ON NOVEMBER 10, 1989, after thirty-five years as undisputed leader,
Todor Zhivkov resigned his positions as head of the Bulgarian Communist
Party (BCP) and head of state of Bulgaria. This act, forced by political
opposition and turmoil, was the symbolic watershed between two very
different eras in Bulgarian governance. One year after Zhivkov's
resignation, Bulgaria had at least some of the primary building blocks
for a democratic state: a freely elected parliament, a coalition
cabinet, independent newspapers, and vigorous, independent trade unions.
Beginning with Soviet occupation of Nazi-allied Bulgaria in September
1944, the political culture of that country had been totally dominated
by a monolithic communist party. In the following three years, that
party took advantage of the presence of Soviet troops, decades-long
disorder in the Bulgarian political system, and its own high visibility
as an anti-Nazi resistance force to complete a rapid communization
Postwar communist rule in Bulgaria can be divided into three periods
with varying political characteristics. The first period, 1944 through
1947, saw the consolidation of communist power. The Fatherland Front,
which began in 1942 as a small illegal antifascist coalition, led a coup
that coincided with the 1944 Soviet invasion and installed communists
for the first time in crucial government positions. In the next three
years, the BCP gradually eliminated disorganized blocks of political
opposition, cut Bulgaria off from foreign influences except that of the
Soviet Bloc, and confiscated most private economic resources. By the end
of 1947, the last effective political opposition had been eliminated and
Soviet troops had left Bulgaria. Longtime communist leader Georgi
Dimitrov was prime minister of a Bulgarian government that ruled
according to a new constitution modeled after that of the Soviet Union.
Although that constitution left the political institutions of prewar
Bulgaria nominally intact, the consolidation period set the pattern for
a very different set of political relationships. Actual political power
was concentrated entirely in the national BCP. From 1947 until 1989,
nominations and elections to judicial, legislative, and executive posts
required party approval. During that time, a nominal second party
existed, but party nominees were elected without opposition at all
levels of government. The National Assembly (Narodno Subranie) met only
to rubber-stamp proposals from the party or the executive branch.
The second phase of the communist period, from 1948 through 1953,
strengthened Bulgaria's traditionally close ties with the Soviet Union
and established a pattern of imitating the Soviet Union in all major
aspects of foreign and domestic policy. The first Bulgarian Five-Year
Plan began in 1949, by which time most means of production were in state
hands. In 1949 Dimitrov was succeeded by Vulko Chervenkov, a prot�g�
of Soviet leader Joseph V. Stalin. Chervenkov imitated his patron's cult
of personality by assuming total control of the BCP and the government
and enforcing complete conformity to party policy through 1954.
Chervenkov intensified the sovietization that began under Dimitrov; the
only vestiges of political diversity at this point were a few national
party leaders who survived Chervenkov's purges.
In 1953 the death of Stalin brought a strong reaction in Soviet
politics against the cult of personality and in favor of collective
leadership. Accordingly, in 1954 Todor Zhivkov replaced Chervenkov as
first secretary of the BCP. In the next eight years, Zhivkov gradually
consolidated his position as supreme leader. In doing so, he maintained
the totalitarian state machinery of his predecessors but showed
flexibility and resiliency--especially in maintaining power at home
while following the winding path of Soviet policy to which Bulgaria
remained scrupulously loyal. In spite of dramatic international changes
and crises between 1954 and 1989, the Zhivkov era was the longest period
of stable rule by a single administration in the history of the modern
Bulgarian state.
In the 1980s, however, the Zhivkov regime was overtaken by the wave
of political liberation that swept all of Eastern Europe, and by the
lethargy and corruption of an administration totally without opposition
for nearly thirty years. Immediately after Zhivkov's fall, Bulgaria
returned to its precommunist political culture, a shifting mosaic of
major and minor parties and coalitions. The National Assembly was
resurrected as the vehicle for democratic representation, and the first
free parliamentary election was held in 1990. Unlike the communist
parties of other East European nations, the BCP (which changed its name
in 1990 to the Bulgarian Socialist Party, BSP) was based on a domestic
political movement that predated the 1917 Russian Revolution. Partly for
this reason, the BSP was able to win the first free elections that
followed overthrow of the old regime. But internal fragmentation,
economic crisis, and the party's connection with the wrongs of the
Zhivkov era diminished the BSP's popular support as the 1990s began.
Meanwhile, based on very brief experimentation with true
parliamentary democracy before World War II, and imitating its East
European neighbors, Bulgaria had decisively rejected repressive
one-party rule and professed allegiance to democracy. But formation of
democratic institutions on the ruins of the early 1900s proved a
formidable task in the early years of the postcommunist era. Coalition
government, the main device of political stability in the precommunist
era, functioned unevenly in solving the massive problems of the early
1990s, and the remaining power centers of the old regime hindered
During World War II, the BCP actively opposed Bulgaria's Axis
alliance by forming partisan terrorist and sabotage groups. In 1942 the
broad Fatherland Front coalition was formed as the communists attempted
to involve legal opposition groups in exerting antiwar pressure on the
government. The coalition's activities brought severe government
reprisals. By 1944 partisan units also were being formed in the
Bulgarian army.
The Red Army invasion of September 1944 found a temporary Bulgarian
government desperately trying to avoid accommodation with the communist
left or the pro-German right, but under intense diplomatic and military
pressure from both Germany and the Soviet Union. Boris had died in 1943
and by 1944 severe wartime shortages (partly caused by peasants hoarding
food supplies) eroded support for the government.
When Soviet troops entered Bulgaria, the Fatherland Front engineered
a bloodless coup displacing the government of Prime Minister Konstantin
Muraviev. In 1946 the first Fatherland Front government divided
ministries among the BCP, Zveno, the Bulgarian Agrarian National Union
(BANU), and the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party (BSDP). Within a year,
the BCP had used that power base to purge the government of all key
opposition figures and dominate the Fatherland Front. In 1946 a national
referendum rejected the monarchy in favor of a people's republic,
leading to the immediate exile of Simeon II, nine-year-old son of Boris
III. The following month, the communists easily won a national election
for representatives to a subranie to write a new constitution
over the objections of BANU, which sought a return to the Turnovo
Constitution. In early 1947, the conclusion of peace between Bulgaria
and the Allies eliminated the Allied Control Commission, through which
Britain had maintained some influence on domestic Bulgarian politics. By
that time, the only remaining obstacle to total BCP domination was
Nikola Petkov's BANU, in a coalition with other noncommunist parties.
The power struggle ended abruptly in mid-1947, when the Fatherland Front
arrested and executed Petkov as a Western agent. This event paved the
way for unanimous adoption of a new constitution in December 1947. The
new document was closely modeled on the 1936 Soviet constitution.
The parliamentary election of fall 1946 gave the BCP 275 of 465 seats
and made Georgi Dimitrov prime minister. The communists gained control
of all significant ministries, beginning the last stage of consolidating
communist dictatorship. The ensuing regimes of Dimitrov and Chervenkov
defined Bulgaria as a highly conventional communist state and isolated
it from nearly all noncommunist commercial and cultural influences.
The State under Dimitrov
In the 1946 elections, noncommunist parties in the Fatherland Front
lost influence far out of proportion to the numerical election results.
The most salient new feature of the Dimitrov Constitution was that it
rejected the separation of powers among government branches in favor of
a "unity of state power," lodged in a presidium wielding
legislative, judicial, and executive powers and chosen by the National
Assembly with party approval. As before, the National Assembly was a
unicameral legislature; elections were to be held every four years, and
members could be recalled at any time. The assembly would meet in
regular sessions twice a year, or by special order of the
Presidium--making the full assembly little more than a rubber-stamp
body. The Presidium met continuously and exercised all constitutional
powers of the National Assembly when the assembly was not in session.
The Presidium's powers included controlling the selection of the Council
of Ministers, amending the constitution, approving the national economic
plan, declaring war, and making peace. The president of the
nineteen-member Presidium thus became one of the two most powerful men
in Bulgaria.
The Council of Ministers retained a nominal executive authority as a
cabinet, but it was overshadowed by the designation of the National
Assembly as "supreme organ of state power." In practice, the
council chairman, who by office was prime minister of the country, was
always the first secretary of the BCP. This gave the prime minister
power equal to that of the Presidium president. The judiciary, now also
chosen by the legislative branch at all levels of government, lost all
independence. Independent local political power was eliminated when
province and district jurisdictions were restructured into people's
councils. The councils elected executive committees analogous to the
national Presidium and overseen by that body. As at the national level,
local government bodies were filled primarily with party officials.
Thus, the Dimitrov Constitution achieved unprecedented centralization of
political power in Bulgaria.
Like its Soviet model, the 1947 constitution guaranteed broad
freedoms to all citizens (religion, conscience, assembly, speech, the
press, emancipation of women, and inviolability of person, domicile, and
correspondence). The Bulgarian document differed from the Soviet by
allowing private property, but only if the privilege were not used
"to the detriment of the public good." All means of production
shifted to state ownership. Universal suffrage was guaranteed, as were
welfare and employment. Guaranteed employment was restricted to socially
useful occupations, however.
Government practice soon eroded the constitutional guarantee of
religious freedom. Between 1948 and 1952, several official acts
repressed the Bulgarian religious community. In 1948 the exarch of the
Bulgarian Orthodox Church was forced into retirement for his refusal to
defend the communist state and the Soviet Union. In 1949 the Law on
Religious Organizations put all churches under state control; over the
next four years, Catholic and Protestant clergy were harrassed and
imprisoned as part of an overall policy of preventing contact with the
West. During this period, the Dimitrov government continued purging
party and nonparty officials, imitating the contemporaneous Stalinist
practice of eliminating all possible political rivals. The most notable
victim was the hardline Stalinist and long-time party leader Traicho
Kostov, convicted and executed in 1949 as a collaborator with the
fascists and Josip Broz Tito, the heretical Yugoslav communist leader.
The Chervenkov Era
The fifth party congress, held in December 1948, rightfully
celebrated the complete political dominance of socialism in Bulgaria.
