the
needs and customs of the local community better than the subprefect, who
in most instances was not from the region.
Modern and traditional governance merged at the level of village and
canton. Using criteria based on traditions, villages selected their own
leaders, who were subsequently proposed to and formally invested by the
prefect. The ceremony granted formal legitimacy to the village leader
while at the same time confirming his status as subordinate to the
subprefect. In the formal bureaucratic sector, village chiefs served
simply as conduits between the subprefect and the villagers. Informally,
village chiefs filled a multitude of roles, many of which paralleled the
obligations and responsibilities of the modern bureaucratic
administration. Under the colonial regime, groups of villages linked by
common ethnicity and encompassing a relatively large area were
designated a canton; this designation continued into the modern period.
Canton chiefs, whose authority was also rooted in tradition, were
selected according to traditional norms and formally appointed by the
minister of interior. Because their responsibilities in the formal
sector were never resolved, the canton chiefs remained largely symbolic
By the 1980s, thirty-seven cities had been designated autonomous
communities (communes en plein exercice), a legal status that
dates from 1884 and applied originally to the Senegalese cities of Saint
Louis and Dakar. Governing structures in autonomous communities included
a municipal council and a mayor. A council would be composed of eleven
to thirty-seven members, depending on the population of the city. All
were elected by universal suffrage and, until 1980, as part of a slate.
In the 1985 elections, council members ran independently. The legal
status of the municipal councils was ambiguous. According to law, they
enjoyed broad powers which were to be exercised independently of the
granting authority in Abidjan. For example, the enabling legislation of
1955 instructed the councils, through their deliberative processes, to
"direct the affairs of the community," which included voting
on budgets. In fact, most of the decisions taken by councils first had
to be approved by the minister of interior, who could veto them.
Moreover, the Council of Ministers could dissolve an excessively
independent municipal council by a simple decree. Consequently, the
council members routinely accepted guidelines proposed by authorities in
The councils also elected mayors, whose functions were identical to
those of subprefects. Like the municipal councils, mayors routinely
submitted to the authority of the minister of interior.
In practice, municipal administration was not an outgrowth of a
preexisting social and political institution. The label "autonomous
communities" was, instead, the creation of a state bureaucracy that
was not inclined toward sharing power. Consequently, from 1956 until the
late 1970s, councils shrank in size and importance as council members
died. For example, the Abidjan council, which at one point consisted of
thirty-seven members, had only seventeen in 1974. As the central
government loosened its grip on politics prior to the 1985 elections,
potential candidates saw the position of municipal council member as a
first step toward higher political office, and interest in the
institution grew. In the 1985 election, more than 840 candidates ran for
235 places on municipal councils.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Party
Ivory Coast
The trappings of political power were concentrated in a single party,
the PDCI, to which all adult citizens were required to belong. The
principal goal of the party was stability, and compared with parties in
other sub-Saharan states, it had achieved its objective. By and large,
political conflict took place within constitutional bounds. To continue
that tradition in the 1980s, the government expanded political
participation and discouraged political--and especially
ideological--competition. The party embraced what it defined as centrist
policies, and although Ivoirian citizens did not enjoy democratic
freedoms in the Western tradition, foreign observers considered Ivoirian
society among the freest in Africa.
Party membership was synonymous with citizenship. At its inception
and during the late stages of colonial rule, the party was a broad
coalition, less nationalist than nativist, and calling itself populist,
consultative, and representative. At that time, the PDCI enjoyed
considerable grass-roots support, especially on issues pertaining to
forced labor and the indig�nat. After independence, however, the party came
under increasingly tight presidential control. Instead of political
mobilization, the government demanded of the citizenry what Philippe Yac�
called "active acquiescence." The party leaders closest to the
president, almost all of whom had been plantation owners, wielded great
power in their home (ethnic) constituencies, where they were able to
influence the distribution of patronage in the form of public and party
offices, contracts, public works, and other benefits. This enabled them
to increase their own wealth and further secure their positions in the
political system. Over time, patronage supplanted political
organization, and many local PDCI committees in rural areas withered.
In the 1980s, with the anticolonialist struggles long over and the
era of Houphou�t-Boigny and his fellow political militants waning, the
party continued to lose its vitality. The party's dated preoccupation
with unity deflected attention from the pressing issues in C�te
d'Ivoire. Economic development demanded greater technological
sophistication and gave rise to conflicts pitting cities against the
rural periphery and young against old. Incrementally, technocrats and
developmentalists with modern Western values replaced party militants in
the government bureaucracy. The new elite did not challenge the
militants, who continued to dole out party offices, nor did they insist
that the government become more democratic or less authoritarian. The
new elite simply had different concerns: government rather than the
party and bureaucratic rationality rather than party mobilization.
Without the infusion of competing ideas, the party atrophied as a
creative political force. To be sure, the governing elite remained
members of the party; however, as the state became more complex and
bureaucratized, the distinction between party and state blurred. The
government and not the party assumed responsibility for national
integration. By the late 1980s, the party served primarily as a sinecure
for old party stalwarts, and the PDCI administration became a vehicle
for self-advancement and the protection of narrow interests. That
situation was not entirely true in the case of party activities at
village levels where, reversing an earlier trend, the position of party
secretary (the local party representative) became an openly contested
electoral office. Increasingly, political neophytes viewed the office as
an initial step to higher office, and so they invested resources in
campaigns and tried to fulfill their campaign obligations.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Party Organization
Ivory Coast
In the late 1980s, power lay in the Political Bureau and Committee
Directorate. Like the National Assembly, both were expanded in the
mid-1980s in an attempt to broaden the PDCI's representation among
educated people between the ages of thirtyfive and forty-five. The
Political Bureau was expanded from 35 to 58 members, and the Committee
Directorate grew from 100 to 208.
