Price of Cotton, (1980-2010)
Price Chart
This chart reflects the average monthly price of
Cotton, Liverpool Index A, cif Liverpool
Index Number

Cotton, Liverpool Index A, cif Liverpool
Price of Cotton, (1980-2010)
Index Number
Other commodity price charts for 2006-2009: [short-term graphs]
Coal, Australia |
Crude oil, Brent |
Crude oil, Dubai |
Crude oil, avg, spot |
Crude oil, West Texas Int. |
Natural gas LNG, Japan |
Natural gas, Europe |
Natural gas Index |
Natural gas, US
Fertilizers: DAP |
Phosphate rock |
Pottasium chloride |
Urea, E. Europe, bulk
Metals and Minerals Aluminum |
Copper |
Gold |
Iron ore |
Lead |
Nickel |
Silver |
Steel cr coilsheet |
Steel hr coilsheet |
Steel products (8) index |
Steel, rebar |
Steel wire rod |
Tin |
Non Energy Commodities / Agriculture / Beverages: Cocoa |
Coffee, Arabica |
Coffee, robusta |
Tea, auctions (3), average |
Tea, Colombo auctions |
Tea, Kolkata auctions |
Tea, Mombasa auctions
Non Energy Commodities / Food / Fats and oils Coconut oil |
Copra |
Groundnut oil |
Palm oil |
Palmkernel oil |
Soybeans |
Soybean meal |
Soybean oil
Non Energy Commodities / Food / Grains Barley |
Maize |
Rice, Thailand, 5% |
Rice, Thailand, 25% |
Rice, Thailand, 35% |
Rice,Thai, A1.Special |
Sorghum |
Wheat, Canada |
Wheat, US, HRW |
Wheat US SRW
Non Energy Commodities / Food / Other food Bananas EU |
Bananas US |
Beef |
Chicken meat |
Fishmeal |
Lamb |
Oranges |
Shrimp, Mexico |
Sugar EU domestic |
Sugar US domestic |
Sugar, world
Raw Materials / Other Cotton Memphis |
Cotton A Index |
Rubber, Singapore |
Rubber, US
Raw Materials / Timber Logs, Cameroon |
Logs, Malaysia |
Plywood |
Sawnwood, Cameroon |
Sawnwood, Malaysia |
World Bank commodity price indices Agriculture Index |
Beverages Index |
Non-energy Commodities Index |
Energy Index |
Fats and Oils Index |
Fertilizers Index |
Food Index |
Grains Index |
Metals Index |
Other raw materials index |
Other food index |
Raw Materials Index |
Timber Index |
Other commodity price charts for 2000-2009: [long-term graphs]
Aluminum |
Arabica Coffee |
Banana |
Beef |
Cocoa |
Copper |
Cotton |
Crude oil |
Groundnut oil |
Iron ore |
Maize (Corn) |
Meranti Logs |
Nickel |
Palm oil |
Phosphate rock |
Rice |
Robusta Coffee |
Rubber |
Soybean |
Soybean meal |
Soybean oil |
Sugar |
Tea |
Maximum length time series (up to 30 years of data): [historic graphs]
Aluminum |
Animal Hides |
Bananas |
Barley |
Beef |
Chicken |
Coal |
Cocoa |
Coconut Oil |
Coffee |
Coffee (Robusta) |
Copper |
Corn |
Cotton |
Fish: Export Norwegian Farm Bred Fresh Salmon |
Fishmeal |
Groundnut |
Index: Agricultural Raw Materials |
Index: Beverages |
Index: Cereals, Vegetable Oils, Protein Meals, Meats, Seafood, Sugar, Bananas and Oranges |
Index: Edibles |
Index: Energy |
Index: Fuel and Non Fuel Commodities |
Index: Industrial Inputs |
Index: Metals |
Index: Non-Fuel Primary Commodities |
Iron Ore |
Lamb |
Lead |
Lean Hogs |
Natural Gas (Germany) |
Natural Gas (LNG) |
Natural Gas (U.S) |
Nickle |
Oil |
Oil (Brent) |
Oil (Dubai) |
Oil (West Texas Intermediate) |
Olive Oil |
Orangs |
Palm Oil |
Petrol |
Rice |
Rubber |
Shrimp |
Soy |
Soybean Meal |
Soybean Oil |
Sugar (International) |
Sugar (US) |
Sugar for Imports to Europe |
Sunflower Oil |
Tea |
Timber: Dark Red Meranti Sawnwood |
Timber: Hardwood Logs |
Timber: Softwood Logs |
Timber: U.S. Pacific Coast Softwood |
Tin |
Uranium |
Wheat |
Wool (Coarse) |
Wool (Fine) |
The following data is provided "as is" without any warranties about its accuracy or completeness.