When Dimitrov died in 1949, his successor, Stalin prot�g� Vulko
Chervenkov, began four years of intense party purges (disqualifying
nearly 100,000 of 460,000 Bulgarian communists). Chervenkov's
cultivation of a cult of personality earned him the nickname
"Little Stalin." The breakaway of Tito's Yugoslavia from the
Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) in 1948 caused Stalin and
Chervenkov to put additional pressure on the BCP to conform with the
Soviet line. Stalin's death in 1953 introduced new Soviet leaders who
disapproved Chervenkov's methodology, but the Bulgarian leader remained
prime minister and dominated politics until 1956. Chervenkov announced a
"new course" in 1953, police terror abated, and some political
prisoners were released. Meanwhile, Bulgarian government under the
communists followed a postwar East European pattern by creating large
numbers of bureaucratic posts, filled by party-approved functionaries,
the nomenklatura. A swollen bureaucracy had been traditional in
Bulgaria since the modern state was founded in 1878; but previously
appointments had depended on membership in the civil service elite, not
on membership in a particular party.
Todor Zhivkov was the dominant figure in Bulgarian government for
about thirty-five years, during which time the political scene remained
remarkably stable. In the context of post-Stalinist communist
statecraft, Zhivkov was a masterful politician. In the context of
popular demands for meaningful reform, he was an anachronism whose
removal symbolized the beginning of a new approach to governance.
The Rise of Zhivkov
The Chervenkov era firmly established Bulgarian reliance on the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) for policy leadership and
resolution of domestic party rivalries. Just as Stalin's condemnation
had doomed Kostov, so condemnation of the cult of personality by
Stalin's successors doomed Chervenkov and prepared the way for his
successor, Todor Zhivkov. Zhivkov, who began his political career in the
party youth organization and worked his way to the party Central
Committee in 1948, became party chief when Chervenkov resigned that
position in 1954. Both the Moscow authorities who ultimately chose new
Bulgarian leaders and the BCP leaders in Sofia approved Zhivkov's
flexibility, youth (he was forty-two when selected), and lack of
powerful friends and enemies.
In 1956 Bulgarian politics again felt the influence of the Soviet
Union. When Nikita S. Khrushchev became leader of the CPSU, he began a
new phase of de-Stalinization and party reform that echoed strongly in
Bulgaria. This left Chervenkov without support outside Bulgaria. Then,
in 1956 the April Plenum of the BCP Central Committee began a broad
party liberalization policy that caused Chervenkov to resign as prime
minister. Rather than break completely with the past, however, the party
retained Chervenkov as a member of a de facto ruling triumvirate that
included Zhivkov and longtime party leader and purge participant Anton
Yugov, who became prime minister. Although party liberalization was
stalled by 1956 uprisings in Hungary and Poland, the April Plenum
identified Zhivkov as the leader of the Politburo. In doing so, it also
shifted power conclusively to the "home" branch of the BCP,
more attuned to Bulgarian issues and less to total obedience to the
Soviet line.
Zhivkov Takes Control
By the end of 1961, a new wave of Soviet anti-Stalinism gave Zhivkov
the support he needed to oust Chervenkov and Yugov. Zhivkov's political
position had deteriorated because his grandiose, failed plans for
industrialization and agricultural collectivization had evoked strong
social protests between 1959 and 1961, but he succeeded Yugov as prime
minister in 1962. Khrushchev formally endorsed Zhivkov with a state
visit to Bulgaria in 1962. Although no additional changes occurred in
the party or the government until 1971, Zhivkov began introducing a new
generation of leaders in the mid-1960s, and political repression eased
noticeably. The old guard of officials remaining from the 1944
revolution remained a powerful party element with important Soviet
connections; therefore, Zhivkov provided that group enough Politburo
positions to ensure its support. Meanwhile, Zhivkov selectively purged
officials throughout the early period to prevent development of
alternative power centers in the party. In 1964 Zhivkov earned peasant
support by appointing Georgi Traikov, chief of the nominally independent
BANU, head of state and by pardoning comrades of the executed BANU
leader Petkov.
In 1966 a strong resurgence of the conservative wing of the BCP at
the Ninth Party Congress curtailed Bulgarian diplomatic and economic
overtures to the West and to its Balkan neighbors. The new conservatism
also tightened government control over the media and the arts, and the
government resumed anti-Western propaganda to protect Bulgarian society
from bourgeois influences. As was the case in the 1956 invasion of
Hungary, Bulgarian support for the 1968 Soviet invasion of
Czechoslovakia brought tighter party control of all social
organizations, and reaffirmation of "democratic centralism"
within the party--all with the goal of reassuring the Soviet Union that
Bulgaria would not follow in the heretical footsteps of the Czechs.
The Constitution of 1971
A later echo of the events of 1968 was the drafting of a new
constitution at the Tenth Party Congress in 1971. Unlike the Dimitrov
Constitution, the new document specified the role of the BCP as
"the leading force in society and the state," and the role of
BANU as its collaborator within the Fatherland Front. The 1971
constitution also defined Bulgaria as a socialist state with membership
in the international socialist community. As before, broad citizen
rights were guaranteed but limited by the requirement that they be
exercised only in the interest of the state. Citizen obligations
included working according to one's ability to build the foundation of
the socialist state and defend the state, compulsory military service,
and paying taxes. Most of the governmental structure specified in the
Dimitrov Constitution remained, but a new body, the State Council,
replaced the Presidium as supreme organ of state power. This council
consisted of twentytwo members and a chairman who was de facto head of
state. The State Council was more powerful than the Presidium because it
could initiate as well as approve legislation, and because it exercised
some of the non-governmental supervision normally delegated to ruling
parties in East European communist states of that period. Council
members, nominally elected by the National Assembly, were members of the
BCP or other mass organizations.
In 1971 Zhivkov resigned as prime minister to become chairman of the
State Council. The National Assembly, traditional center of political
power in Bulgaria until the 1947 constitution stripped it of power,
received some new responsibilities. Permanent commissions were to
supervise the work of ministries, and legislation could now be submitted
by labor and youth groups (all of which were partycontrolled ). In
practice, however, the National Assembly still rubber-stamped
legislation and nominations for the State Council, Supreme Court, and
Council of Ministers. As a follow-up to the constitution's prescription
of private property rights, the 1973 Law on Citizens' Property virtually
abolished private ownership of means of production, confining such
ownership to "items for personal use."
The Tenth Party Congress also devised a new BCP program to coincide
with the new constitutional description of party power. The program
specified an orthodox hierarchical party structure of democratic
centralism, each level responsible to the level above. The lowest-level
party organizations were to be based in workplaces; all other levels
would be determined by territorial divisions. Loyalty to the CPSU was
reiterated. The BCP goal was described as building an advanced socialist
society lacking differentiation by property and social standing--at that
point, all of society was to be a single working class. Science and
technology were to receive special attention by the party, to improve
production that would make possible the next jump from advanced
socialism to the first stage of communism.
After a decade of political calm and only occasional purges of party
officials by Zhivkov, social unrest stirred in the mid-1970s and alarmed
the Zhivkov government. International events such as the Helsinki
Accords of 1975, the growth of Eurocommunism in the 1970s, and the 1973
oil crisis stimulated hope for liberalization and discontent with the
domestic economy. Zhivkov responded in 1977 by purging Politburo member
Boris Velchev and 38,500 party members--the largest such change since
the early 1960s. Provincial party organizations also were substantially
reorganized. In May 1978, the Bulgarian government acknowledged for the
first time that an antigovernment demonstration had occurred--
indicating that the 1977 measures had not quelled domestic discontent.
The Last Zhivkov Decade
The period between 1978 and 1988 was one of political calm. With
minor exceptions, the structure and operations of the government and the
BCP remained unchanged. But the avoidance of meaningful change, despite
cosmetic adjustments in the Zhivkov government, assumed that Bulgarian
governance was the same uncomplicated procedure it had been in the 1970s
and early 1980s--a major miscalculation.
Celebration of the 1,300th anniversary of the Bulgarian state in 1981
brought official liberalization and rehabilitation for some segments of
Bulgarian society. Bourgeois political factions that had opposed the BCP
before World War II were exonerated and described as comrades in the
fight for Bulgarian democracy. Zhivkov also raised the official status
of the Orthodox Church to codefender of the Bulgarian nationality, and
restrictions on religious observances were eased.
By the second half of the 1980s, substantial maneuvering and
speculation centered on identifying the successor to the seventyfour
-year-old Zhivkov, who was increasingly isolated from everyday
governance. Four younger politicians divided most of the key
responsibilities of government and party in 1986. Although speculation
grew that Zhivkov had become a figurehead or was preparing to resign, in
the late 1980s he was still able to divide the power of his rivals and
avoid naming a single successor.
The BCP maintained complete control over all major programs and
policies in the Bulgarian government, although the role of the party in
specific instances was not clear. In 1987, facing a budding opposition
movement and pressure from the Soviet Union, the BCP began planning for
multiple-candidate (not multiparty) regional elections to end citizen
apathy toward both government and the party. Although some reforms were
made in the nomination process, local electoral commissions retained
control over final lists of nominees.
By February 1989, at least nine independent political groups had
emerged. Spurred by the liberalized domestic policies of Mikhail S.
Gorbachev in the Soviet Union, such groups demanded similar concessions
from the Bulgarian government. Given Bulgaria's long record of mimicking
Soviet policy changes, this was a natural expectation. In fact, the 1987
BCP Central Committee plenum had endorsed officially perestroika and
glasnost, the cornerstones of the Gorbachev reform program. The plenum
also substantially reduced official state ceremonies, rituals, personal
awards, and propaganda, explaining that such formalities alienated the
In the three years following the 1987 plenum, however, the Bulgarian
government and the BCP gave lip service to Soviet reforms, while quietly
taking a more hard-line approach to many issues. During this period,
reform in the BCP and the government apparatus was confined to
reshuffling ministries, departments, and personnel as a gesture of
solidarity with perestroika. At the same time, dissident groups
were harrassed, put under surveillance, and accused of unpatriotic
Issues of Dissent
In the late 1980s, official repression of the Turkish minority was
the most visible domestic issue in Bulgaria. By 1989 this policy had
brought harsh international condemnation and provided a human rights
issue for the domestic opposition. A total of 310,000 ethnic Turks were
expelled or emigrated voluntarily in 1989, and the Bulgarian economy
suffered greatly from this depletion of its work force.