The members of the Political Bureau included the cabinet ministers,
plus other members of the political, military, and business elite.
Heading the Political Bureau was a thirteen-member Executive Committee,
which in 1980 replaced the party secretary general at the apex of the
party. (The transition from a single leader to a committee in fact
appeared to constitute a calculated rebuff to Philippe Yac�, who was
PDCI secretary general at the time.) By the mid-1980s, the Executive
Committee was composed exclusively of younger cabinet ministers, thereby
excluding many long-time political allies of the president.
Major policy decisions affecting the party and state originated in
the Political Bureau. (The Political Bureau would probably be
responsible for nominating a successor should the president, as seemed
to be the case in 1988, decline to do so prior to leaving office.)
Political divisions and alliances within the Political Bureau thus
assumed great importance. The most apparent division was a generational
one pitting old party stalwarts such as Mathieu Ekra, Auguste Denise,
Camille Alliali, and Philippe Yac� against ambitious young technocrats
such as Henri Konan Bedi�, Jean Jacques Bechio, Balla Keita, and
Alphonse Djedje Mady. Within the second group were equally significant
divisions between the aforementioned Young Turks and other well-educated
specialists such as Laurent Dona Fologo and Donwahi Charles, who were
known as team players.
The Committee Directorate represented a further attempt to
incorporate--some would say co-opt--larger segments of the population,
especially potential foci of opposition, into the political process.
Another purpose of the directorate was to invigorate the party by
expanding its representation. Accordingly, the Committee Directorate
included members of the judicial, executive, and legislative branches of
the government, current and former military officers, leaders of
government-backed unions, women, business leaders, and members of the
professions, including university professors. It functioned by advising
the president through a series of ad hoc committees addressing
particular issues.
In the smaller cities, towns, and villages, the party official with
whom most Ivoirians dealt was the local secretary general. As their
principal task, all secretaries general sold party membership cards, the
revenues from which funded local political operations. In larger
constituencies, the secretary general served as a spokesperson and
propagandist for the government by placing the symbols and slogans of
governance before the voting public. In rural constituencies, the local
secretary general settled disputes generally involving land tenure and
land use.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Orientation Toward the Political System
Ivory Coast
Starting with independence, the Ivoirian polity experienced an
unusual reorientation of political and moral values not found elsewhere
in most of sub-Saharan Africa. Strong economic growth (at least through
the mid-1970s) and relatively high rates of urbanization and literacy,
in combination with a pervasive media, have exposed the polity to
Western cultural values and the politics of consumption. In few other
countries was materialism as open and avowed an ideology as in C�te
d'Ivoire. Consequently, the salient divisions in the Ivoirian polity
were economic rather than ethnic or religious. Stratification by class
was congruent with the fundamental difference between rulers and ruled.
In many instances, class differences also coincided with ethnic
divisions, which tended to exaggerate the importance of ethnicity while
permitting some observers to diminish the importance of class
membership. This was no new phenomenon--the same stratification
characterized most precolonial societies in C�te d'Ivoire.
Nevertheless, the expanded opportunities for material consumption and
the manifest extremes of wealth and poverty that subsequently emerged
were new. Members of the elite translated the struggle for independence
into a quest for privilege. They insisted that the interests of all
Ivoirians were in harmony, a supposition that allowed them to
rationalize the use of public policy on their behalf. For their part,
the have-nots not only envied the elite for its material attainments but
also knew how the elite, using the political system, attained them. So
while rich and poor--the rulers and the ruled--nurtured vastly different
expectations of the political system, they shared a clear understanding
of its ultimate purpose.
Historically, the political elite included the wealthiest 10 percent
of the plantation owners. By the late 1980s, however, with the
bureaucratization of the state, the nature of the elite had changed
markedly. Most often its members were high-level bureaucrats and party
officials. Simultaneously, and as a direct consequence of their
political connections, many held directorships in locally based
corporations or were minority shareholders in multinational
corporations. Characteristically, the businesses in which members of the
elite invested required relatively small investments in comparison with
anticipated returns. That situation was especially common in real
estate, where investors typically sought a full return on investment
within three years. Another industry favored by the elite was
transportation. Finally, some members of the elite invested in
agriculture, exporting bananas and pineapples, the prices of which,
unlike the prices of coffee and cocoa, were not regulated by the
Significantly, the elite was not a true entrepreneurial class; that
is, its members did not save and invest capital. Rather, they created a
favorable environment for schemes initiated by foreigners and
subsequently mediated (for a fee) between bureaucracy, business, and
politicians. Instead of investing, the elite consumed. Its members sent
their offspring to France for at least part of their education. They
became accustomed to imported food, clothing, and high-technology
consumer goods. Perhaps most important, the elite nurtured--and in turn
sought--legitimacy in an ethos that openly elevated materialism to the
level of political and moral ideology. According to one observer, the
elite became, in effect, a class that could not afford to lose power.