Price series / numeric data:
Price of Cotton
Jan-80 | 88.72 |
Feb-80 | 97.21 |
Mar-80 | 93.53 |
Apr-80 | 90.56 |
May-80 | 88.4 |
Jun-80 | 84.14 |
Jul-80 | 88.87 |
Aug-80 | 96.37 |
Sep-80 | 101.12 |
Oct-80 | 98.69 |
Nov-80 | 98.03 |
Dec-80 | 99.51 |
Jan-81 | 99.51 |
Feb-81 | 95.85 |
Mar-81 | 91.72 |
Apr-81 | 88.65 |
May-81 | 87.51 |
Jun-81 | 86.36 |
Jul-81 | 85.27 |
Aug-81 | 80.72 |
Sep-81 | 77.24 |
Oct-81 | 75 |
Nov-81 | 72.01 |
Dec-81 | 67.75 |
Jan-82 | 69.97 |
Feb-82 | 69.98 |
Mar-82 | 70.44 |
Apr-82 | 71.15 |
May-82 | 76.69 |
Jun-82 | 75.64 |
Jul-82 | 78.47 |
Aug-82 | 76.4 |
Sep-82 | 72.82 |
Oct-82 | 70.21 |
Nov-82 | 69.04 |
Dec-82 | 69.26 |
Jan-83 | 71.88 |
Feb-83 | 74.32 |
Mar-83 | 79.11 |
Apr-83 | 80.22 |
May-83 | 81.96 |
Jun-83 | 86.01 |
Jul-83 | 88.44 |
Aug-83 | 90.8 |
Sep-83 | 89.85 |
Oct-83 | 88.11 |
Nov-83 | 89.12 |
Dec-83 | 89.36 |
Jan-84 | 87.8 |
Feb-84 | 87.44 |
Mar-84 | 88.43 |
Apr-84 | 88.99 |
May-84 | 88.88 |
Jun-84 | 83.73 |
Jul-84 | 78.99 |
Aug-84 | 75.52 |
Sep-84 | 73.16 |
Oct-84 | 73.62 |
Nov-84 | 72.67 |
Dec-84 | 71.99 |
Jan-85 | 71.4 |
Feb-85 | 68.67 |
Mar-85 | 67.21 |
Apr-85 | 66.26 |
May-85 | 65.07 |
Jun-85 | 63 |
Jul-85 | 61.1 |
Aug-85 | 57 |
Sep-85 | 54.2 |
Oct-85 | 48.84 |
Nov-85 | 48.12 |
Dec-85 | 48.19 |
Jan-86 | 51.82 |
Feb-86 | 54.51 |
Mar-86 | 52.24 |
Apr-86 | 48.5 |
May-86 | 45.42 |
Jun-86 | 41.03 |
Jul-86 | 37.44 |
Aug-86 | 37.03 |
Sep-86 | 43.5 |
Oct-86 | 51.23 |
Nov-86 | 52.81 |
Dec-86 | 59.71 |
Jan-87 | 65.68 |
Feb-87 | 65.85 |
Mar-87 | 63.09 |
Apr-87 | 65.85 |
May-87 | 76.9 |
Jun-87 | 79.3 |
Jul-87 | 83.24 |
Aug-87 | 86.6 |
Sep-87 | 83.61 |
Oct-87 | 76.19 |
Nov-87 | 75.83 |
Dec-87 | 75.08 |
Jan-88 | 72.19 |
Feb-88 | 67.49 |
Mar-88 | 66.34 |
Apr-88 | 65.75 |
May-88 | 65.58 |
Jun-88 | 68.78 |
Jul-88 | 63.43 |
Aug-88 | 58.41 |
Sep-88 | 56.74 |
Oct-88 | 57.64 |
Nov-88 | 58.61 |
Dec-88 | 61.26 |
Jan-89 | 63.13 |
Feb-89 | 62.96 |
Mar-89 | 66.02 |
Apr-89 | 73.75 |
May-89 | 77.34 |
Jun-89 | 78.86 |
Jul-89 | 83.01 |
Aug-89 | 82.97 |
Sep-89 | 81.45 |
Oct-89 | 82.1 |
Nov-89 | 82.13 |
Dec-89 | 77.62 |
Jan-90 | 75.2 |
Feb-90 | 75.96 |
Mar-90 | 78.9 |
Apr-90 | 82.87 |
May-90 | 85.6 |
Jun-90 | 90.18 |
Jul-90 | 91.79 |
Aug-90 | 81.28 |
Sep-90 | 81.28 |
Oct-90 | 81.36 |
Nov-90 | 82.43 |
Dec-90 | 83.86 |