In July 1989, more than a hundred well-known Bulgarian intellectuals
petitioned the National Assembly to restore rights to the ethnic Turks
suffering forced emigration. Bulgarian Turks formed the Movement for
Rights and Freedoms, advocating a wide range of government reforms
besides the Turkish issue. The regime responded by accusing Turkish
agents of fomenting ethnic strife, denying the existence of a Turkish
minority in Bulgaria, and fanning the racial animosity of Bulgarians
toward Turks.
In addition to the ethnic and political problems, in the late 1980s
Bulgaria faced the need for strenuous economic reforms to improve
efficiency, technology, and product quality. Between 1987 and 1989, the
Zhivkov regime promised expansion of trade and joint ventures with the
West, banking reform, currency convertability, and decentralized
planning. In actuality, however, the thirty-five- year-old regime lacked
the political will and energy to press drastic economic reform. The
economic stagnation that began in the early 1980s, with which Zhivkov
had become identified, continued unchallenged and became another major
cause of political discontent.
The Removal of Zhivkov
Despite the appeareance of numerous opposition groupsa in the
preceding year, the Zhivkov regime was unprepared for the successive
fall of communist regimes across Eastern Europe in late 1989. In October
an all-European environmental conference, Ecoforum, was held in Sofia
under the auspices of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in
Europe (CSCE).
This event focused world attention on Bulgaria's history of repressing
environmental activism and stimulated open demonstrations by human
rights advocates and the Bulgarian Ekoglasnost environmental group.
Although some demonstrators were beaten and detained, direct
communication with the West inspired them to greater self-expression.
This activity culminated in a mass demonstration in Sofia on November 3.
Meanwhile, in a speech to a plenum of the BCP in late October, Zhivkov
admitted that his latest restructuring program, begun in 1987 to achieve
"fundamental renewal" of society, politics, and the economy,
had been a failure. He unveiled a new, detailed program to counteract
"alienation of the people from the government and the production
process." Other party spokesmen increasingly noted recent drastic
reforms in other socialist states and pointed to Bulgaria's failure to
keep pace. Then, at the regular plenary meeting of the BCP Central
Committee in November, Prime Minister Georgi Atanasov announced
Zhivkov's resignation.
Although the resignation appeared voluntary, Western observers agreed
that top party figures, increasingly dissatisfied with Zhivkov's refusal
to recognize problems and deal with public protests, had exerted
substantial pressure on him. The leaders of the movement to remove
Zhivkov--Atanasov, Foreign Minister Petur Mladenov (who became head of
state), and Defense Minister Dobri Dzhurov--had received the advance
blessing of Moscow and the majority of the Bulgarian Politburo. Soviet
leader Gorbachev apparently approved the change because Zhivkov had not
heeded warnings that cosmetic reform was insufficient given the drastic
restructuring sought by Gorbachev. Within a month of his resignation,
Zhivkov was expelled from the BCP, accused of abuse of power, and
arrested. Mladenov became chairman of the State Council and chief of the
The Zhivkov ouster brought rapid change in some political
institutions, little or no change in others. The official name of the
country dropped "people's" to become simply the Republic of
Bulgaria. For two years, the BCP remained entrenched as the most
powerful party, slowing reform and clinging tenaciously to economic and
political positions gained under Zhivkov. But a new constitution was
ratified in mid-1991, laying the basis for accelerated reform on all
The Mladenov Government
The first few months of the Mladenov regime brought few of the
dramatic changes seen in Czechoslovakia or the German Democratic
Republic (East Germany) in the same period. Mladenov, who came to power
without a personal following, left much of the old government in power
and failed to separate state from party functions. Although initial
reforms came from the Politburo, Mladenov achieved popularity by
immediately legalizing political protest, giving the media unprecedented
freedom, abolishing privileges of party officials, and scheduling free
elections within six months. Article 1 of the 1971 constitution, which
established the leading role of the BCP in Bulgarian government and
society, was abolished in January 1990. Public repudiation of Zhivkov
allowed his subordinates to treat him as a scapegoat, thus protecting
themselves from blame by the proliferating opposition groups.
The Bulgarian communists avoided the immediate political rejection
suffered by their East European comrades for several reasons. Because
the BCP had begun as an indigenous Bulgarian movement in 1891,
Bulgarians did not resent it as an artificially imposed foreign
organization. In 1989 nearly one in nine Bulgarians belonged to the
party, a very high ratio that included a large part of the
intelligentsia. Early opposition groups were concentrated in Sofia and
did not have the means to reach the more conservative hinterlands,
reflecting a political dichotomy between town and country that had
existed since pre-Ottoman times. Visible reorganization and reform
occurred in the BCP shortly after Zhivkov left power; the Politburo was
abolished and some old-guard communists were purged. The BCP invited
opposition representation in the government and conducted a series of
round-table discussions with opposition leaders. In February 1990,
Mladenov resigned as party chief, removing the stigma of party
interference in government; in April, the State Council was abolished
and Mladenov was named president.
The 1990 Stalemate
The first free election of the postwar era, the national election of
June 1990, was anticipated as an indicator of Bulgaria's post-Zhivkov
political mood and as an end to the extreme uncertainty that followed
the Zhivkov era. But the election results provided no decisive answers
or conclusions. During the political maneuvering that preceded the
election, the contest for control of the National Assembly narrowed to
the BCP and the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF), a coalition of several
major and many minor parties and groups with diverse interests. The BCP
presented a reformist image, liberally blaming Zhivkov for national
problems and changing its name to the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) to
stress that a new era had begun. In March an agreement with opposition
groups had made approval of legislative proposals by the round table
necessary before the BCP-dominated National Assembly could consider
passage. The round table also signed accords defining future legal
changes in the political system, including multiple parties, separation
of powers, constitutional protection of media freedom, and legalization
of private property.
The parliamentary election was followed by three months of inactivity
and drift in the summer of 1990. Although the Council of Ministers had
resigned immediately after the election, a new government was not formed
until late August. BSP party official Andrei Lukanov finally became
prime minister in an all-socialist cabinet because UDF and other
opposition parties refused to form a coalition. At the same time, the
National Assembly required several weeks to agree on compromise
candidate Zheliu Zhelev to replace Mladenov as president. The most
significant political situation was outside government institutions. The
two major parties became deadlocked over UDF demands that the BSP
acknowledge its responsibility for the economic ruin of Bulgaria, and
that the government adopt the UDF plan for radical economic reform
similar to that in Poland. Although much of the Zhivkov old guard had
been forced out in favor of middle-of-the road socialists in 1990, the
UDF demands activated strong pockets of reaction. Zhelev, a dissident
philosopher and UDF leader, spent the rest of 1990 seeking compromises
among the factions.
The Lukanov government, tied to an aging, largely conservative
constituency and full of little-known BSP figures, met few of the reform
demands. In October Lukanov presented a 100-day economic reform plan to
serve as a transition to longer-term planning in 1991. The plan borrowed
major parts of the program advocated by the UDF. The National Assembly
remained too divided on the reform issue to give Lukanov the legislative
support he needed. Meanwhile, polls showed a definite drop in popular
support for the BSP; under these circumstances, the UDF intensified
efforts to turn out the government by refusing to support any of
Lukanov's proposals.
In November Bulgaria was paralyzed by student demonstrations and
general strikes called to topple Lukanov. Lukanov's resignation ended
the opposition's refusal to form a coalition government. Zhelev, who
then commanded more political power than any other figure, proposed a
compromise candidate, Dimitur Popov, as prime minister. Popov, a judge
with no party allegiance, received a mandate to form a new cabinet and
proceed with reforms as soon as possible. After considerable
deliberation, cabinet posts were distributed among major factions, and
reform legislation began slowly moving into the National Assembly in the
first half of 1991.
In the years immediately following the Zhivkov regime, the nominal
structure of the Bulgarian government remained essentially unchanged.
Actual decision making, however, moved from the elite level of the
communist leadership to a variety of political figures and institutions.
The Role of Unofficial Organizations
An important quasigovernmental institution in the early stages of
this process was the national round table. Conceived by opposition
groups shortly after Zhivkov's fall, the round table format was accepted
by the Atanasov government under threat of general strikes. In March
1990, a declaration on the role and status of the national round table,
formulated by all major political groups, gave the round table approval
rights to all major legislation proposed by the government, prior to
formal consideration by the National Assembly. In 1990 round table
discussions included key government figures and representatives of all
constituent groups of the UDS and other opposition parties and trade
unions. This forum was an effective bridge across the chaotic months
preceding the first free election. It reached key compromises on
election law, major provisions of the new constitution, and economic
reforms. Compromise measures were then forwarded to the parliament for
ratification. By mid-1990 round table proposals were dominated by the
platform of the UDF, for which that forum had become the chief input to
government policy. The national round table thus replaced the BCP as the
de facto source of legislative initiatives, in the absence of a
coalition government representing the major Bulgarian political
In late 1990, President Zhelev convened a Political Consultative
Council that was able to unite all major factions behind formation of a
coalition government in December 1990. This step ended the threat that
chaos would follow the resignation of the Lukanov government. In January
1991, the parties represented in the National Assembly signed a detailed
agreement describing political rights, the legislative agenda for 1991,
BCP (BSP) responsibility for the mistakes of the Zhivkov regime,
property rights, resolution of social conflicts, and ethnic questions.
The stated purpose of this agreement was to ease national tensions and
provide a proper working atmosphere for the immense reform program
envisioned for 1991.
The National Assembly
In the post-Zhivkov reforms, the National Assembly returned to its
prewar status as a forum for debate of legislation among representatives
of true political factions. This status had been lost completely from
1947 to 1989, when the assembly rubber-stamped legislation originating
in the BCP hierarchy.
The Assembly under Zhivkov
According to the 1971 constitution, the unicameral National Assembly
was the supreme organ of state power, acting as the national legislature
and electing all the other bodies of the national government. In
practice under the Zhivkov regime, the National Assembly met for three
short sessions each year, long enough to approve policies and
legislation formulated by the Council of Ministers and the State
Council. The National Assembly had a chairman (elected by the entire
body, until 1990 at the recommendation of the BCP Central Committee),
and four deputy vice chairs. In the intervals between sessions, the
functions of the assembly were conducted by permanent commissions whose
number and designation varied through the years. Not enumerated in the
1971 constitution, the authority of the commissions often overlapped
that of the ministerial departments. The National Assembly had the power
to dissolve itself or extend its term in emergency session.