To sustain its position of privilege, the elite formulated a
political strategy based on limited participation and the politics of
co-optation to vent the pressures linked to rapid change. Thus, with
independence the government banned any opposition political parties or
voices, incorporated nearly all unions into the party, and handpicked
National Assembly candidates who then ran on a slate presented to voters
who either cast a "yea" ballot or did not vote. Even after the
government permitted contested elections for the assembly, the party,
acting as surrogate for the government, passed on the acceptability of
all candidates. Similarly, the indigenous private sector was unable to
compete with the vast resources that the elite-dominated public sector
could marshall and effectively was excluded from participating in
economic transformation.
Appreciative of the importance of political stability, the government
ostensibly compromised by permitting small changes for the sake of
order. Nevertheless, none of the demands for change, which in the past
may have included pay raises, better working conditions, scholarship
aid, or improved relations between groups, required a substantial change
in governing institutions or procedures, and they were generally
co-opted by Houphou�t-Boigny's expressions of concern and the
appointment of a commission to study the problem. Finally, the
government bought compliance from its more articulate and therefore more
serious critics by offering them resources such as land, licenses,
forestry rights, or positions in the party and government.
Counterpoised to the modern elite were the peasantry, students,
middle- and lower-level civil servants, and a growing urban underclass.
Because of explicit public policy decisions, few members of that group
benefited directly from C�te d'Ivoire's vaunted economic growth. This
group was no less politicized than the elite, but it lacked avenues of
expression. Accordingly, this underclass responded to restrictions
either by refusing to participate in the political process or by
challenging public policy. Nonparticipation was generally a rural
phenomenon, and in some areas less than 40 percent of eligible voters
cast ballots in the 1985 elections, in which Houphou�t-Boigny boasted
of having received more than 99 percent of the vote. Challenges to
public policy took the form of riots against unemployment, student
protests, and demonstrations against high prices, shrinking subsidies,
land confiscation, foreigners, and high taxes. The government
customarily responded to conflict with force followed by a demand for
loyalty to the ruling regime. Groups demonstrating their political
support received benefits in the form of clinics, schools, investment in
infrastructure, markets, and other public facilities. Conversely, those
withholding support were simply denied any resources for economic
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Political Issues
The party-government in the mid-1980s most closely resembled an
old-fashioned political machine. Although it called itself a one-party
democracy, C�te d'Ivoire was not a political democracy in the Western
sense. There was no institutionalized opposition, although by the 1980s
National Assembly elections were being contested. As under the French,
civil liberties remained limited. Although C�te d'Ivoire appeared to be
a country of laws, those laws were tailored to suit a set of rulers who
could easily alter the laws at their discretion.
By the end of the 1980s, the Ivoirian political system was facing
serious problems. Because the structure, form, tone, and policies of the
government were the personal creations of the president, who was said to
be in his late eighties, the succession question had substantial
implications. Moreover, no candidate enjoyed the charisma or stature of
Houphou�t-Boigny. In 1988 rivals seeking to succeed Houphou�t-Boigny
barely maintained any pretense of unity. No plausible candidate--with
the possible exception of Yac�--had the experience or preparation
necessary to assume the office.
By the late 1980s, two decades of rapid economic growth followed by
serious economic setbacks had transformed social mores and altered civil
society. Students and teachers were protesting the continuing control of
government by a small number of party leaders for the benefit of a
privileged class of landowners and bureaucrats. Corruption in the
business community was becoming embarrassingly obvious, particularly
among textile importers. Uncontrolled urbanization had weakened family
ties and had prompted sharp increases in unemployment, underemployment,
drug use, and violent crime. On a different plane, economic austerity
had abruptly curtailed the rising expectations of the middle class and
pitted ethnic groups against one another in the competition for scarce
Economic austerity also exacerbated tensions between Ivoirians and
resident foreign nationals. Students and members of the political elite
expressed resentment over the continuing presence of French nationals in
important government positions. Ivoirian wage laborers resented
competition from immigrants from C�te d'Ivoire's poorer neighbors.
Dramatic increases in violent crime were attributed to Ghanaians and
business corruption to the Lebanese.
Perhaps more important, the governing institutions created by Houphou�t-Boigny
to mediate conflict were weak and unresponsive. That was especially true
of the state-owned media, which carefully managed information by
releasing only what it deemed harmless. Consequently, rumors often
passed for news on the streets of Abidjan.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Single-Party Democracy
Ivory Coast
Since independence, Ivoirian leaders had insisted that the PDCI have
no opposition, although Article 7 of the Ivoirian Constitution
specifically guarantees freedom of expression to "parties and
political groups" as long as they respect the principles of
"democracy and national sovereignty." At one time, some
political leaders had argued for a legal--but constrained--opposition to
generate enthusiasm for elections and to vent political pressures that
might otherwise threaten the position of the governing elite. A
recognized opposition, it was argued, would also provide C�te d'Ivoire
with some of the forms--as opposed to the pretenses already in place--of
democracy. However, the ruling elite and even some dissidents continued
to believe that a single-party system was best for a developing country
like C�te d'Ivoire, where class and regional cleavages threatened
Houphou�t-Boigny himself had always considered forging a national
constituency out of C�te d'Ivoire's more than sixty ethnic groups to be
his greatest responsibility if his economic agenda was to be achieved.