Jan-91 | 83.71 |
Feb-91 | 84.88 |
Mar-91 | 84.23 |
Apr-91 | 83.43 |
May-91 | 84.17 |
Jun-91 | 83.84 |
Jul-91 | 81.02 |
Aug-91 | 73.47 |
Sep-91 | 70.33 |
Oct-91 | 67.94 |
Nov-91 | 64.1 |
Dec-91 | 61.76 |
Jan-92 | 59.62 |
Feb-92 | 56.3 |
Mar-92 | 55.33 |
Apr-92 | 57.99 |
May-92 | 60.59 |
Jun-92 | 63.89 |
Jul-92 | 65.29 |
Aug-92 | 59.75 |
Sep-92 | 56.65 |
Oct-92 | 53.12 |
Nov-92 | 52.69 |
Dec-92 | 54 |
Jan-93 | 57.29 |
Feb-93 | 60.55 |
Mar-93 | 61.45 |
Apr-93 | 61.07 |
May-93 | 60.17 |
Jun-93 | 58.48 |
Jul-93 | 57.99 |
Aug-93 | 55.5 |
Sep-93 | 55.16 |
Oct-93 | 54.91 |
Nov-93 | 54.91 |
Dec-93 | 58.74 |
Jan-94 | 67.94 |
Feb-94 | 79.97 |
Mar-94 | 81.77 |
Apr-94 | 83.25 |
May-94 | 86.04 |
Jun-94 | 86.2 |
Jul-94 | 82.02 |
Aug-94 | 76.94 |
Sep-94 | 75.29 |
Oct-94 | 73.88 |
Nov-94 | 76.91 |
Dec-94 | 86.38 |
Jan-95 | 94.78 |
Feb-95 | 99.96 |
Mar-95 | 110.47 |
Apr-95 | 113.22 |
May-95 | 115.85 |
Jun-95 | 104.36 |
Jul-95 | 95.98 |
Aug-95 | 84.65 |
Sep-95 | 91.1 |
Oct-95 | 91.53 |
Nov-95 | 89.29 |
Dec-95 | 88.43 |
Jan-96 | 85.91 |
Feb-96 | 86.79 |
Mar-96 | 83.23 |
Apr-96 | 83 |
May-96 | 82.89 |
Jun-96 | 83.13 |
Jul-96 | 79.84 |
Aug-96 | 76.71 |
Sep-96 | 75.36 |
Oct-96 | 75.43 |
Nov-96 | 75.91 |
Dec-96 | 78.29 |
Jan-97 | 79.77 |
Feb-97 | 80.4 |
Mar-97 | 80.63 |
Apr-97 | 78.82 |
May-97 | 79.26 |
Jun-97 | 80.51 |
Jul-97 | 81.18 |
Aug-97 | 81.21 |
Sep-97 | 79.64 |
Oct-97 | 77.75 |
Nov-97 | 77.22 |
Dec-97 | 74.35 |
Jan-98 | 72.14 |
Feb-98 | 68.84 |
Mar-98 | 68.43 |
Apr-98 | 65.7 |
May-98 | 64.36 |
Jun-98 | 68.94 |
Jul-98 | 69.86 |
Aug-98 | 68.18 |
Sep-98 | 66.39 |
Oct-98 | 61.46 |
Nov-98 | 56.08 |
Dec-98 | 56 |
Jan-99 | 55.78 |
Feb-99 | 56.19 |
Mar-99 | 56.71 |
Apr-99 | 57.74 |
May-99 | 59.9 |
Jun-99 | 58.5 |
Jul-99 | 54.41 |
Aug-99 | 50.98 |
Sep-99 | 49.48 |
Oct-99 | 47.43 |
Nov-99 | 46.21 |
Dec-99 | 44.2 |
Jan-00 | 47.43 |
Feb-00 | 53.44 |
Mar-00 | 57.3 |
Apr-00 | 58.77 |
May-00 | 60.5 |
Jun-00 | 59.47 |
Jul-00 | 58.39 |
Aug-00 | 60.89 |
Sep-00 | 61.64 |
Oct-00 | 60.89 |
Nov-00 | 63.98 |
Dec-00 | 65.86 |
Jan-01 | 64.18 |
Feb-01 | 60.44 |
Mar-01 | 54.56 |
Apr-01 | 51.16 |
May-01 | 49.97 |
Jun-01 | 47.46 |
Jul-01 | 45.55 |
Aug-01 | 43.33 |
Sep-01 | 41.26 |
Oct-01 | 37.22 |
Nov-01 | 37.96 |
Dec-01 | 42.87 |
Jan-02 | 43.42 |
Feb-02 | 42.81 |
Mar-02 | 42.04 |