During the Zhivkov years, new assemblies were elected every five
years to coincide with party congresses; the Central Committee of the
BCP met immediately before the first session of each new assembly to
approve candidates who were then rubber-stamped by the National Assembly
for the leadership positions of the assembly, State Council, and Council
of Ministers. The ninth National Assembly (1986-90) was rarely even
notified of policy decisions of the Zhivkov-led State Council.
Nevertheless, election of the National Assembly remained the most
important political ritual in Bulgaria throughout the communist period,
and the return to free assembly elections in 1990 recalled the direct
popular representation prescribed in the Turnovo Constitution of 1879,
still revered as a model for Bulgarian governance.
The First Freely Elected Assembly, 1990
The first significant post-Zhivkov act of the holdover (ninth)
National Assembly was passage of twenty-one measures of constitutional
reform. These measures included abolition of the article of the 1971
constitution giving the BCP sole right to govern. In April 1990, that
National Assembly dissolved itself to make way for national election of
a Grand National Assembly, charged with writing and ratifying a new
constitution; this was the first voluntary adjournment of that body
since World War II.
In accordance with the provisions under which the 1990 parliamentary
elections were held, after passing the new constitution in July 1991 the
Grand National Assembly voted to dissolve itself and continue working as
a normal parliament until election of the new body. Thus, in the second
half of 1991 work would continue on critical legislation covering issues
such as privatization, election procedures, and local government reform.
After the 1990 national elections, the National Assembly remained a
weak legislative body, but for a new reason. No longer required to
follow party orders precisely, representatives often were split quite
evenly on reform issues. The majority BSP included reform and
reactionary factions, and the 144 UDF members were a formidable
opposition group. Unlike the brief assemblies of the Zhivkov era, the
new body remained in session several days a week throughout the
remainder of 1990 through mid-1991, struggling for compromise on reform
The State Council and the Presidency
The State Council, technically an executive committee within the
National Assembly, was created by the 1971 constitution as the primary
executive agency of the national government. Because of that role, the
chairman of the council was automatically president of the country and
thus one of the two most powerful figures in Bulgaria in the Zhivkov
years. The State Council included representatives from trade unions, the
Communist Youth League of Bulgaria (Komsomol), and other mass
organizations. The council supervised the Council of Ministers and had
the right to repeal ministry decisions--a function that clearly reduced
the Council of Ministers to secondary executive status. In addition to
its executive functions, the State Council could issue direct decrees
with full legal authority when the National Assembly was not in session,
with no provision for later approval by the full legislative body. Under
Zhivkov most members of the State Council were high officials of the
BCP. When Petur Mladenov replaced Zhivkov as chairman of the State
Council, he did not automatically become head of state. When the State
Council was abolished in April 1990, the round table named Mladenov
president of the republic, a new title for the Bulgarian head of state.
The appointment was made with the understanding that the new
constitution would set guidelines for this office. Meanwhile, Mladenov
and his successor Zheliu Zhelev retained the power to form cabinets with
the consent of the National Assembly, to represent the country abroad,
and to act as commander in chief of the armed forces.
The Council of Ministers
The constitution of 1971 substantially diminished the power of the
Council of Ministers, or cabinet, which had been an intermittent center
of executive authority in Bulgarian governments since 1878. In the last
two decades of the Zhivkov regime, the council acted as an advisory
board to the State Council and directed everyday operations of the
government bureaucracies. All members of the Council of Ministers
belonged to the BCP or BANU, and many held top party posts and
ministries simultaneously. Longtime Politburo member Stanko Todorov
headed the executive committee of the council from its creation in 1971
until 1989. Within their areas of responsibility, the ministries had
authority to form administrative organs and to overturn acts by local
government agencies. The exact makeup of the council was not prescribed
in the constitution; the National Assembly had authority to make changes
as necessary, and the council's shape and size changed often in the last
Zhivkov years.
After the elections of 1986, the Council of Ministers was reorganized
and reduced in size. In the last years of the Zhivkov regime, it
included eleven ministers, a chairman (the prime minister), a deputy
prime minister, and the chairman of the Committee on State and People's
Control. In early 1990, the new provisional council had fourteen
ministries: agriculture and forests; construction, architecture, and
public works; economy and planning; finance; foreign affairs; foreign
economic relations; industry and technology; internal affairs; internal
trade; justice; national defense; national education; public health and
social welfare; and transport. The ambassador to the Soviet Union also
had full cabinet status, as did the heads of the committees for
protection of the environment and state and people's control. Five
deputy prime ministers also sat in that cabinet, which was headed by
Zhivkov-era holdover Georgi Atanasov. The second provisional cabinet,
under Andrei Lukanov, included ministers of the environment, culture,
and science and higher education in its seventeen departments. The
ambassador to the Soviet Union was dropped, and a minister for economic
reform added.
The new status of the Council of Ministers as the power center of
Bulgarian government was signaled by the targeting of Prime Minister
Lukanov for opposition pressure in the fall of 1990. A second signal was
intense bargaining between the BSP and opposition parties for positions
in the Popov cabinet. That bargaining produced a compromise agreement
that gave the key ministries of foreign economic relations and finance
to the BSP, with national defense going to the UDF. The Ministry of the
Interior, very sensitive because of its role under Zhivkov as the
enforcer of state security, was largely reorganized and headed by a
nonpolitical figure whose two deputies represented the major parties.
The splitting of the deputy minister positions was a key compromise to
gain approval of the Popov cabinet. In all, five of the seventeen
ministers in the new cabinet were politically unaffiliated; seven
remained from the last Lukanov cabinet to soften the transition; and the
UDF filled only three posts. The multiparty conference that reached this
agreement also allowed for further adjustments in the cabinet structure
for the Popov government. As an interim head of government, Popov's main
goal was to establish minimal political and economic conditions
favorable to long-term reforms.
The Judiciary
Members of the highest national judicial body, the Supreme Court,
were elected to five-year terms by the National Assembly. Until 1990,
however, National Assembly approval really meant control by the State
Council, hence by the BCP. The national court system was divided into
criminal, civil, and military courts; the Supreme Court had jurisdiction
in both original and appellate cases, and it controlled the activities
of all lower courts. The 1971 constitution called the court system and
state prosecutor's office "weapons of the dictatorship of the
proletariat." The chief prosecutor, chief legal official of
Bulgaria, was responsible for compliance with the law by ordinary
citizens, local and national political entities and officials, and other
public organizations. The powers of this office were extended by law in
1980 in an effort to forestall public dissatisfaction with the crime
prevention system. Like the justices of the Supreme Court, the chief
prosecutor served at the approval of the State Council. Together with
the chief justice of the Supreme Court, the chief prosecutor provided
absolute BCP control of the Bulgarian judicial system until 1990. The
election of all judicial officials further guaranteed this control.
Lower courts functioned at the provincial and municipal levels;
election was by people's councils at the provincial level and directly
by citizens at the municipal level, using party-approved lists. In 1990
each of Bulgaria's provinces (including Sofia) had a province court. The
105 provincal courts tried minor offenses. Both professional judges and
lay assessors sat in the lower courts. Specialized disputes were heard
outside the regular court system. For example, international trade cases
went to the Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration of the Bulgarian Chamber
of Commerce and Industry, civil disputes among enterprises and public
organizations were heard by the State Court of Arbitration, and labor
disputes were settled by the conciliation committees of enterprises.
Criticized before and after the fall of Zhivkov, the Bulgarian
justice system changed little with the reform programs of 1990 and 1991.
The round table resolutions of early 1990 alluded only to separation of
the judicial, legislative, and executive branches to avoid concentration
of power in any single branch. However, establishment of an independent,
authoritative judiciary would be complicated by the universal view,
instilled by forty-five years of complete control by the BCP, that the
Bulgarian court system was only an extension of the state's executive
power. In a 1991 poll, only 1.7 percent of Bulgarians expressed trust in
the courts and the prosecutor's office. In 1990 the youngest judges were
over forty years old, and the most talented had left for other careers
because of the short term of office, poor pay, low professional status,
and party control. In late 1990, Judge Dimitur Lozanchev became the
first politically neutral chairman of the Supreme Court since World War
Local Government
In 1987 Bulgaria consolidated its local government structure by
combining its twenty-eight districts (okruzi; sing. okrug),
into nine provinces (oblasti; sing. oblast), including
the city of Sofia. A tangible part of the Zhivkov regime's massive (and
largely theoretical) plan for economic and political restructuring, the
reorganization imitated restructuring plans in the Soviet Union. Local
government consolidation was to eliminate the complex and inefficient okrug
bureaucracies and improve the operation of "people's
self-management," the system by which people's councils nominally
managed area enterprises. The latter improvement was to result from
narrowing the primary function of the new oblast government to
the assistance of local workers' collectives. At the same time,
municipalities and townships became somewhat more autonomous because the
restructuring gave them some of the administrative power removed from
the higher level.
Although the number of districts had remained stable from 1959 until
the 1987 reform, the number and allocation of smaller urban and rural
political entities changed rapidly during that period as the population
shifted. In 1990 there were 299 political divisions smaller than the oblast
and twentynine separate urban areas. Both oblasti and smaller
constituencies were ruled by people's councils, elected for thirtymonth
terms. The local multiple-candidate elections of February 1988 were
another aspect of the restructuring program. Although local election
commissions retained considerable influence over nominations, about 26
percent of successful candidates were nonparty in 1988. At that time,
51,161 councillors and 3,953 mayors were elected.
The people's councils at all levels were run by elected executive
committees that met continuously. These committees had full executive
power to act between sessions of the people's councils, in the same way
as the State Council acted for the National Assembly in the Zhivkov-era
national government. Each council was responsible to the council at the
next higher level; financial planning was to conform to the goals of
national economic programs. Local councils had authority over the
People's Militia, or police, as well as over local services and
administration. The Popov government scheduled new local elections for
February 1991, after which time reforms were expected in the local
government system. Meanwhile, most provincial governments remained under
the control of Zhivkovite officials, intensifying the schism between the
urban and provincial political climates.
Electoral Procedures
The round table reforms of 1990 included a new election law ratified
by the National Assembly. As in other aspects of governance, prescribed
election procedures did not change greatly under the new regime, but the
intent and practice of the law did. The right to vote by direct secret
ballot remained universal for all Bulgarians over eighteen, and the
officials they elected remained thoretically responsible only to the
voters. Prescriptions for eligibility for nomination and the nomination
process changed little with the new law. The main difference was that in
practice the BCP (BSP) no longer could indiscriminately remove elected
representatives or members of people's councils, nor did it control the
nomination function nominally given to public organizations, trade
unions, youth groups, and cooperatives.