If unchecked, he said, rivalry between ethnic groups or geographical
regions would erode nationalism and dissipate valuable resources that
would be better spent on economic development. Left unstated was the
concern that this rivalry also would threaten the ruling elite's control
over crucial aspects of political life. National unity therefore came to
mean party unity. There was room for opposition, Houphou�t-Boigny
insisted, but only within the party. Thus, in the early years of
independence Houphou�t-Boigny promulgated laws that severely sanctioned
individuals who published, disseminated, divulged, or reproduced false
news or documents that, in good or bad faith, "undermined" the
morale of the population, discredited political institutions, or led
others to disobey laws. With virtually all avenues for criticism closed,
platitudes replaced political debate.
Although generally successful at co-opting political foes, Houphou�t-Boigny
was not averse to bullying his opponents when he felt they threatened
stability. He stated on several occasions that if forced to choose
between disorder and injustice, he would not hesitate to choose
injustice. He added that "When there is disorder, the lives of
people and a regime are at stake, but an injustice can always be
corrected." Nonetheless, he resorted to force only rarely. C�te
d'Ivoire had no preventive detention laws and, by its own definition, no
political prisoners, although the army, under instructions from Houphou�t-Boigny,
commonly conscripted political foes into the military for what he called
"judicious training."
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Labor
Ivory Coast
In the 1980s, approximately 100,000 full-time workers in the
regulated sectors belonged to trade unions. Union membership was highest
among white-collar workers, professionals, civil servants, and teachers.
All unions except the National Union of Secondary School Teachers of C�te
d'Ivoire (Syndicat National des Enseignants du Secondaire de C�te
d'Ivoire--SYNESCI) were part of a government-controlled federation, the
General Federation of Ivoirian Workers (Union G�n�rale des
Travailleurs de C�te d'Ivoire- -UGTCI), which counted approximately 190
affiliates. Its secretary general from its founding until 1984 was
Joseph Coffie, a veteran of the PDCI and trusted companion of President
Houphou�t-Boigny. In 1988 the secretary general was Hyacinthe Adiko
From its inception, the UGTCI saw itself as a participant in
development rather than a combatant on behalf of labor. In that role,
the UGTCI supported government efforts to promote unity and development,
justifying its stance as helping to continue the struggle for
independence. The UGTCI did not object to the state's development
policies, and its leaders participated in government policy debates,
thereby becoming, in effect, instruments of economic development.
Not surprisingly, the UGTCI exercised little political or economic
clout. Strikes were legal, but principals first had to complete a
lengthy process of negotiation, during which any work stoppage was
illegal. Moreover, demands on its members by UGTCI leadership seeking
more efficient production counted more than workers' complaints. At the
same time, the UGTCI exercised a modicum of autonomy in protests over
wages and the pace of Ivoirianization. In response, the guaranteed urban
minimum wage had been raised several times since the mid-1970s. However,
wages were not keeping pace with inflation.
Wildcat strikes or other unsanctioned job actions were not much more
productive. In dealing with job actions, the government first exploited
the media to gain sympathy for its position and then confronted strike
leaders with overwhelming force. Usually the government softened its
position by rehiring most of the workers previously dismissed and by
compromising on peripheral matters. Underlying problems remained
unresolved or were settled in accordance with government intentions. In
1985, after 16,892 parastatal workers, many of whom were highly paid
professionals, staged a job action to protest deep wage cuts, the
government threatened to fire all workers who refused to honor the
government's deadline and to replace them with unemployed university
graduates. Eventually the government fired 342 holdouts. At other times,
the government dissolved the refractory union, thus depriving any strike
of legitimacy and the union of any recourse.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Military
Ivory Coast
The Ivoirian armed forces consisted of three services, all small and
lightly equipped. With the exception of military training exercises and
a small, regional revolt in 1970, as of mid1988 the military had
remained in its barracks. It played no role in domestic peacekeeping, in
the drive for modernization, or in mobilizing the population. Unlike its
counterpart in neighboring states, the Ivoirian officer corps viewed
itself as a distinct profession under civilian control. The presence of
a French battalion based near Port Bou�t reinforced the importance of
maintaining professional norms of service. Moreover, Houphou�tBoigny
kept military salaries attractive and named officers to high positions
in the PDCI, in effect assimilating the military elite. Greater contact
between the civilian elite and military officers led to social
integration and completed the co-optation of the military. With a solid
stake in the "Ivoirian miracle," the senior officer corps had
little interest in altering the status quo. With the passage of time,
psychological inertia further institutionalized civilian control, and
the civil bureaucracy gained experience, expertise, and confidence.
Many events had the potential to precipitate future military
intervention in domestic politics. These would include a stalemate in
the Political Bureau of the PDCI over a successor to Houphou�tBoigny ,
the emergence of an incompetent administration, extreme economic
austerity coupled with a declining franc, and widespread unrest led or
supported by students, unions, or the urban unemployed. As an
institution with an untainted past, the military could, in any of these
cases, be called upon to lead a movement promising a return to stability
and greater access to economic resources for less favored groups.