Apr-02 | 41.38 |
May-02 | 39.89 |
Jun-02 | 43.48 |
Jul-02 | 46.7 |
Aug-02 | 49.32 |
Sep-02 | 48.98 |
Oct-02 | 49.56 |
Nov-02 | 52.33 |
Dec-02 | 55.22 |
Jan-03 | 56.71 |
Feb-03 | 58.55 |
Mar-03 | 61.01 |
Apr-03 | 60.78 |
May-03 | 57.8 |
Jun-03 | 58.5 |
Jul-03 | 60.19 |
Aug-03 | 60.5 |
Sep-03 | 64.18 |
Oct-03 | 72.56 |
Nov-03 | 76.94 |
Dec-03 | 73.59 |
Jan-04 | 76.24 |
Feb-04 | 73.92 |
Mar-04 | 72.28 |
Apr-04 | 69.44 |
May-04 | 70.04 |
Jun-04 | 64.63 |
Jul-04 | 57.02 |
Aug-04 | 53.47 |
Sep-04 | 56.68 |
Oct-04 | 52.52 |
Nov-04 | 49.24 |
Dec-04 | 48.6 |
Jan-05 | 51.26 |
Feb-05 | 52.17 |
Mar-05 | 56.24 |
Apr-05 | 56.95 |
May-05 | 55.84 |
Jun-05 | 53.99 |
Jul-05 | 54.97 |
Aug-05 | 54.07 |
Sep-05 | 54.95 |
Oct-05 | 58.24 |
Nov-05 | 56.83 |
Dec-05 | 56.53 |
Jan-06 | 59.01 |
Feb-06 | 60.75 |
Mar-06 | 58.62 |
Apr-06 | 57.18 |
May-06 | 55.41 |
Jun-06 | 56.42 |
Jul-06 | 56.73 |
Aug-06 | 59.85 |
Sep-06 | 58.82 |
Oct-06 | 57.03 |
Nov-06 | 57.4 |
Dec-06 | 59.43 |
Jan-07 | 59.05 |
Feb-07 | 57.89 |
Mar-07 | 58.41 |
Apr-07 | 57.18 |
May-07 | 55.57 |
Jun-07 | 60.44 |
Jul-07 | 67.81 |
Aug-07 | 66.62 |
Sep-07 | 68.21 |
Oct-07 | 68.93 |
Nov-07 | 69.71 |
Dec-07 | 69.59 |
Jan-08 | 73.25 |
Feb-08 | 75.05 |
Mar-08 | 80.18 |
Apr-08 | 75.41 |
May-08 | 74.12 |
Jun-08 | 77.04 |
Jul-08 | 77.29 |
Aug-08 | 78.04 |
Sep-08 | 73.59 |
Oct-08 | 62.3 |
Nov-08 | 55.06 |
Dec-08 | 55.47 |
Jan-09 | 57.7 |
Feb-09 | 55.21 |
Mar-09 | 51.5 |
Apr-09 | 56.78 |
May-09 | 61.95 |
Jun-09 | 61.39 |
Jul-09 | 64.8 |
Aug-09 | 64.26 |
Sep-09 | 64.07 |
Oct-09 | 66.82 |
Nov-09 | 71.78 |
Dec-09 | 76.78 |
Jan-10 | 77.39 |
Feb-10 | 80.05 |
Mar-10 | 85.79 |
Apr-10 | 88.08 |
May-10 | 90.07 |
Jun-10 | 91.68 |
Jul-10 | 84.14 |
Aug-10 | 90.35 |
Sep-10 | 104.73 |
Oct-10 | 126.55 |
Nov-10 | 155.46 |
Dec-10 | 168.24 |
Jan-11 | 178.93 |
Feb-11 | 213.18 |
Mar-11 | 229.69 |
Apr-11 | 216.62 |
May-11 | 165.54 |
Jun-11 | 160.66 |
Jul-11 | 149.3 |
Aug-11 | 114.1 |
Sep-11 | 116.67 |
Oct-11 | 110.62 |
Nov-11 | 104.7 |
Dec-11 | 95.46 |
Jan-12 | 101.13 |
Feb-12 | 100.77
Compiled by mongabay.com using figures from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While mongabay.com makes every effort to provide accurate data, it makes no warranties about the accuracy of this graph or the numeric price series.