Under the election law of 1953, all candidate lists were approved by
the communist-controlled Fatherland Front. Under the 1990 law, all
parties and registered nonparty organizations could submit candidates;
individuals could be nominated for the assembly with 500 signatures of
voters from their district, and an unlimited number of candidates might
run from each district. The State Council formerly had the power to call
elections; for the 1990 Grand National Assembly election, the date was
fixed by agreement of the UDF and the BCP. The Central Election
Commission, formerly a creature of the State Council, was to supervise
the equitable implementation of election laws, overseeing the operation
of equivalent commissions at local levels. Election commissions at all
levels included members from various parties; the Central Election
Commission was headed by a professor of law with no political
The new law also revised the representational system of the National
Assembly. The new assembly continued to have 400 seats, but it would sit
for four instead of five years. A new electoral structure also was
introduced. Half the National Assembly members were elected in
multiple-seat districts, in proportion to total votes cast for each
party in the district. A 4 percent minimum was required for a party to
achieve representation. The law designated twenty-eight multiple-seat
voting districts, based on the pre-1987 okruzi. The other 200
members were elected from 200 singleseat voting districts. A runoff
election was held in each district where no candidate received 50
percent of the initial vote (this occurred in 81 of the 200 districts).
All voters in the 1990 election had one vote in each type of district.
The election was supervised by the CSCE. According to impartial
observers and the parties themselves, the election was reasonably free
of interference and coercion, considering that most of the electorate
had never faced a true political choice and the registration and voting
systems were quite complex. Party strategies were dictated by timing and
geography. The UDF, lacking time and resources to campaign in the
provinces, confined its efforts to the more congenial constituency in
Sofia and other large cities. The BSP campaigned as a reform party in
progressive Sofia, but it took advantage of the substantial residue of
Zhivkovite local officials in the provinces (many of whom were accused
of exerting pressure on their constituents to vote BSP) to gain 211
assembly seats to the UDF's 144. The UDF outpolled the BSP in Sofia,
Plovdiv, Varna, and most other Bulgarian cities.
The timing of the next national election was the topic of heated
debate in the first half of 1991 as political factions maneuvered for
advantage. After the new constitution was ratified in July 1991 and a
new election law was scheduled for August, elections were tentatively
set for October 1991. The new election law was to free the system of the
cumbersome procedure used in 1990. Controversial elements of the law
were a BSP-backed clause disallowing absentee ballots from �migr�s and
the restriction of all campaign activities to the Bulgarian language.
The 1991 law prescribed a Central Electoral Commission of twenty-five,
to be appointed by the president in consultation with major political
factions. The central commission would then appoint and oversee like
commissions at lower jurisdictions and set policy for election
administration. National elections were to be held by the proportional
system, eliminating the two-part system of 1990. Recognized parties,
coalitions of parties, individual nominees, and combinations of
individuals and parties would be eligible to run. The country was
divided into thirty-one electoral constituencies, three of which were in
Until 1989 the BCP exerted firm control over such nongovernmental
political institutions as trade unions, youth groups, women's groups,
and the nominally oppositionist BANU. The ouster of Zhivkov, however,
brought a torrent of new and revived groups into the political arena. In
the new open political climate, the groups' fragmented constituencies
often spoke loudly for their own special interests, greatly complicating
the process of coalition-building and compromise needed to accomplish
national reform.
The Bulgarian Communist (Socialist) Party
The Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP), which renamed itself the
Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) several months after the fall of
Zhivkov, boasted one of the highest membership-to-population ratios (one
in nine Bulgarians) in any communist country in the late 1980s. Between
1958 and 1987, membership grew by 442,000, mainly by adding bureaucrats
and blue-collar workers in younger age groups. In 1986 women made up
32.7 percent of party membership but few women held high positions. The
proportion of worker members had grown to 44.4 percent by 1986, and the
proportion of farm members had dropped to 16.3 percent, reflecting an
even sharper drop in the overall farming population of Bulgaria. Party recruitment in the 1980s targeted individuals
already successful in public or economic life, and the proportion of
whitecollar members increased in that decade.
In 1987 the BCP was organized into 2,900 local units. Until 1990
primary party organizations were based primarily in workplaces. The next
level in the hierarchy was municipal organizations, which were overseen
by city or province and ultimately national bodies. At every level,
party and government personnel were closely interwoven, and the
principle of democratic centralism kept the lower levels strictly
subordinate to the national party. The primary organizations were
charged with recruitment and mobilization. A major concession by the
postZhivkov party was removal of party cells from all state offices, the
judiciary, educational and health agencies, as well as all
nongovernmental workplaces--a concession forced by the UDF's threat to
boycott the round table negotiations that would set a national agenda
for political reform early in 1990. That change significantly altered
the primary level of party organization.
Until 1990 the top level of party leadership was the Politburo, of
which Zhivkov was general secretary. That position had been abolished in
the 1950s in the BCP as part of de-Stalinization. It was restored in
1981, however, to recognize Zhivkov's long service and conform to Soviet
restoration under Leonid Brezhnev. Politburo members usually were
selected from the central committee and nominally elected by party
congresses, which normally met every five years. In 1986 the Thirteenth
Party Congress elected an eleven-member Politburo dominated by party
loyalists of Zhivkov's generation but supplemented by a few younger
specialists in politics and economics. Following tradition, the 1986
congress made few changes in the previous Politburo. The party
congresses were nominally the top policy-making body of the party, but,
like the National Assembly, they rubber-stamped decisions handed them by
the party elite.
The BCP hierarchy also included the Central Committee, whose members
the congress unanimously approved from candidates supplied by the party
leadership. Through a number of specialized departments, the Central
Committee performed administrative party work between sessions of
congress. After considerable size variation, the last Central Committee
included 190 members and 131 candidate members in early 1990. The third
elite group was the BCP Secretariat, a group somewhat smaller than the
Politburo (its number also varied during the Zhivkov years), entrusted
with implementing party policy.
Membership in the BCP required recommendation by three established
members; if accepted at the primary and next-highest level, a candidate
received full membership with no probationary period. Criminal or
unethical behavior caused withdrawal of membership. Without benefit of
explanation, a varying number of members also failed to receive the new
party cards issued before each party congress. Abrupt purging of cadre
and membership elements deemed potentially hostile to current programs
was a procedure that Zhivkov used with great skill to balance and weaken
opposition forces throughout his tenure in office.
The fall of Zhivkov brought immediate and dramatic changes in the
BCP, including removal of the word "communist" from its name.
The Extraordinary Fourteenth Party Congress of the BCP was held in the
winter of 1990, over a year sooner than scheduled. That congress
abolished the Central Committee and the Politburo in favor of a Supreme
Party Council headed by a presidency. To streamline party activity, the
new council had only 131 members, 59 fewer than the last Central
Committee. The Secretariat was abolished. The party emerged from the
congress with significant splits between reform and conservative
factions and a new temporary program. Only about 10 percent of previous
Central Committee members became members of the new Supreme Party
Council; several party stalwarts who had survived the Zhivkov overthrow,
including Prime Minister Atanasov, were not elected. The BCP's
constitutional guarantee of the leading role in Bulgarian society
already had been abolished. In a compromise with the UDF shortly after
the congress, party organizations were banned from workplaces and the
armed forces. The BSP had full control of the government (the UDF
refused to form a coalition both before and after the 1990 elections),
but BSP popularity and power ebbed rapidly during 1990 and 1991. By the
first anniversary of Zhivkov's resignation, party membership had
decreased to an estimated 250,000. (Membership had been reported as
984,000 at the time of the Fourteenth Party Congress.)
Bulgaria - The Union of Democratic Forces
The Union of Democratic Forces (UDF--Bulgarian Sayuz na
Demokratichnite Sili--SDS), which emerged as the chief opposition
faction to the BCP after 1989, was a motley coalition of several major
and many minor parties and groups. Some of the parties, such as BANU,
predated the communist era by several decades. Others, such as the Green
Party, were organized after the overthrow of Zhivkov. When the UDF was
founded in December 1989, it included ten organizations; by the
following spring, six more parties and movements had joined.
The basis of the UDF was the dissident groups that formed under the
faltering Zhivkov regime in the late 1980s. The all-European Ecoforum of
October 1989 allowed many such groups to meet and exchange ideas for the
first time; once Zhivkov fell, the initial contacts spawned an
organizational declaration that envisioned a loose confederation. Within
the confederation, constituent groups would continue to work for their
own specific interests. The coordinating council was to include three
members from each organization. Longtime dissident philosopher Zheliu
Zhelev was elected chairman and Petur Beron, a well-known environmental
scientist, was chosen secretary.
The diversity of membership required substantial compromise in the
UDF program. At least one issue central to each member group was
included in the program, however. The general goals of the program were:
a civil society, market economy, multiparty system, and constitutional
government. Sixteen specific steps were outlined to achieve those goals.
The main criterion for acceptance of new member organizations was
compatibility of their goals with those in the UDF program.
Shortly after the UDF was founded, a vital policy decision confronted
its leaders: the BCP-dominated government revoked the Zhivkov program of
Bulgarizing the names of all Turkish citizens. Alienating the extreme
nationalist factions that opposed compromise with the ethnic minority,
the UDF supported the government decision in its first major policy
In the first half of 1990, the stature of the UDF was enhanced by its
participation as an equal in round table discussions with the BCP (BSP)
on a range of policy issues that would set future economic and political
policy. By March 1990, the coalition's main goal was clearly stated: to
push the interim National Assembly to draft a democratic constitution
and urgent reform legislation as quickly as possible, over the
opposition of remaining BSP hardliners and noncommunist splinter groups.
All factions recognized that once this was completely accomplished, the
coalition would dissolve and members would act as independent political
parties with varying agendas.
In the parliamentary elections of June 1990, the UDF platform
advocated a wide range of drastic reforms in government structure, the
media, foreign policy, and the economy. Detailed proposals were offered
for education, the environment, and a two-phase "shock
therapy" reform leading to a free market economy. Finally, the UDF
blamed the previous communist regime for Bulgaria's current crises. The
UDF failed to gain a majority in the National Assembly because many
rural areas remained in control of Zhivkovite BSP politicians. Many
peasants had felt relatively secure under the old collective system, and
the timing of the election had forced opposition parties to concentrate
campaigns in the cities, their strongest regions. The BSP won 211 of the
400 seats.