Nevertheless, given the broadening base of the party, the politics of
co-optation, the as yet inchoate class struggle, and the division of
peacekeeping responsibility among the S�ret� Nationale and the armed
forces, most observers agreed that government control over the military
would probably continue.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The French
Ivory Coast
C�te d'Ivoire's ties to France had grown stronger since independence
in 1960. Although the number of French advisers continued to shrink,
between 1960 and 1980 the total French population in C�te d'Ivoire
nearly doubled, from about 30,000 to close to 60,000, forming the
largest French expatriate community. By 1988, as C�te d'Ivoire's
economy continued to contract, about half of the French either returned
to France or moved elsewhere in Africa. In the mid-1980s, four out of
five resident French had lived in C�te d'Ivoire for more than five
years. French citizens filled technical and advisory positions in the
government, albeit in diminishing numbers, but were also evident
throughout the private sector. Until 1985 C�te d'Ivoire also had the
highest number of teaching and nonteaching French coop�rants
in Africa, the highest number of students in French universities, the
highest number of French multinationals in all of Africa, the largest
percentage of French imports and exports in Africa, the highest number
of nonroutine French diplomatic visitors of all African countries, and,
with Senegal, was the recipient of the largest French aid package in
Africa. C�te d'Ivoire also hosted the highest average number of visits
by the French head of state per year.
On a formal level, a series of agreements and treaties have ensured
the continuation and extension of French influence in diplomatic,
military, legal, commercial, monetary, political, and cultural affairs,
although most of these agreements were modified over the years to
accommodate the sensitivities and growing political sophistication of
Ivoirians. Perhaps most significant for the future were joint defense
treaties and the permanent basing of the French marine battalion at Port
Bou�t. Although it had never interceded in Ivoirian politics, the
battalion's presence provided an implicit warning against political or
military action that might create instability and jeopardize French
interests. The colonial heritage and contemporary realities suggested
that France would remain C�te d'Ivoire's principal commercial partner,
albeit in increasing competition with other states.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - The Levantine Community
Ivory Coast
In the late 1980s, reportedly 60,000 to 120,000 Lebanese and Syrians
lived in C�te d'Ivoire, although some observers gave a figure as high
as 300,000. Many descended from families that had been established in C�te
d'Ivoire for more than a century. Along with the French, they were the
most easily identifiable foreign group. They generally resided in
enclaves, married within their community, and resisted integration. At
the same time, many held Ivoirian citizenship. Although they were
concentrated in Abidjan, there was a Lebanese or Syrian family or two in
virtually every community of more than 5,000 people. Some members of the
Levantine community were Christian; of the Muslims, most were Shia.
Significantly, the waves of Lebanese �migr�s who arrived in C�te
d'Ivoire after the Lebanese civil war began in 1975 brought with them
the same political beliefs that divided groups in Lebanon. As of the
mid-1980s, violence among Lebanese had not erupted in C�te d'Ivoire;
nevertheless, the government considered sectarian violence a distinct
The Arab community was known for its entrepreneurial skills and had
long played a leading role in certain intermediate sectors of the
economy, especially commerce. The Arabs dominated in areas such as
textiles, shoes, petroleum distribution, and coffee and cocoa brokering.
The Lebanese had also invested heavily in urban real estate and were
among the first to develop hotels and restaurants in previously less
accessible areas of the interior. For the most part, Houphou�t-Boigny
ardently defended the presence of the Lebanese community, citing its
contributions to the Ivoirian economy. The Lebanese community, in turn,
sought to assure the Ivoirian leadership of its loyalty and its
commitment to national goals by public declarations and by charitable
contributions in support of cultural and sporting events.
The jump in the Levantine population since 1975, coupled with its
growing domination of commerce, made it a target of increasing protest.
In the mid-1980s, Houphou�t-Boigny began issuing warnings to
merchants--unmistakably Lebanese--who were allegedly guilty of customs
fraud and monopolistic practices. Thus, the unconditional welcome that
the Lebanese community had enjoyed appeared to be wearing out.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Students and Intellectuals
Ivory Coast
Student radicalism has had a long history in francophone Africa. It
originated in post-World War II France, where most students from the
colonies studied. Students favored independence long before Houphou�t-Boigny
and the PDCI lobbied for it, and neither the president nor the party
escaped student criticism. In 1988 students were generally concerned
with scholarships, student aid, and housing, although they were also the
most outspoken group in the nation on the issues of succession,
Ivoirianization, and one-party democracy.
The PDCI sought to control student dissent by co-optation or outright
repression. It placed the Movement of Primary and Secondary School
Students of C�te d'Ivoire (Mouvement des Etudiants et El�ves de C�te
d'Ivoire--MEECI), the official student organization, under the umbrella
of the PDCI, and, when necessary, the government impressed student
leaders into the army. Typically, however, the government followed
repression with clemency, and then sought to co-opt student leaders. In
1988 four former MEECI presidents were members of the PDCI Executive
In the 1980s, Laurent Gbagbo gained recognition as the intellectual
leader of an incipient movement seeking a more open political system. A
historian living in exile, Gbagbo was C�te d'Ivoire's most well known
opposition figure. In two books, which were banned in C�te d'Ivoire,
Gbagbo attacked the PDCI regime as conspiratorial, opportunistic, and
corrupt. He was involved in disturbances at the National University of C�te
d'Ivoire (formerly the University of Abidjan) in 1982, after which he
fled to Paris. There he founded an opposition party, the Ivoirian
People's Front (Front Populaire Ivoirian--FPI), which called for a
multiparty democracy. Although the FPI had no formal membership, it
gained a small following in Abidjan among students, intellectuals, civil
servants, and some unions.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
Houphou�t-Boigny treated foreign policy as his personal domain.