In the year following parliamentary elections, BSP obstructionism
stymied legalization of the UDF's reform goals. On the other hand, the
UDF's refusal to participate in the Lukanov cabinet proved its popular
strength by stalemating Lukanov's economic reform program. In the
crisis-driven formation of the Popov government in December 1990, the
UDF gained strategic cabinet posts. In January 1991, the UDF and the BSP
agreed on a timetable for passage of the new constitution and other
urgent legislation, but early in 1991 parliamentary disagreements set
back the schedule. In March 1991, the UDF sponsored a protest rally
attended by more than 50,000 people in Sofia. In May legislators from
several smaller parties walked out of the National Assembly to protest
its inaction; the BANU contingent promised to do the same if the
parliament had not passed a new constitution by the end of June.
Meanwhile, however, official UDF policy continued seeking to break the
long stalemate by convincing the socialists in the National Assembly to
abandon their go-slow approach to reform.
By mid-1991 a split developed between the largest member groups (the
reconstituted BSDP, BANU, Ekoglasnost, and the Green Party) and the
smaller ones over using quotas and preferential lists in the next
election--a practice that would contradict the UDF's role as a single
national movement and give larger parties substantially more influence
in policy making. Easily the largest member organizations with about
100,000 members each, the BANU and BSDP would benefit most from such a
shift. In July 1991, voting in the National Assembly on the new
constitution clarified the split between factions viewing the UDF as a
single national movement and those seeking individual identity within a
loose confederation. The main issue was the constitutional prescription
for legislative representation by party. By summer 1991, disagreements
on ratification of the constitution had led splinter groups to form a
new Political Consultative Council to rival the UDF's existing National
Coordinating Council as a controlling agency of the UDF. This threatened
to split the UDF into two or three slates of candidates for the 1991
national elections. Thus, by mid-1991 the relative harmony of the UDF's
first year had evolved into persistent divisiveness affecting tactics,
organizational structure, and the pace of reform. In spite of
conciliatory efforts by the coordinating council, the effective united
front that had forced major concessions from the BSP in 1990 seemed less
potent in 1991.
Bulgaria - Trade Unions
The Bulgarian trade union movement was rejuvenated in the pluralist
post-Zhivkov political atmosphere after being forced to adhere totally
to BCP policy throughout the postwar period. By 1990 unions were a
powerful policy-making force, using well-organized strikes and walkouts
to emphasize their positions.
Unions under Communist Regimes
In the decade before World War II, the benign dictatorship of Tsar
Boris III abolished independent trade unions in favor of a single
government-sponsored Bulgarian Workers' Union. As Bulgaria emerged from
the war under Soviet occupation, communists abolished that union and
replaced it with a General Workers' Professional Union that included
both white- and blue-collar workers. Gradually, independent union
organizations were forced to disband or join the communist organization.
By 1947 union leaders were an important instrument in consolidation of
the party's power. When capitalism was declared illegal in 1948, the
Dimitrov government united thirteen unions under the Central Council of
Trade Unions, which endured until 1989 as the single umbrella
organization representing Bulgarian workers.
During that entire period, all workers' and professional
organizations followed faithfully the economic policies of the BCP. The
official goals of the Bulgarian trade unions were first to help
management to fulfill state economic plans, then to defend workers'
interests when they did not conflict with such fulfillment. As
institutions the unions had no policy input. In individual enterprises,
union leaders and managers developed informal advisory relationships.
The only official role of the unions was as transmitters of party
policies to the working masses. Although union and BCP membership were
theoretically separate, officials at the national and local levels often
overlapped to give the party direct control of workers. For example,
members of the districtlevel people's councils often were also union
General congresses of trade unions were held explicitly to carry out
BCP policy; congress delegate structure (2,997 attended the ninth
congress in 1982) and the holding of preliminary district congresses
mimicked BCP procedures. The many industrial reorganization plans of the
Zhivkov regime meant periodic restructuring, if not new roles, for the
unions. In the early 1980s, for example, the decentralizing reforms of
the New Economic Model (NEM) changed the labor union structure from one
divided by region to one divided by brigade, collective, and enterprise,
matching the NEM industrial structure of the time. Although this change
was controversial, it did little to improve the influence of the
Bulgarian working class on enterprise policy.
In the 1980s, union membership approached 4 million, encompassing an
estimated 98 percent of Bulgarian workers. Almost a year before the fall
of Zhivkov, the Independent Labor Federation, Podkrepa, organized as a
white-collar opposition group inspired by the Polish Solidarity
movement. In 1989 Podkrepa consistently was persecuted for its outspoken
criticism of Zhivkov's policies.
Independent Union Organizations
When the communist regime was overthrown, the central council began
restructuring the trade union system, declaring the organization
independent of the BCP and renaming its umbrella organization the
Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CITU). In 1990 BCP
organizations were banned from work places, although the continuing
overlap of party and union officials maintained substantial communist
influence in the CITU at local levels. In the early reform years, the
CITU and Podkrepa were the two major trade union federations, although
many independent unions also emerged in this revival period for the
movement. Early in 1990, Podkrepa established its credibility by
exacting an agreement with CITU guaranteeing its members all the rights
(and the substantial privileges) accorded official trade unions under
the previous system. From the beginning, Podkrepa sought maximum
influence on government policy, repeatedly demanding radical economic
Podkrepa grew rapidly in 1990 because of its roles as a charter
member of the UDF, as a participant in the policy round tables with the
BCP, and as the organizer of strikes and demonstrations against the
communist-dominated Lukanov government. In early 1990, an estimated 300
strikes helped convince the government that talks with opposition groups
were necessary. Although Podkrepa ran no candidates in the national
elections of 1990, it vigorously supported candidates who espoused labor
views. In late 1990, another wave of strikes pushed the Lukanov
government out and led to the coalition Popov government. Although CITU
and other unions participitated, Podkrepa usually was the prime
organizer in such actions.
CITU, whose membership of 3 million dwarfed the 400,000 of Podkrepa,
remained politically passive in the early post-Zhivkov period. In
mid-1990 CITU began issuing statements critical of government
inactivity, and it mobilized 500,000 workers to participate in the
November 1990 strikes initiated by Podkrepa against the Lukanov
The strikes that forced Lukanov's resignation also raised criticism
of the political role of both labor organizations late in 1990. CITU
received criticism for both its continued ties with the BSP and its
aggressive reformist stance. The Supreme Party Council of the BSP
declared a policy of noninterference in CITU affairs. Meanwhile,
Podkrepa, led by controversial, outspokenly anticommunist Konstantin
Trenchev, responded to internal and external criticism by changing from
active membership to observor status in the UDF.
The unions continued active participation in political decision
making in 1991, however. Because economic reforms brought substantial
unemployment and workplace disruption, representing worker interests was
synonymous with such involvement in this period. In January 1991, CITU
and Podkrepa signed a "social peace agreement" with the Popov
government to refrain from striking during the first phase of economic
reform in exchange for limitations on work-force cutbacks. However,
jurisdictional and policy disputes threatened to undermine the
agreement. Although both organizations continued to support the Popov
government, in March 1991 Podkrepa proposed that UDF representatives
boycott the National Assembly because it failed to pass reform measures.
As opposition to the communists declined as a uniting factor,
Bulgaria's trade unions maneuvered to shape new roles for themselves in
1991. Representing 40 percent of the population in a wide-open political
culture, they exerted tremendous influence on policy even in the first
post-Zhivkov year. The radical economic reform envisioned by Bulgarian
leaders would include entirely new relationships among the government,
enterprise management, and unions. Movement to a Western-style
free-market economy would mean conceding some worker rights taken for
granted under the command economy, but compromise with the Podkrepa-led
union movement promised to be a severe test for other political
Bulgaria - Youth Organizations
Besides the BSP and BANU, parties officially sanctioned under
Zhivkov, an unofficial list of political organizations in early 1990
contained fourteen political parties, seven unions and labor
federations, and sixteen forums, clubs, movements, committees, and
associations--diverging widely in scope, special interests, and size.
Ecological Organizations
Two ecological organizations, the Green Party in Bulgaria and
Ekoglasnost, were founding members of the UDF. The Greens, which
separated from Ekoglasnost shortly after Zhivkov's fall, included mostly
scientists and academics. Their platform stressed decentralized
government and a strong role for the individual in determining quality
of life and preservation of the environment. The government was to play
a leading role, however, in providing social security, health care, and
support for scientific reasearch. Ekoglasnost, which described itself as
nonpolitical despite its role in the UDF, was founded in early 1989 as
an open association of environmentally concerned citizens. Its purpose
was to collect and publicize ecological information about proposed
projects, and to assist decision makers in following environmentally
sound policy. Ekoglasnost had a membership of 35,000 at the end of 1990.
Revived Prewar Parties
The Bulgarian Social Democratic Party (BSDP) was an offshoot of the
movement that produced the BCP. The main socialist party in Bulgaria
between the world wars, the BSDP was disbanded by the communists in
1948. It resurfaced in 1990, resuming its advocacy of government reform
and elimination of social privilege. The BSDP saw a freely elected
National Assembly as the chief instrument of popular democracy. The BSDP
party platform also called for close economic ties with Europe,
disarmament, and respect for private property. The BSDP was a founding
member of the UDF and, under the controversial leadership of Petur
Dertliev, one of its most active participants.
The history of the BSDP followed closely that of the communists,
except that the latter had a larger following. The BSDP recovered
official status in 1990 after being disbanded in 1948. Representing the
middle class, the party stood for private property rights, a multiparty
parliamentary system of government, radical reduction of the military
budget, and active participation in the European Community. Membership
in 1991 was 25,000 to 30,000.
The Petkov branch of the Bulgarian Agrarian National Union (BANU),
the third of the prewar parties to emerge as an independent entity after
Zhivkov, was the part of the agrarian movement that had actively opposed
the communists between 1944 and 1947 and thus did not survive the
postwar communist consolidation. The "official" BANU,
showpiece opposition party to the BCP from 1947 until 1989, also was
revitalized in 1990. In 1990 and 1991, efforts were made to reunite the
two factions. (Petkov himself was officially rehabilitated by the
National Assembly in 1990.) In its new incarnation, the Petkov branch
advocated complete government decentralization, extensive support for
agricultural privatization and investment, punishment of the communists
and "official" agrarians for crimes against the Petkov branch,
and a general return to the populist ideas of Stamboliiski. Together
with the BSDP, the Petkov BANU was the largest (110,000 members in 1991)
and most active constituent of the UDF.