Following independence, his long-term foreign policy objective had been
to enhance economic development and political stability in C�te
d'Ivoire. That objective was manifested in foreign policies that sought,
first, to maintain an organic relationship with France, C�te d'Ivoire's
principal and most consistent donor and, second, to control the regional
environment in order to guarantee access to cheap labor from Mali and
Burkina Faso.
Although C�te d'Ivoire eschewed close links with the Soviet Union
and its allies, Ivoirian policymakers were nominally disposed toward
treating all foreign powers equally. One former minister of foreign
affairs insisted that C�te d'Ivoire was the foe of no ideology or any
regime. Nevertheless, C�te d'Ivoire had no diplomatic ties with the
Soviet Union from 1969, when relations with Moscow were severed, until
February 1986. Only a month earlier, the cabinet had approved a measure
to reestablish ties with Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Albania, the German
Democratic Republic (East Germany), and the People's Democratic Republic
of Korea (North Korea). Relations with Romania and Poland had already
been re-established several years earlier.
Closer to its borders, C�te d'Ivoire alternatively befriended or
attempted to isolate the rulers of the five states that surrounded it:
Liberia, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Ghana. Recognizing that
"the oasis never encroaches upon the desert," Houphou�t-Boigny
sought to cultivate mutually beneficial ties with these five states,
while allowing economic and political differences to persist. Military
leaders in the neighboring states allowed their nationals to enter the
Ivoirian labor pool, which eased a serious unemployment problem in their
respective countries. Through the Council of the Entente (Conseil de
l'Entente), in which C�te d'Ivoire is by far the dominant power and
largest contributor, the Ivoirians aided Burkina Faso, Niger, Benin, and
Togo. Houphou�t-Boigny also scored a diplomatic triumph in 1985 when he
brokered a peace agreement ending the border conflict between Burkina
Faso and Mali. Houphou�t-Boigny also facilitated Guinea's return to the
franc zone.
<>Council of the
<>Ghana, Burkina
Faso, Guinea, and Mali
<>Other African
<>United States
<>Soviet Union and
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Council of the Entente
Ivory Coast
The Council of the Entente was established on May 29, 1959, by the
heads of state of C�te d'Ivoire, Upper Volta (present-day Burkina
Faso), Dahomey (present-day Benin), and Niger. (Togo became a member in
1966.) Ostensibly, the Council of the Entente coordinated the
regulations and statutes of member states governing finance, justice,
labor, public service, health, and communications. The Council of the
Entente also initiated steps toward forming a customs union, integrating
development plans and creating a development fund, the Solidarity Fund
(later known as the Loan Guaranty Fund). Each member state was to
contribute 10 percent of government revenues to the fund. C�te
d'Ivoire, the leader of the Council of the Entente and by far the
wealthiest member state, was to receive only a small portion of the
redistributed funds; other members were entitled to larger shares. In
fact, by 1988 C�te d'Ivoire had never touched its share.
The Council of the Entente helped Houphou�t-Boigny achieve his
long-term regional foreign policy objectives. First, by allying himself
with three desperately poor countries that could be expected to maintain
close ties with France for years to come, he built a broader base to
counter Senegal's attempts to isolate C�te d'Ivoire and reestablish
some sort of federation of West African francophone states that would
presumably be centered at Dakar. The demise of the Mali Federation in
1960 appeared to vindicate Houphou�t-Boigny's strategy. He subsequently
enlisted the Council of the Entente states to isolate the government of
Ghana, which had supported a massive antigovernment protest in the Sanwi
area of C�te d'Ivoire and was linked to a plot to overthrow Niger's
President Hamani Diori. After Ghana's President Kwame Nkrumah was ousted
in a 1966 coup, Houphou�t-Boigny sought diplomatic support from the
Council of the Entente states in his feud with President Ahmed Sekou
Tour� of Guinea. Sekou Tour� routinely accused Houphou�t-Boigny of
harboring Guinean exiles; he also threatened to send troops across C�te
d'Ivoire to Ghana to restore Nkrumah, by then a refugee in Guinea, to
By the mid-1980s, populist and nationalist sentiments surging within
the Council of the Entente member states threatened C�te d'Ivoire's
staid leadership of the alliance. Togo, which was surrounded by radical
states, remained a staunch ally; however, Burkina Faso and Benin
increasingly criticized Houphou�t-Boigny's conservativism and
strengthened their ties with Libya and Ghana. As a result, the Council
of the Entente's value as an instrument of Ivoirian foreign policy
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Ghana, Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Mali
Ivory Coast
The tone of Ivoirian-Ghanaian relations had varied widely since
independence. C�te d'Ivoire regarded the government of Flight
Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings, who overthrew a civilian regime in 1983, with
a mixture of disdain, contempt, and wariness. Relations with Ghana
declined in the mid-1980s after Rawlings and Burkina Faso's leader
Thomas Sankara appeared to ally themselves with Libyan leader Muammar al
Qadhaafi. In November 1987, Ghana condemned C�te d'Ivoire for granting
landing rights to South African military and commercial aircraft,
championing the Zionist cause in Africa, undermining Organization of
African Unity (OAU) resolutions, isolating Burkina Faso in West African
councils, and permitting Abidjan to become a haven for hostile South
African, Israeli, and Western intelligence services. At the same time,
the two states worked together harmoniously to end smuggling in both
directions across their common border.