Bulgaria - The Monarchist Movement
In the post-Zhivkov era, extreme diversification of political
organizations and activities paralleled a similar liberation in the
media and the arts. Under Zhivkov Bulgaria had followed the totalitarian
formula for media control, allowing only official radio and television
stations and newspapers that were conduits for the official party line
on all subjects. Limited artistic freedom came in several
"thaw" periods (notably in the mid-1960s and the late 1970s)
that closely followed similar relaxation in the Soviet Union. The
charisma of Liudmila Zhivkova, appointed by her father to oversee
cultural affairs in 1975, notably lightened the Bulgarian cultural scene
from the late 1970s through 1981. The early 1980s was a time of
unprecedented freedom for media discussion of controversial topics; the
Law on Plebiscites (1983) was to have promoted discussion of preselected
issues of public interest, but by 1984 party reactionaries had
reasserted control. The 1984 Bulgarian Writers' Conference called for
more ideological content in literature, signaling a change that lasted
through the end of the Zhivkov regime.
The Intelligentsia
Intellectual groups developed no formal organizations comparable to
groups in other East European countries, because the small intellectual
community centered in one city (Sofia) required no such measures.
Furthermore, the Bulgarian Writers' Union already contained a large
percentage of the intelligentsia. Especially during the "thaw"
periods, factions in the union showed substantial diversity in their
approach to the role of art versus that of the state. A much smaller
Bulgarian Artist's Union and Bulgarian Journalists' Union had similar
status. A samizdat (underground publication network) did
circulate dissident writings from the Soviet Union and elsewhere. Among
official publications, Narodna kultura (People's Culture)
gained a singular reputation between 1984 and 1988 by publishing
provocative articles on politics, economics, education, and the
environment. In 1988 Zhivkov fired its editor Stefan Prodev for helping
found a dissident organization.
Zhivkov and the Intelligentsia
Until the late 1980s, Zhivkov successfully prevented unrest in the
Bulgarian intellectual community. Membership in the writers' union
brought enormous privilege and social stature, and that drew many
dissident writers such as Georgi Dzhagarov and Liubomir Levchev into the
circle of the officially approved intelligentsia. On the other hand,
entry required intellectual compromise, and refusal to compromise led to
dismissal from the union and loss of all privileges. The punishment of
dissident writers sometimes went far beyond loss of privileges. In 1978
�migr� writer Georgi Markov was murdered in London for his
anticommunist broadcasts for the British Broadcasting Corporation, and
Blaga Dimitrova was harshly denounced for her critical portrayal of
party officials in her 1982 novel Litse.
Zhivkov also softened organized opposition by restoring symbols of
the Bulgarian cultural past that had been cast aside in the postwar
campaign to consolidate Soviet-style party control. Beginning in 1967,
he appealed loudly to the people to remember "our motherland
Bulgaria." In the late 1970s, Zhivkov mended relations with the
Bulgarian Orthodox Church, and in 1981 Liudmila Zhivkova's national
celebration of Bulgaria's 1,300th anniversary raised patriotic feeling.
Zhivkov's extensive campaign of cultural restoration provided at least
some common ground between him and the Bulgarian intelligentsia.
The Ferment of 1988-90
In late 1987, dissatisfaction with government corruption, pollution,
the Turkish issue, and repeated failure of economic reform programs
began to stimulate open political dissent. By that time, a younger
generation had matured, unimpressed by communist doctrine and
disinclined to blind obedience. In November 1987, the Federation of
Clubs for Glasnost and Democracy (originally the Discussion Club for
Support of Glasnost and Perestroika) was founded by communist
intellectuals to promote openness in Bulgarian society. In early 1988,
the appearance of the Independent Association for Defense of Human
Rights in Bulgaria publicized the repression of the regime. Meanwhile,
the fragmented intellectual community had been galvanized by a single
issue: environmental degradation. In the winter of 1987-88, an
ecological exhibition in Ruse, one of the most seriously polluted
industrial centers in Bulgaria, received national media attention. The
communist regime's failure to protect its people from such dangers
became a symbol for the general aura of incompetence that surrounded
Zhivkov in the late 1980s.
In mid-1988 Zhivkov responded to the new opposition by purging two
high pro-glasnost party officials, signaling that the party
would permit glasnost only on its own terms. The BCP also tried
to preempt environmental opposition by forming the Movement for
Environmental Protection and Restoration amid promises for stiffer
environmental regulation.
In late 1988 and early 1989, many leaders of independent Bulgarian
groups were deported or harrassed. Nevertheless, by mid1989 at least
thirteen independent associations and committees had been founded for
the defense of human rights and the environment. Then in 1989, communism
was discredited by successful freedom movements in Hungary, Poland, East
Germany, and Czechoslovakia. By that time, glasnost had
stimulated political dialog in the Soviet Union, which was still the
model for Bulgarian political behavior. Under these new conditions,
government intimidation failed. Although Zhivkov sought reconciliation
with the intelligentsia by proclaiming a "new cultural
revolution" in early 1989, the unions of writers, journalists, and
artists leveled strong criticism on the environment and other issues.
When Ekoglasnost was formed that year, it made a formidable public
appeal for an accounting of economic policies that harmed the
In 1989 the Federation of Clubs backed the National Assembly petition
against Turkish assimilation by characterizing the policy as against the
best traditions of the Bulgarian nation. According to one theory, the
Zhivkov policy toward the Turks was calculated to alienate the
intelligentsia from the ethnocentric Bulgarian majority by forcing the
former to take sides with the Turks; whatever its purpose, the policy
failed amid the massive Turkish exodus of 1989. Leaders of the Movement
for Rights and Freedoms, deported for defending the Turks, were welcomed
at a session of the CSCE, severely damaging Zhivkov's image in Europe.
In the fall of 1989, dissident groups received further validation at the
CSCE Conference on the Environment in Sofia, where they held public
meetings and were received by Western delegates. The mass demonstrations
that followed convinced the BCP that the Zhivkov regime could not
Dramatic expression of public discontent continued after the Zhivkov
ouster. In mid-1990 tent-city demonstrations in Sofia continued for
several weeks, encountering no effective official resistance. Patterned
after peaceful antigovernment protests of the 1960s in the West, the
Sofia campsite of over 100 tents near the BSP headquarters building
began as a protest against communist retention of power in the national
elections of June 1990. The protest eventually included demonstrators of
many political viewpoints. Besides election fraud by the BSP, issues
targeted were the Chernobyl' coverup, corruption among former and
present BCP/BSP officials, Bulgaria's role in the invasion of
Czechoslovakia, and past actions of present government officials such as
Lukanov and Interior Minister Atanas Semerdzhiev. The tent city played
an important role in publicizing reform issues as a new national
government was being formed.
The Media and Public Issues
In the wake of Zhivkov's overthrow, fast-spreading pluralism in the
media and intellectual circles brought a din of conflicting opinion to
the public. In 1987 Bulgaria had seventeen daily newspapers, most of
which were local. By 1991 eight national newspapers were publishing, and
an expanding variety of local and weekly papers was available. Until
1990 the chief daily newspaper was Rabotnichesko delo, the
official organ of the BCP. After the fall of Zhivkov, the daily was
renamed Duma; in its new format, it began to feature more
balanced accounts of national problems, reflecting the moderate image
now cultivated by its sponsoring organization. The fragmentation of
politics in 1990 brought a newspaper boom that included a full spectrum
of political views. In 1991 the leading papers by circulation were Duma,
Demokratsiya (an independent), the trade union daily Trud,
and Zemia, aimed primarily at rural readers. The most popular
weeklies were Sturshel, featuring folk humor, and the
long-running Pogled. The weekly 168 Chasa went
furthest in rejecting traditional Bulgarian journalism in favor of
sophisticated parody and Western-style indepth features.
Universities dropped their required study of Marxist-Leninist
ideology, and student organizations emerged immediately to assert
positions on a wide variety of issues. In numerous national polls, the
public expressed dissatisfaction with government leaders, economic
policies (as both too radical and too conservative), and the BSP.
Vestiges of the traditional gap between city and village remained,
however: on the average, rural Bulgarians expressed less support for
market reform and noncommunist leaders, placed less blame on the
communists for current problems, and opposed complete rights for the
Turkish minority more strongly.
In 1990-91 the media featured major expos�s on malfeasance by the
Zhivkov regime (acknowledged by the present BSP under public pressure),
coverups of radiation exposure from the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant and
the Chernobyl' disaster in the Soviet Union, and the murder of Georgi
Markov (a full-scale investigation of which opened in 1990). In mid-1991
Bulgaria opened its archives to an international commission
investigating the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. In
spite of those developments, in 1991 government agencies and individuals
still threatened independent publications with court action for
"treasonous" statements. In a 1991 poll by the independent 168
chasa, 46 percent of respondents expressed the belief that a
campaign had been organized to control the Bulgarian media (the BSP and
party officials were most often named responsible), and 37 percent said
that freedom of the press was not in danger in Bulgaria.
The Permanent Commission for Human Rights and the National Problem
was created in 1990 as an advisory and investigatory agency of the
National Assembly. Composed of thirty-nine members of parliament, the
commission received the nominal assignment of investigating past and
present human rights violations in Bulgaria, recommending appropriate
compensation, and drafting new human rights legislation. Among the
issues addressed in the commission's first year were restoration of
government-confiscated property to churches and Turkish citizens;
verifying complaints of unfair sentencing and inhumane prison
conditions; proposing laws to replace restrictive legislation such as
the Law on Religious Beliefs and the Law on Passports; and erecting
legal barriers against state persecution for political reasons. In
January 1991, commission chairman Svetoslav Shivarov reported that all
political prisoners in Bulgaria had been freed.
The Turkish Problem
As in other parts of Eastern Europe, the repeal of single-party rule
in Bulgaria exposed the long-standing grievances of an ethnic minority.
Especially in the 1980s, the Zhivkov regime had systematically
persecuted the Turkish population, which at one time numbered 1.5
million and was estimated at 1.25 million in 1991. Mosques were closed,
Turks were forced to Slavicize their names, education in the native
language was denied, and police brutality was used to discourage
resistance. The urban intelligentsia that partcipated in the 1990 reform
movement pushed the post-Zhivkov governments toward restoring
constitutionally guaranteed human rights to the Turks. But abrogation of
Zhivkov's assimilation program soon after his fall brought massive
protests by ethnic Bulgarians, even in Sofia.
In January 1990, the Social Council of Citizens, a national body
representing all political and ethnic groups, reached a compromise that
guaranteed the Turks freedom of religion, choice of names, and unimpeded
practice of cultural traditions and use of Turkish within the community.
In turn the Bulgarian nationalists were promised that Bulgarian would
remain the official language and that no movement for autonomy or
separatism would be tolerated. Especially in areas where Turks
outnumbered Bulgarians, the latter feared progressive
"Islamification" or even invasion and annexation by Turkey--a
fear that had been fed consciously by the Zhivkov assimilation campaign
and was revived by the BSP in 1991. Because radical elements of the
Turkish population did advocate separatism, however, the nonannexation
provision of the compromise was vital.
The Bulgarian governments that followed Zhivkov tried to realize the
conditions of the compromise as quickly as possible. In the multiparty
election of 1990, the Turks won representation in the National Assembly
by twenty-three candidates of the predominantly Turkish MRF. At that
point, ethnic Bulgarians, many remaining from the Zhivkov regime, still
held nearly all top jobs in government and industry, even in the
predominantly Turkish Kurdzhali Province. Nevertheless, parts of
Bulgarian society felt threatened by the rise of the MRF. In 1990 that
faction collided with a hard-line Bulgarian group, the National
Committee for Defense of National Interests--an organization containing
many former communists instrumental in the Zhivkov assimilation program.
In November 1990, Bulgarian nationalists established the Razgrad
Bulgarian Republic in a heavily Turkish region to protest the
government's program of restoring rights to the Turks. In the first half
of 1991, intermittent violence and demonstrations were directed at both
Turks and Bulgarians in Razgrad.
These conditions forced the government to find a balance between
Turkish demands and demonstrations for full recognition of their culture
and language, and Bulgarian nationalist complaints against preferential
treatment for the ethnic minority. In 1991 the most important issue of
the controversy was restoring Turkishlanguage teaching in the schools of
Turkish ethnic districts. In 1991 the Popov government took initial
steps in this direction, but long delays brought massive Turkish
protests, especially in Kurdzhali. In mid-1991 continuing strikes and
protests on both sides of the issue had brought no new discussions of
compromise. Frustration with unmet promises encouraged Turkish
separatists in both Bulgaria and Turkey, which in turn fueled the
ethnocentric fears of the Bulgarian majority-- and the entire issue
diverted valuable energy from the national reform effort. Although most
political parties supported full minority rights, in 1991 the strength
of Bulgarian nationalist sentiment, deeply rooted in centuries of
conflict with the Ottoman Empire and not inclined to compromise,
promised to make the Turkish question the most pressing human rights
issue in Bulgaria for the foreseeable future.
Although the Zhivkov regime often advocated closer relations and
multilateral cooperation with Yugoslavia, Turkey, Greece, Albania, and
Romania, a number of traditional issues barred significant improvement
until the late 1980s. Bulgarian proposals to make the Balkans a zone
free of chemical and nuclear weapons, or a "zone of peace and
understanding" (advanced by Zhivkov at the behest of the Soviet
Union, and to eliminate weapons of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) from the region) was vetoed on several occasions.
But in 1990, Zhelev was able to remove some of the suspicion that had
barred rapprochement by the Zhivkov regime. Post-Zhivkov regimes sought
closer relations with both Greece and Turkey, partly in the hope that
NATO would grant Bulgaria membership to form a bridge between its two
mutually hostile members.
Bulgarian relations with Yugoslavia were conditioned by old issues of
Balkan politics and by strong domestic political forces at work in both
countries. Throughout the 1980s, the Yugoslav media complained loudly
that Bulgaria mistreated its Macedonian citizens by insisting that
Macedonians were ethnically Bulgarians, making separate ethnic
recognition inappropriate. The Zhivkov regime (and its successors),
fearing that inflamed nationalism in Yugoslavia would intensify demands
for Macedonian autonomy across the border in Bulgaria, largely ignored
the Yugoslav propaganda campaign on the Macedonian issue. The dispute
over Macedonia survived and prospered after communism lost its grip on
both countries. Bulgarian nationalists, stronger after Zhivkov, held
that the Slavic population of the Republic of Macedonia was ethnically
Bulgarian, a claim leading naturally to assertion of a Greater Bulgaria.
To defuse nationalist fervor on both sides, and in keeping with the
policy of improved relations with all neighbors, Zhelev officially
advocated nonintervention in the ethnic affairs of other nations.
The nonintervention strategy assumed greater importance when the
Republic of Macedonia sought independence from the Yugoslav federation
in 1991 in an effort to escape the increasing dominance of the Republic
of Serbia in the federation. That effort reinforced the protective
attitude of Macedonian nationalists in Bulgaria toward Yugoslav
Macedonia, which had been part of Serbia in the interwar period.
Serbia's use of force to prevent the breakup of the Yugoslav federation
in 1991 triggered Bulgarian fears of wider destabilization in the
Balkans if Serbian expansionism were fully revived.
In 1991 Bulgarian policy toward Yugoslavia was complicated by the
rejuvenation of Macedonian national groups in Bulgaria. The largest of
these was the Union of Macedonian Societies, a longstanding cultural and
educational society that in 1990 took the prefix IMRO (Internal
Macedonian Revolutionary Organization), which was the name of the
terrorist organization active in Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia between
1893 and 1935. But the threat posed by such groups remained small
because the focus of Bulgarian nationalism was the Turkish issue in
1991, and because economic reform was the major concern of all factions.
In spite of claims by the Serbian press that Bulgaria was aiding Croatia
in the civil war of 1991 and that Bulgaria owed Serbia reparations from
World War II, Bulgaria followed Zhelev's policy of nonintervention as
the Yugoslav civil war continued.
In the early 1980s, Bulgarian relations with Romania featured regular
official visits by Zhivkov and Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu and
diplomatic avoidance of differing approaches to internal control
(Romania being the more totalitarian) and the Warsaw Pact (Bulgaria
being the more loyal member). At that point, both countries concentrated
on more pressing foreign issues, and both advocated creating a Balkan
nuclear-free zone. But during the 1980s, relations were strained by the
independent foreign policy of Romania, its opposition to perestroika
in the late 1980s, and mutual accusations of environmental pollution
affecting the other country. Deteriorating personal relations between
Zhivkov and the maverick Ceausescu also may have contributed to the
decline. But, in the name of Warsaw Pact solidarity, the Zhivkov regime
subdued criticism of chemical pollution from Romanian plants across the
Danube, and it remained neutral in the Hungarian-Romanian dispute over
Romanian treatment of ethnic Hungarians in that country in the late
1980s. After the emergence of the environment as a political issue in
1989, however, accusations became more harsh on both sides. In 1991
joint commissions attempted to reach a compromise on the environmental
issue and restore the pragmatic, relatively amicable relationship of the
postwar years.
Bulgarian relations with Greece, a traditional enemy, were stable
throughout the 1970s and 1980s, in spite of major government changes in
both countries. Zhivkov made this stability a model for the overall
Balkan cooperation that was a centerpiece of his foreign policy in the
1980s. In 1986 the two countries signed a declaration of
good-neighborliness, friendship, and cooperation that was based on
mutual enmity toward Turkey and toward Yugoslav demands for recognition
of Macedonian minorities in Bulgaria and Greece. An important motivation
for friendship with Greece was to exploit NATO's Greek-Turkish split,
which was based on the claims of the two countries in Cyprus. In early
1989, Bulgaria signed a ten-year bilateral economic agreement with
The main historical issue between Bulgaria and Greece, disposition of
their Macedonian minorities, was settled during the 1970s; after that
time, the parties adopted mutual policies of strict noninterference in
internal affairs. In mid-1991 the possibility of independence for
Yugoslav Macedonia threatened to renew tension in that area.
Post-Zhivkov Bulgarian policy toward Greece remained very conciliatory,
however; in 1991 Zhelev stressed cooperation with Greece as a foundation
for Balkan stability and reassured the Greeks that Bulgarian
rapprochement with Turkey did not threaten this relationship.
In spite of intermittent rapprochement, Turkey was hostile to
Bulgaria through most of the 1980s because of Zhivkov's mistreatment of
Bulgarian Turks and the economic hardship caused in Turkey by mass
immigration of Turks from Bulgaria in 1989. The last rapprochement, a
protocol of friendship in early 1988, was signed by Bulgaria to defuse
international criticism of its ethnic policy. That agreement dissolved
rapidly in 1988, when Turkey saw no change in Bulgarian ethnic
assimilation; by 1989 Turkey was vowing to defend the Turkish minority,
while Bulgaria claimed that its "Turks" were all Bulgarians
converted to Islam under the Ottoman Empire.
The ouster of Zhivkov and subsequent Bulgarian commitment to
repatriate deported Turks and grant them full human rights brought a
marked change in Turkish policy. Despite delays and complaints from the
Bulgarian Turks, Turkey remained patient and positive toward all signs
of progress. The former dissident Zhelev, long a vocal critic of
assimilation, became president and met with Turkish President Turgut �zal
in September 1990. That meeting began a series of high-level economic
talks in 1990-91 that yielded Turkish loans and technical assistance to
Bulgaria and promised to bolster bilateral trade, which had shrunk by 80
to 90 percent in the mid1980s . A new treaty of friendship and
cooperation was prepared in the summer of 1991.
Despite the thaw, obstacles remained in Bulgarian-Turkish
rapprochement. The ill will caused by Zhivkov's shrill anti-Turkish
propaganda remained fresh in the early 1990s. Strident anti-Muslim and
anti-Turkish statements in the media by Bulgarian nationalist factions
kept tension high, and minor border incidents continued in 1991. And
Bulgarian friendship with Greece created a precarious balancing act that
required caution toward such moves as the Bulgarian-Turkish nonagression
pact proposed by Turkey in late 1990.
Bulgaria - The Soviet Union