Relations with Burkina Faso, a traditional source of agricultural
labor, were historically cordial, but they degenerated sharply in the
wake of the coup that brought Thomas Sankara to power in August 1983.
Sankara soon made common cause with the Rawlings government in Ghana,
further raising suspicions in Abidjan. Following Libyan deliveries of
military equipment to Burkina Faso, Ivoirian authorities investigated
alleged arms trafficking between Burkina Faso and C�te d'Ivoire.
Tensions between C�te d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso increased sharply in
early 1985 following the alleged mistreatment of Burkinab� immigrants
in C�te d'Ivoire and the assassination of a prominent Burkinab�
businessman in Abidjan. In September 1985, hours before Sankara was to
arrive in C�te d'Ivoire for a Council of the Entente summit meeting, a
bomb exploded in a hotel room he was to occupy. Sankara blamed forces in
C�te d'Ivoire, although no one claimed responsibility and no one was
arrested. In defiance of other Council of the Entente members, Sankara
refused to sign the summit communiqu�, rejected the expansion of the
Entente charter to include security cooperation, indirectly accused C�te
d'Ivoire and Togo of victimizing resident Burkinab� and sheltering
opponents to his regime, and called for the creation of an
internationalist and populist "Revolutionary Entente Council."
Two years later, in October 1987, Sankara was killed during a coup led
by his second in command, Captain Blaise Compaor�. Compaor�
immediately reassured C�te d'Ivoire that he wanted warmer relations and
later pledged to strengthen ties with the Council of the Entente
countries. For its part, C�te d'Ivoire reaffirmed its "readiness
to engage in trustworthy, brotherly, and lasting cooperation with this
neighboring and brotherly country."
Following Guinea's abrupt break with and estrangement from France in
1958, Sekou Tour� adopted a socialist domestic policy, supported
Nkrumah's pan-African ideology, and sought close relations with
communist, socialist, and radical Third World states. Not unexpectedly,
ties with Abidjan became strained. Following Sekou Tour�'s death in
1984 and the advent of a moderate, reformist military regime in Conakry,
Ivoirian relations with Guinea improved considerably.
Ivoirian relations with Mali and Liberia, although far from warm,
were decidedly less confrontational than those with Guinea, Burkina
Faso, and Ghana. Abidjan and Bamako maintained a relatively stable
relationship that varied between cordial and correct, despite Mali's
flirtations with Marxism in the 1960s and 1970s. Likewise, the peculiar
conservatism of the Liberian regimes both before and after the April
1980 coup posed no inherent threat to C�te d'Ivoire. However, the
unexpected and shockingly bloody Liberian coup greatly alarmed Abidjan
and prompted fears of a coup plot in C�te d'Ivoire.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Other African States
Ivory Coast
C�te d'Ivoire maintained diplomatic relations with all the states of
West Africa and nearly all francophone countries on the continent. It
supported--and was most strongly supported by--the most conservative of
African francophone countries, such as Zaire, Gabon, and Niger. Nigeria,
which had vast oil deposits and the largest population in Africa,
presented a special challenge to Ivoirian leaders, who feared the
radical Marxism and militant Islam that stirred different segments of
the Nigerian polity. Consequently, in the late 1960s and early 1970s
Houphou�t-Boigny adopted policies intended to weaken Nigeria. C�te
d'Ivoire supported Biafra in the Nigerian Civil War (1966-70), and in
1973, with its francophone neighbors, organized the Economic Community
of West Africa (Communaut� Economique de l'Afrique Occidentale--CEAO)
to counter the Nigerian-led Economic Community of West African States
C�te d'Ivoire's policy toward South Africa contrasted sharply with
the antiapartheid stance common across the continent. In keeping with
his antirevolutionary fervor, Houphou�t-Boigny insisted that opening a
dialogue with South Africa was far more effective than posturing and
calls for sanctions. In 1970 he sponsored an exchange of visits at the
ministerial level. Although trade with South Africa was officially
banned in C�te d'Ivoire, some South African produce was freely
available in Ivoirian markets. In late 1987, C�te d'Ivoire further
distanced itself from its African counterparts by granting South African
Airways landing rights for flights between Johannesburg and Europe.
Again, Houphou�t-Boigny justified the decision as a positive effort to
pressure South Africa.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - France
Ivory Coast
Time and again, the president has reminded fellow Ivoirians that
their closest and best friend was France and that France made daily
sacrifices for C�te d'Ivoire by offering protected markets and military
assistance. He insisted that France maintained troops near Abidjan as a
favor to ensure C�te d'Ivoire's security without impinging on its
larger development plans.
A treaty of cooperation (the Franco-Ivoirian Technical Military
Assistance Accord--Accord d'Assistance Militaire Technique) signed on
April 24, 1961, outlined the salient aspects of Franco-Ivoirian ties. It
provided for the exchange of ambassadors between the two countries,
named the French ambassador to Abidjan the dean of the diplomatic corps,
and reserved a "privileged position" among diplomats in Paris
for the Ivoirian ambassador. The treaty also called for regular
consultations between the two countries on foreign policy matters.
France agreed to protect and represent Ivoirian interests in any country
or international organization where there was no Ivoirian
representation. Additional cooperation agreements signed at the same
time covered economic matters, education, civil aviation, judicial
affairs, telecommunications, and technical and military assistance.
The French government agreed to continue providing aid to C�te
d'Ivoire for a period of five years, with a provision for five-year
extensions. By encouraging such long-range commitments, the agreement
enhanced French economic influence in C�te d'Ivoire.
Concomitantly, Houphou�t-Boigny began implementing policies that
diverged albeit in several minor respects from French policy. In 1972 he
had C�te d'Ivoire vote against admitting China to the United Nations,
and until 1985, in contradistinction to France, he labeled China and the
Soviet Union as threats to Africa. In the Middle East, C�te d'Ivoire
had been a staunch supporter of Israel since 1967, although during much
of this time France regularly took positions more favorable to the
Houphou�t-Boigny's reliance on French private investment and
government loans, coupled with his devotion to French culture,
determined his stand on virtually every foreign policy issue. In the
early 1960s, for example, he urged negotiations to resolve the Algerian
Revolution and, unlike many of his African counterparts, refused to
condemn France as the responsible party and refused to provide Algeria
with any material assistance. Meanwhile, Houphou�tBoigny also supported
French nuclear testing in the Sahara. Houphou�t-Boigny also defended
French military intervention in Africa.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - United States
Ivory Coast
Relations between Washington and Abidjan were cordial if less
intimate than the ties with Paris. Through the mid-1980s, C�te d'Ivoire
was Africa's most loyal supporter of the United States in the United
Nations General Assembly. It supported the larger United States agenda
on Chad, the Western Sahara, southern Africa, and Israel. The government
strongly approved of moves by the United States against Libyan head of
state Qadhaafi, especially in light of rumors that Libyans in Burkina
Faso were recruiting and training agents to infiltrate C�te d'Ivoire.
United States secretary of state George Schultz visited Abidjan in 1986
following Houphou�tBoigny 's visit to Washington in 1983.
The United States continued to be C�te d'Ivoire's leading trading
partner after France. Foreign policymakers in Washington continued to
point to C�te d'Ivoire as an exemplar of successful capitalism, even as
C�te d'Ivoire's debt mounted out of control. While enjoying a favorable
image in the United States, Houphou�tBoigny has indirectly criticized
the United States by attacking the system of international trade, which
the United States supported unequivocally, but which Houphou�t-Boigny
claimed was responsible for his country's economic ills.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Soviet Union and China
Ivory Coast
Since independence, Houphou�t-Boigny has considered the Soviet Union
and China malevolent influences throughout the Third World. C�te
d'Ivoire did not establish diplomatic relations with Moscow until 1967,
and then severed them in 1969 following allegations of direct Soviet
support for a 1968 student protest at the National University of C�te
d'Ivoire. The two countries did not restore ties until February 1986, by
which time Houphou�t-Boigny had embraced a more active foreign policy
reflecting a more pragmatic view of the Soviet Union and his quest for
greater international recognition.
Houphou�t-Boigny was even more outspoken in his criticism of China.
He voiced fears of an "invasion" by the Chinese and their
subsequent colonization of Africa. He was especially concerned that
Africans would see the problems of development in China as analogous to
those of Africa, and China's solutions as appropriate to sub-Saharan
Africa. Accordingly, C�te d'Ivoire did not normalize relations with
China until 1983, becoming one of the last African countries to do so.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Israel
Ivory Coast
From the early 1960s, Houphou�t-Boigny openly admired Israel's
application of technology to economic development. In 1962 the two
countries signed a cooperation agreement and exchanged ambassadors. For
its part, Israel provided aid, primarily in the form of technical
expertise, to the Ivoirian military and to the agricultural, tourism,
and banking sectors.
In spite of the close ties between the two countries, Houphou�t-Boigny
supported the OAU decision to sever ties with Israel following the
October 1973 War. Nonetheless, the two countries maintained close if
informal links that enabled Israel to continue to participate in the
Ivoirian economy. In February 1986, Houphou�t-Boigny announced the
long-awaited resumption of diplomatic relations. Moreover, the Ivoirian
embassy was again to be located in Jerusalem, in defiance of a 1980
United Nations (UN) Security Council resolution calling on all countries
to withdraw their embassies from that city. The PDCI, presumably with
Houphou�t-Boigny's authorization, however, subsequently voted to honor
the UN resolution and moved the embassy to Tel Aviv.
In its diplomacy at the UN and other multinational forums, C�te
d'Ivoire remained firmly committed to the West. That commitment did not
change through 1987--nor was it expected to--especially since the
Ivoirian economy required continuing support from Western sources of
funding. Nor were there expected to be significant foreign policy
changes under a successor to the aging Houphou�tBoigny , since the
consensus among the elite on domestic and foreign policy issues was
holding, even as the political maneuvering and skirmishing among
possible replacements intensified.
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast - Bibliography
Ivory Coast
Ajayi, J.F. Ade, and Michael Crowder (eds.). History of West
Africa, 2. New York: Colombia University Press, 1974.
Bakary, Tessilimi. "Elite Transformation and Political Succession."
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